Yawn. Nothing new here for the cycling fan. Same old stuff.
Not that the stuff is not true. It is true.
But the general non-cycling public does not care terribly.
That public will NOT grab torches and join the haters in the Witch Hunt.
Mens Journal, WSJ, NYTimes, USA Today.
Lots and lots of articles. Every week a new one.
But never any traction.
The truth is out there - but who cares?
Where is the outrage?
And if there is an indictment - watch out for the Back Lash.
"Who cares if he doped" will be the rallying call.
Will knock the anti-doping gang off their feet.
Will disappoint and anger the haters to no end.
Because "The Fight for Clean Sports" is nowhere near as important as the Fight Against Cancer.
No Telethons or Fundraisers or Foundations for "Clean Sports"
Really, some of you guys need to spend some quiet time in the Total Perspective Vortex. Have some sense of proportion.
Yes, I think someone has been spending time in a vortex. What's it like on the event horizon this time of year?
You are given to splitting the world into Manichaen opposites: witch hunters vs defenders of the faith. Joe Public is just gonna think "oh, that big cheater guy" when they hear Lance Armstrong in the future. It's that kind of casual perspective that will kill off his legacy. No big emotions, just dominant perspectives.