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Landis letter re drug use in cycling

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Sep 30, 2009
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At the end of the day why would they do that? We have a person who has been under oath several times with a completely different version, written a book with a completely different version, someone that took money. He said he has no proof. It is his word verses ours. We like our word. We like where we stand and we like our credibility. I don’t think there is a lot of credibility on the other side so why would ASO think any differently. Keep in mind back in the day there was all this buzz that Floyd said he had pictures of a refrigerated motorcycle. Where is that? It’s all a bunch of bull**** and never existed.

We have right on our side. We like our credibility.


euanli said:
Say what you say about Brailsford, that was a pretty classy response. Especially compared to the way McQuaid has been dicking about.

Agreed. His response was unlike any of the others I have read and heard today. I just gained a little respect for him and his team...and his team owner. WSJ broke the story.
flicker said:
does anyone besides the fans of Lemond and armstrong bruyneel radioshack haters and haters of american cycling still believe that floyd is credible. How many times has floyd been proven to have lied in court?

Anyone apart from the world, his dog, and the spaghetti monster believe that Floyd is credible?

"haters of americann cycling"? What, are you suffering cocaine psychosis? What are you on about?
Feb 14, 2010
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Alpe d'Huez said:
Will illegal IV drip bags do?


Whatever it was in the infusion kits that had the DNA markers. I think the best way for this to move forward quickly, and to save us from the normal song and dance, is for it to be completely out of cycling's hands. And June and July would put a lot of people in France available for questioning. It could be a chef, or a driver, or a soigneur. It just needs that first non-Landis domino to fall.

I hate to say it, but after I finished my happy dance about this last night, I flashed back to a video of top executives of tobacco companies standing before Congress and making their denials. It would be so much better if there are two countries involved in the legal side of this, with physical evidence.

It's not just about asterisks in a record book as one poster said, it's about getting guys out of the sport, finding out the sources and enablers who might still be active, and using information in the bigger fight against doping in all sports.

The AFLD is working with law enforcement to do this now. After McQuaid showed his stripes again this morning, I doubt he'll approve the request for additional tests before and during the Tour. But with the recent code clarification, the WADA can grant permission 21 days prior. For us to make it through the summer, it will take the WADA/AMA people to insure that the UCI testers do their jobs properly, and the AFLD to work with the USADA, WADA and OCLAESP for specific targeting and searches for physical evidence.
theswordsman said:
Exactly. And there are stored samples out there. Lots and lots of stored samples that might contain things that couldn't be tested for at the time. Let the USADA or WADA examine Armstrong's Biological Passport data instead of the UCI. Did he not get a 30 day letter for suspicious values, or did he come up with an explanation for them?

Yes, but you guys need to remember that if we are going to dig up the past, then this can't just be a witch hunt that centers around one person. Once they set the precedent of digging through old samples it is going to be done on everyone. So are you behind doing this for all riders or just armstrong? Is it ok if we look through contador's past, if i recall every team he has been on was tied to serious doping. Is it ok to go look at past data on the current saxo bank team? etc.

If we do this the result is plain to me. There will be hundreds of positives and almost every race result will be put into question. Don't pretend like armstrong invented doping.


Mar 11, 2009
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I like Floyd,
I like Lance,
and I like Bill Clinton too:)

"I never had PEDS with that man"

It is nice that many of the people who used to despise Floyd are warming up to him now.

Just hope there will not be a new breed of Floyd Haters springing up:(
Mar 18, 2009
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Reading comments on this on forums that have nothing to do with cycling is hilarious. People say the most insane things as fact and truly believe them.

Apparently, Ivan Basso and "Yan Ulrich" were busted in an investigation into Dr. Michele Ferrari.

Good to know. I've spent 4 years in the dark over that :D
Nov 24, 2009
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issoisso said:
Reading comments on this on forums that have nothing to do with cycling is hilarious. People say the most insane things as fact and truly believe them.

Apparently, Ivan Basso and "Yan Ulrich" were busted in an investigation into Dr. Michele Ferrari.…

Well, it's better than saying it was 'Robert Urich'. That would have been in extremely bad taste.
Jun 18, 2009
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gjdavis60 said:
True. However, it is illegal to lie to a federal investigator or in court under oath about one's use or involvement in the distribution of PEDs, whether they are on the controlled substance list or simply prescription pharmaceuticals. Marion Jones did not go to jail for having or using PEDs.

Also, what we have here is an entire industry complicit in the distribution and use of these drugs, as well as covering up all allegations and evidence of their use. It's organized crime.

I think what the pro cycling community wants and needs more than anything is the truth, and imo, nothing short of criminal prosecutions and jail sentences will get it.

Yes, this is where it gets tricky. If it's distributed and administered under the supervision of a licensed physician, then it's not a violation at all. And, no crime, no cover-up. At least as far as the law is concerned. Violation of the WADA Code is a different matter.


Brailsfords reaction to Barry allegations

"However, I think that [for] every single rider we sign on to this team - we've had a look at their biological passports, we did our due diligence. In Michael's case, the team he came from [HTC-Columbia], I think we have a lot of respect for in terms of their ethical code.

"We are an open transparent team and we're here to race clean," he said. "We believe you can perform clean at the elite end of this sport. Now I could be horribly mistaken, but from the evidence that I have, it can be done and that's what we're here to do. That's one of my great motivations for being here. It's not just about the winning. It's about coming forward and doing it properly on the basis of science and technology."

"When we have the solid concrete facts, then you know where to go and what to do and we'll act accordingly. We're in the sports to race clean and that's what we'll do. "I'm sure he will talk at the hotel tonight and we'll establish the facts."

Im going to guess that Michael Barry will be the first casuality. Brailsford has nothing to defend as far as the allegations go, but he does have a current reputation to take care of and I think he will have to be seen to do the right thing.
May 18, 2009
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issoisso said:
As a pastafarian I am insulted that people can be unaware of my religion

His noodly appendage shall smite you all

Those people shall be confined to a hell of diseased strippers and stale beer.
Jul 22, 2009
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Bala Verde said:
Still blood on the ground int TOC?

someone must have used that joke already...

It turns out FL might have accidentally put Lance's blood into his body 6 years ago. Sources close to FL say he intends to submit himself for testing as proof.
Mar 16, 2009
Cobblestones said:
You shall be touched by its noodly appendix.
