• The Cycling News forum is looking to add some volunteer moderators with Red Rick's recent retirement. If you're interested in helping keep our discussions on track, send a direct message to @SHaines here on the forum, or use the Contact Us form to message the Community Team.

    In the meanwhile, please use the Report option if you see a post that doesn't fit within the forum rules.



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I guess we have a different outlook because my intention isn't to 'piss off' other members of the various social media platforms I frequent.
Having a difference of opinion certainly should not trigger some kind of anger gene in your body. And as pointed out by many people of all levels of bike racing.. riders go an entire professional career without a race win..many without a top ten.. so singing their praises or calling them a failure is completely subjective.. Lots of pro bike racing is subjective, opinion based..I think many riders male and female rode brilliantly in World Championship events and the same riders I think shined are trashed all over the forum including in the clinic.. Doesn't make me angry.. Important things like rim and disc brakes.. Tires blowing off rims wo hooks.. Blue astroturf..those things really trigger me..
Having a difference of opinion certainly should not trigger some kind of anger gene in your body. And as pointed out by many people of all levels of bike racing.. riders go an entire professional career without a race win..many without a top ten.. so singing their praises or calling them a failure is completely subjective.. Lots of pro bike racing is subjective, opinion based..I think many riders male and female rode brilliantly in World Championship events and the same riders I think shined are trashed all over the forum including in the clinic.. Doesn't make me angry.. Important things like rim and disc brakes.. Tires blowing off rims wo hooks.. Blue astroturf..those things really trigger me..
Blue turf is from the gods! :p
So explain to me why this poster's regular anti American/ Trump crap is allowed to remain but when I commented on it, my post was removed? Oh, maybe because the above post was "liked" by a moderator.
Because this post with 99% certainty satire and I don‘t really see the harm in the post. Sadly couldn‘t see your post but I don‘t see a problem with that post. I do not moderate though, (obviously), so I‘d also be interested in the situation.
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Hahaha, nah I quit. There were a couple of things that tipped the balance, but mainly I was fed up of signing into the site and having loads of reports to deal with. It was a vicious cycle. I was spending all my time dealing with reports, which meant I wasn't posting as part of the community, which then meant it took me longer to go through each report because there was invariably a back story.

Mods should be part of the community they moderate and it became clear to me that I wasn't really that person anymore, and the only way that could change would be if I was no longer a mod.
You banned me a few years back for reasons unexplained, but I don't care. My reason for writing is mods on this site deserve to be paid. I would bet that a large portion of views on this site are from readers who go directly to the forum.
  • Haha
Reactions: King Boonen
This forum has completely lost the plot. Whenever something happens that might compromise the viewing experience it becomes a venue purely for posters with a bone to pick to bash riders.

I don't see what the point of having moderation on this forum is when the most active moderator (Red Rick) is one of the worst offenders when it comes to attacking rider attempts to address safety concerns.

During the Tour de Suisse Red Rick responded in a juvenile and (to me) disgusting way to alterations that were made to a stage following the death of Gino Mäder. I reported the posts and attempted to contact admins after the posts weren't deleted. I received no response and nothing was done. As far as I'm concerned you may as well shut the place down if you're doing to run it like this.
This forum has completely lost the plot. Whenever something happens that might compromise the viewing experience it becomes a venue purely for posters with a bone to pick to bash riders.

I don't see what the point of having moderation on this forum is when the most active moderator (Red Rick) is one of the worst offenders when it comes to attacking rider attempts to address safety concerns.

During the Tour de Suisse Red Rick responded in a juvenile and (to me) disgusting way to alterations that were made to a stage following the death of Gino Mäder. I reported the posts and attempted to contact admins after the posts weren't deleted. I received no response and nothing was done. As far as I'm concerned you may as well shut the place down if you're doing to run it like this.
Quite disgusting to coopt the tragic death of a young man for your grievances against someone on the internet if you ask me.