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Nordic Skiing/Biathlon Thread

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Singer01 said:
Anyone know what Johaug has been up to on her year off? Any chance she doesn't come back and dominate? I assume she walks the TDS but hopefully her shitness in sprints stops her running off with the overall.
No chance. At her first FIS competition, the Lysebotn Opp 7.5 km uphill race in the beginning of August, she improved her own record by half a minute and put 2 minutes into Charlotte Kalla in 2nd. And that was after she broke a pole in the beginning of the race...

Singer01 said:
Anyone know what Johaug has been up to on her year off? Any chance she doesn't come back and dominate? I assume she walks the TDS but hopefully her shitness in sprints stops her running off with the overall.

Johaug is going to be totally dominant this season. I actually fear that she will be so good that even I, as a Norwegian, will find it boring. The only thing that could stop her is the race program with a high amount of short races this season, mostly sprints and 10 kms.
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OlavEH said:
Singer01 said:
Anyone know what Johaug has been up to on her year off? Any chance she doesn't come back and dominate? I assume she walks the TDS but hopefully her shitness in sprints stops her running off with the overall.

Johaug is going to be totally dominant this season. I actually fear that she will be so good that even I, as a Norwegian, will find it boring. The only thing that could stop her is the race program with a high amount of short races this season, mostly sprints and 10 kms.

Mostly is quite an Understatement. There's a great total of 2 world Cup races longer than 10km for the Girls.
There's a great total of 2 races longer than 15km for the boys :( :(
Wow, that's a pathetic amount of distance racing. And sprints are back up above the 40% mark of the calendar too. May as well stop calling it "cross-country" skiing at all since in half of the races the courses are barely long enough to make it out of the stadium.

If there's such a problem with needing to keep short loops so the fans see it more can they not do it like cycling where they do a big, long, challenging loop and then a few laps of a smaller course at the end?

Libertine Seguros said:
Wow, that's a pathetic amount of distance racing. And sprints are back up above the 40% mark of the calendar too. May as well stop calling it "cross-country" skiing at all since in half of the races the courses are barely long enough to make it out of the stadium.

If there's such a problem with needing to keep short loops so the fans see it more can they not do it like cycling where they do a big, long, challenging loop and then a few laps of a smaller course at the end?

The Problem is that FIS thinks they make Xc skiing more popular in Central Europe by doing these short races. Howvwer, all they achieve is killing the identity of this sports. It's truly pathetic and I really don't understand why the traiditional countries are willing to accept this.
Sep 25, 2009
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someone pointed me to the youtube video of this remarkable interview with markus kramer. ignore the cyrillic subtitles as both questions and answers were in decent english, though, i think markus would have said more better and sharper if he used his native german...

some quotes that jumped at me:

'i think i know how to beat klaebo. we are working on it'
'the best tactician in skiing ? cologna...it's an easy question. Also, an excellent technician in both styles, particularly in classic'
'What's special about ustiougov ? in training he's normal, but in competition he can raise his performance by 10-15%'
'what do i think about the fis rules changes ? some i like, some are crazy...'(watch his answers for the specifics)
'do you 'spy' on your athletes on social media ? no, it's their free time and their business, but i dont want them to talk about our training secret'
'you've been critised for being too soft....i am an old fox and dont intend on changing'

much more interesting stuff...

python said:
someone pointed me to the youtube video of this remarkable interview with markus kramer. ignore the cyrillic subtitles as both questions and answers were in decent english, though, i think markus would have said more better and sharper if he used his native german...

some quotes that jumped at me:

'i think i know how to beat klaebo. we are working on it'
'the best tactician in skiing ? cologna...it's an easy question. Also, an excellent technician in both styles, particularly in classic'
'What's special about ustiougov ? in training he's normal, but in competition he can raise his performance by 10-15%'
'what do i think about the fis rules changes ? some i like, some are crazy...'(watch his answers for the specifics)
'do you 'spy' on your athletes on social media ? no, it's their free time and their business, but i dont want them to talk about our training secret'
'you've been critised for being too soft....i am an old fox and dont intend on changing'

much more interesting stuff...

