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Landis letter re drug use in cycling

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May 20, 2010
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Its seems the majority of the general public when trolling the webs and forums are believing landis at the moment despite his credability. The general opinion is its like everyone knew just someone had to say it. All the little details seem too much to make up. The only defense pharmstrong and fat pat have is Landis's mental state.
I love a good **** storm. Wonder if pharmstrongs ex wife would lie to feds about seeing floyd accepting EPO off pharmstrong.
Apr 22, 2010
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icebreaker said:
I got the turf over there today.

Don't say anything bad about Lancie-poo.

It actually feels liberating.

I like it here better anyway.

This forum has flaws like all of them, there are some doooshbags and some mods are very arbitrary (like the dbag at rbr, only with a diffeerent POV) but if you like pro cycling and live in the US (and only speaka de inglish), this is the best forum.
Well, it may well end up in court, because Michael Barry has completely denied it and is going to talk to his lawyers to see if there are any legal avenues that he can pursue to possibly sue F Landis for defamation, though he's not sure there's anything he can do about it.

“I was shocked when I was told about it,” said the 34-year-old. “But at the same time, Floyd has lied under oath already and he’s pretty much thrown everybody who’s been associated with him in cycling into this. It also doesn’t really surprise me. I also really don’t understand why I’m involved. It’s not true.”

Barry said he wasn’t sure about taking legal action.

“I haven’t really thought about it too much, to be honest,” he said. “It’s really upsetting to read this but I’m not really sure what can be done. I have to discuss that with lawyers.”

While Barry said he wasn’t worried about the allegations hurting his reputation because of his past record and the way he’s carried himself throughout his career, his wife Dede Demet, an Olympic silver medallist cyclist for the U.S., is concerned.

“It’s complete defamation is what it is,” said Demet from their home in Girona, Spain. “And it’s really, really hurtful, especially for someone like Michael, who’s been in the sport for as many years as he has and he’s always done the best he can do to be ethical and to do things the right way on every level. That’s what makes it especially hurtful. You can’t really take it back when your name is smeared in the press.”



icebreaker said:
I got the turf over there today.

Don't say anything bad about Lancie-poo.

It actually feels liberating.

I like it here better anyway.

I wish that picture in his avatar was just a little bigger. It would be nice to walk up to him at a race and make him eat his teeth.
Apr 22, 2010
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Handle said:
That's the reaction that Landis is hoping for. "Look, mom, they like me again now".

Landis is only now doing this after taking other people's money and trust for years. He's not even ashamed of it. All he had was his honour and he's just lost that.

This is beyond clueless. Demand media got its money outta you, pal.
Ferminal said:
What about for WADA? The members of the UCI Biopassport Committee? AFLD?

Small potatoes for them too?

I really don't understand why everyone thinks there is going to be this killer blow. If landis had real evidence, he would have released it by now. At this point Landis has created a PR nightmare, but that is about it. Landis is a proven liar, he has zero credibility. That is a fact, no matter how much you want to believe him. WADA and the UCI aren't going to do squat based solely on Landis' word. I mean really, what can they do?

The UCI/WADA aren't going to create an investigation/conviction just because someone said something. If that was the case they would have suspended Lance a long time ago. Cmon people use your heads.

I find it really childish, that you guys continue to act like this is a xmas present. Anytime any top rider is accused or convicted of doping it is bad for the sport. Lets remember that Landis is calling out a ton of people here, not just one guy. Nothing positive will come out of this for anyone. Certainly not landis, not lance, not levi, and definitely not us or international cycling. It only devalues the sport.
perico said:
Well, it may well end up in court, because Michael Barry has completely denied it and is going to talk to his lawyers to see if there are any legal avenues that he can pursue to possibly sue F Landis for defamation, though he's not sure there's anything he can do about it.


It's still a non-denial denial! :p

Who are we betting on the make the first genuine denial?

"I did not dope at USPS"
Apr 22, 2010
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offbyone said:
I really don't understand why everyone thinks there is going to be this killer blow. If landis had real evidence, he would have released it by now. At this point Landis has created a PR nightmare, but that is about it. Landis is a proven liar, he has zero credibility. That is a fact, no matter how much you want to believe him. WADA and the UCI aren't going to do squat based solely on Landis' word. I mean really, what can they do?

The UCI/WADA aren't going to create an investigation/conviction just because someone said something. If that was the case they would have suspended Lance a long time ago. Cmon people use your heads.

