Quintana to EF?
1) EF is the land of second chances, the home of lost boys. Quintana is their type of rider;
2) They've already got three Colombians, four is a better number;
3) While EF is an MPCC team, the MPCC's rules are a bit opaque on Tramadol bans, with Legeay seeking to apply 2024's standard to a 2022 incident. Despite the fact that Vaughters likes Legeay Crédit Agricole he could still call out the obvious hypocrisy. If he wanted to (if the language teachers writing his pay cheque allowed him to);
4) Vaughters thumbing his nose at ASO would be a good move for a man who has built his managerial career on whining and moaning about ASO and the power it wields over weak-willed teams. He needs to step up and walk the walk, not just talk the talk. He's got nothing to lose except the invites to ASO races after EF gets demoted at the end of 2025;
5) Maybe even without recourse to painkillers (or however else that Tramadol got into his system, Quintana could still score some valuable points;
6) Signing Quintana would be the biggest PR win of EF's season, even more valuable than their new Giro jersey come May or whatever Audax event he sends one of his riders too.