First THANKS Armchair for your continuing effortsSo is 'loudmouth Belgian jerk' (which I have just removed multiple times) to be allowed?
If so, is there any limit as to how abusive you would want to see allowed?
If not, where does the line lie?
Similar to the above questions: what is the qualitative difference between them? How is Vingomort less offensive than Bambi?
Abbreviations: that don't offend should be allowed - e.g. Pog, Vingo, Cav, G
they make rapid forum exchanges possible without making embarrassing spelling mistakes.
Externally recognized nicknames: Chicken, Shark, Dawg , Condor must be okay too.
Descriptive neologisms that emerge in the forum are part of our joy e.g Pidders - okay if not offensive or in bad taste.
Border-line cases:
Skeletor - you can actually see his ribs, like Chicken
Loudmouth - only if he/she actually shouts
Offensive triggers: Death/Mort Jerk Idiot ... and worse