I highly disagree with him on the part with the rlue changes, though.

Wow, fantastic find, thanks a lot :razz: :razz:
Well, I think that was pretty much a given after Johaug obliterated everyone in Lysebotn Opp rollerski event in August. In the 7,5km uphill race she basically put the pedal to the metal in the short flat run-in before the climb, broke a pole, and then just dropped everyone on the climb. Kalla lost almost 2min and Pärmäkoski 4,5min, to name but a few.

In other news, the snow situation seems to be quite bad in several early WC venues. As far as I know there have been talks of modifying (ie shortening) the Ruka tracks as well as moving the WC from lillehammer to beitostölen because of the lack of snow.
Sep 25, 2009
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this was one of the more boring beito races i watched. my fault - should have known better and start watching the faves after 1 hr....

good to see northug producing another nothing, so, according to his own words, we may see him retiring even before the new year. klaebo is in good shape if he could score the top 5-6 in a distance race. the beard is where i expected him. solid. toenseth was in his element and won but eversen imo did better than many expected. overall, i dont think the norwegian classic selection today produced any big surprises.

the only surprise about johaug was that she beat oestberg by only 2 dozens of seconds. they showed oesterberg only twice and i could not make out her form. the bunny, as usual, was using her mad cadence...
tomorrow more.
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Bavarianrider said:
Libertine Seguros said:
Wow, that's a pathetic amount of distance racing. And sprints are back up above the 40% mark of the calendar too. May as well stop calling it "cross-country" skiing at all since in half of the races the courses are barely long enough to make it out of the stadium.

If there's such a problem with needing to keep short loops so the fans see it more can they not do it like cycling where they do a big, long, challenging loop and then a few laps of a smaller course at the end?

The Problem is that FIS thinks they make Xc skiing more popular in Central Europe by doing these short races. Howvwer, all they achieve is killing the identity of this sports. It's truly pathetic and I really don't understand why the traiditional countries are willing to accept this.
If they want to make XC skiing more popular in Central Europe, they only need to strap a rifle to every athlete's back. People will switch on, think it's biathlon and by the time they realise there's no range in the stadium, they're stuck with it.
Jun 30, 2014
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Re: Re:

Libertine Seguros said:
Bavarianrider said:
Libertine Seguros said:
Wow, that's a pathetic amount of distance racing. And sprints are back up above the 40% mark of the calendar too. May as well stop calling it "cross-country" skiing at all since in half of the races the courses are barely long enough to make it out of the stadium.

If there's such a problem with needing to keep short loops so the fans see it more can they not do it like cycling where they do a big, long, challenging loop and then a few laps of a smaller course at the end?

The Problem is that FIS thinks they make Xc skiing more popular in Central Europe by doing these short races. Howvwer, all they achieve is killing the identity of this sports. It's truly pathetic and I really don't understand why the traiditional countries are willing to accept this.
If they want to make XC skiing more popular in Central Europe, they only need to strap a rifle to every athlete's back. People will switch on, think it's biathlon and by the time they realise there's no range in the stadium, they're stuck with it.
Lol, nice one. :D
BTW, is anyone here going to visit Toblach because of the start of the Tour de Ski?
My hometown is 4km away, so I'll be there.
Sep 25, 2009
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...i think i am watching live and from what i can see he did not win yet....but the 1st big surprise already happened with belorukova winning over falla and fallen stina. it looked like stina was not catching the belorukova any way...

4 norges and 2 russians in the men's final. ...i will return to this post in few minutes

yep, not sure where you got the klaebo 'big advantage'. he just lost to bolshunov narrowly in a monster double polling. klaebo just received the 1st direct humiliation from his super rival.
Sep 25, 2009
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Bavarianrider said:
Haha, Klaebo making a total fool of himself. :lol: :lol:
Bolshunov is the real deal. World class from 1,5km to 50km. Way better overall skier than Klaebo.
as i said in a post above, the bolshu super strong double polling is very obviously his new weapon.