I find it really childish, that you guys continue to act like this is a xmas present. Anytime any top rider is accused or convicted of doping it is bad for the sport. Lets remember that Landis is calling out a ton of people here, not just one guy. Nothing positive will come out of this for anyone. Certainly not landis, not lance, not levi, and definitely not us or international cycling. It only devalues the sport.

I don't think there will be any killer blow at all.
offbyone said:
I really don't understand why everyone thinks there is going to be this killer blow. If landis had real evidence, he would have released it by now. At this point Landis has created a PR nightmare, but that is about it. Landis is a proven liar, he has zero credibility. That is a fact, no matter how much you want to believe him. WADA and the UCI aren't going to do squat based solely on Landis' word. I mean really, what can they do?

The UCI/WADA aren't going to create an investigation/conviction just because someone said something. If that was the case they would have suspended Lance a long time ago. Cmon people use your heads.

I find it really childish, that you guys continue to act like this is a xmas present. Anytime any top rider is accused or convicted of doping it is bad for the sport. Lets remember that Landis is calling out a ton of people here, not just one guy. Nothing positive will come out of this for anyone. Certainly not landis, not lance, not levi, and definitely not us or international cycling. It only devalues the sport.

Wow, so you're happy for cyclists to have their lives ruined because of the problem which is doping?

You're happy for Taylor Phinney and Jesse Sergent to get involved in doping?

Omerta 101.


Handle said:
You really get that angry with someone because they have a different view to you? You're as bad as Armstrong. Maybe that's why you don't like LA.

This forum can do without nasty people.

The name's Janet, Ms Jackson if you're nasty.
Apr 27, 2010
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LA's ex-wife would never say she saw LA give FL EPO... I mean, it was probably at least in a brown paper bag, at the least, right?? So she saw him give FL a brown paper bag! So what, it was just a sandwich! Or did LA give FL a box labeled EPO on the side??
Aug 22, 2009
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From the Lemond article previously posted

"In that lawsuit, LeMond subpoenaed Armstrong's ex-wife, Kristin Armstrong, for a deposition in which she was asked if she ever saw her ex-husband use performance-enhancing drugs. She did not answer, on orders from her attorney, Tim Herman, who has represented Lance Armstrong as well."

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/m...ts_about_doping_in_cycling.html#ixzz0oWxTWllX

Apr 22, 2010
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Handle said:
In what sense? Are you disagreeing that Landis has spent years taking people's money to defend himself, and is only taking this decision now after he has no legal avenues left? He says he's not even ashamed of doping.

You've got to admit it's completely spiteful at best. There is nothing noble in what he has done - whether or not you are pleased with the outcome.

This level of ignorance warrants no response.
May 20, 2010
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Handle said:
Have you been drinking?

If this is how you behave on forums like RBR it's no wonder you are banned from there.

Hey BPC, this is the only time I will address you. Seriously, up the meds. You are one mentally ill little boy. Mommy and daddy must have done some really bad things to you. I actually feel kind of sorry for you. Toodles!


d.c. douglas said:
This level of ignorance warrants no response.

d.c., meet our local forum troll. He posts from and IP block and cannot be effectively banned because of that. I think this is his 3rd or 4th iteration today and 30th or so total. Just move along and cease quoting his posts. It just isn't worth it.
Jul 2, 2009
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If the feds are involved, i am sure the phones have been tapped as the computers.

wonder how long ago Floyd released his information. This is beginning to spiderweb outwards.
Ferminal said:
Wow, so you're happy for cyclists to have their lives ruined because of the problem which is doping?

You're happy for Taylor Phinney and Jesse Sergent to get involved in doping?

Omerta 101.

Look, you can say all the outlandish things you like , but that doesn't make it true. Or maybe you are just following Landis' lead.

Cyclists that dope do it by choice. They know the consequences and risks they take. I would be saddened if phinney and sergent are doping, but if they are they can only blame themselves.

Don't be so naive to think that doping is confined to people connected with lance armstrong. Doping would be just as rampant with our without him. You can paint him as the single evil doping mastermind of cycling if you like, but that is just naive.
Thoughtforfood said:
d.c., meet our local forum troll. He posts from and IP block and cannot be effectively banned because of that. I think this is his 3rd or 4th iteration today and 30th or so total. Just move along and cease quoting his posts. It just isn't worth it.

He is lying when he says his IP cannot be banned. He is using an anonymous proxy because his regular IP addresses are blocked.
d.c. douglas said:
Required reading.

There is nothing new from Lemond here. As much as like him, Lemond doesn't have much credibility here. He has been on a lance witch hunt for a long time. He also seems to want to paint any successful cyclist as a doper. If I recall he was calling contador a doper last TdF. Is he right about that too?