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Here's a new one...

Dec 30, 2010
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This was already posted in the "Rafa Nadal" thread.

Of course, there is no reason for Serena to think that an official who shows up at her home at a time and place of Serena's choosing (the player tells the testers where to show up and when in their "whereabouts" forms), rings the bell, and stands there, is a prowler.

She was almost certainly caught off guard, with something in her system. Every indication is that it worked (the ITF is not answering the question "was she tested ?").

Here is what some people think. It's a poll that you can participate in (I encourage you to do so).

Oct 30, 2011
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Just browsing through the ensuing forum and saw a few of your posts - that tennis lot do gang up a bit don't they.

This quote was a personal favourite;

"Ah okay, so you have no actual proof, just examples of how driven and brilliant Serena is".
Dec 30, 2010
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Caruut said:
Just browsing through the ensuing forum and saw a few of your posts - that tennis lot do gang up a bit don't they.

This quote was a personal favourite;

"Ah okay, so you have no actual proof, just examples of how driven and brilliant Serena is".

Just goes to show you, how the bias of the moderators affects the discussion, and who participates. In most tennis forums, it is strictly taboo to state your suspicions of a player (unless they are officially caught), so those of us who have strong suspicions, get banned, sooner or later, you just end up with the fanboys/fangirls left expressing their love for their favorite player.

Could you imagine a cycling board, full of people like Polish, ChrisE, Cobblestoned... ? That is what the tennis forums are all like.

I don't know why they let this thread get through, but it is receiving a lot of complaints from Serena fans.
Oct 11, 2010
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Andynonomous said:
This was already posted in the "Rafa Nadal" thread.

Of course, there is no reason for Serena to think that an official who shows up at her home at a time and place of Serena's choosing (the player tells the testers where to show up and when in their "whereabouts forms), rings the bell, and stands there, is a prowler.

She was almost certainly caught off guard, with something in her system. Every indication is that it worked (the ITF is not answering the question "was she tested ?").

Here is what some people think. It's a poll that you can participate in (I encourage you to do so).


Oh my, there's no informing those people. FWIW I voted
Jul 20, 2011
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You get the feeling some of those people would self destruct in the clinic.

seems cycling is the only sport where most of the fans start from a position of doubt
You only get a good mix of serious posters on a doping-specific forum such as this one, I'm afraid.
If you mention even clear facts regarding doping on an athletics forum, you get ridiculed ad himinem, even by long forgotten world class coaches making a sincere effort to keep omerta. Pathetic, but it happens. I've even seen shameless death threats from doping defendants' technical advisors towards anti-doping crusaders. I'm myself a target of stalking and unpleasant harassment. I may write an open letter to expose this particular individual later on, BTW.
Dec 30, 2010
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With what we already know about Serena, if the following article is accurate :

- Serena has missed at least two mandated drug tests.
- Serena has complained about drug testing before.
- Serena has lobbied the tennis authorities to NOT do steroid testing.
- Serena has lobbied the tennis authorities to NOT do off-season testing.

There is a clear and persistent resistance to drug testing by this woman. I wonder why ?

Mar 10, 2009
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I agree with the SI story, we need more sexy Eastern Block tennis players ;) much better for the sport. Now Anna Konokovov (sp?) can possibly now say she won a match if any of the suspected players is positive :p
Dec 30, 2010
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ElChingon said:
I agree with the SI story, we need more sexy Eastern Block tennis players ;) much better for the sport. Now Anna Konokovov (sp?) can possibly now say she won a match if any of the suspected players is positive :p

Although I would like to see more Eastern European babes as well, the author of the article does hurt his credibility by stating his preference to blondes. ;)
Especially considering the Eastern block's reputation with PEDs.

Still, the article was written more than two years ago, and the accusations were very specific. If they were inaccurate, I am sure there would have been public denials by Williams, and the WTA, and maybe a lawsuit. I am not aware of any denials, or lawsuits in this matter.

As well, I have found another article, where Williams admits that she missed a third test (apparently she was not at her home where she was supposed to be at the alloted time of the test).

Jul 4, 2011
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ElChingon said:
I agree with the SI story, we need more sexy Eastern Block tennis players ;) much better for the sport. Now Anna Konokovov (sp?) can possibly now say she won a match if any of the suspected players is positive :p

Agreed, Anna Kournikova was the best player in her generation. She just couldn't use steroids or she'd lose Adidas who make balls bounce.

Big question is, how about the best looking Eastern European of them all Dinara Safina?


Andynonomous, you were always fighting a losing battle. There are some who don't believe their favourite has doped but are willing to discuss and there are some who will be blinkered and not see the obvious. Only one other person seemed to even want to discuss doping seriously.
May 6, 2009
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Looking at Serena Williams I doubt she would be scared of any potential intruder. Unless he is 6ft 8' and built like the proverbial outhouse.