Been re-reading those affadavits, what an angry mob of losers. Yeah, Armstrong is a bone idled w@nker and not a nice person but this is ridiculous. Who forced Emma 'O Reilly to stay on that doping team of 1997? Yeah, she was mistreated by Postal and Armstrong - really not cool - but hey, why didnt she walk away when she knew the gang was shooting up? Was it her anti - doping stance what made her contact David Walsh? No, she was angry. Same for all, or allmost all of the affadavits.
I am glad the Armstrong bubble had its burst but really, that USADA rapport isnt as strong people want it to be. Who forced poor David Zabriskie to dope at CSC? Poor Christian VdV? Floyd? Hamilton?
The only thing I learned from reading those statements is Armstrong is a stone cold buisinessman with associates, Goldman - Sachs style. It is a good thing the US government has given them the key to the treasury for how long now?
Not saying Armstrong did nothing wrong, hell, he even got himself cancer probably, but making him the BIG BAD @SS of cycling is so laughable. Maybe for the US scene he is though.
Just some Euro perspective, and thus good. Worry why guys like Gianni Bugno still have a prominent say in pro - cycling, you know, Conconi project numero uno. Even Indurain has the decency to stay away.