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Teams & Riders Official Wout Van Aert thread

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You really think he's going to skip the Giro into skipping the Tour with Vingegaard with almsot full certainty not operating at 100% and most likely as of right now not even riding the race?

Het eerste deel van zijn mogelijke Tour-voorbereiding wordt al sowieso geschrapt. Zeeman: “De hoogtestage op de Sierra Nevada vanaf 6 mei mist Jonas al zeker. Als hij al naar de Tour gaat, zullen we het via een andere route moeten doen. Lukt het niet, moeten we met een ander scenario komen.”

Een van die scenario’s is dat Van Aert toch de Tour zou rijden, maar daar staat hij zelf niet voor te springen. Hij wil in juli op hoogtestage om de Spelen voor te bereiden.
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He rides an XC bike with aero road wheels wtf
That's a great bike to help him continue his recovery!
In short, he doesn't want to ride the Tour to prepare for the OG.
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Here we go again; Van Aert signaling he's Belgian number 1. It'll end up like Leuven and Ala takes a surprise gold for France.
Can't imagine him not riding the tour now. Especially if Vingegaard's not going. That means he probably woun't have to domistique anything and can pick a few days to go for stages and use the rest to prepare for OG.
Exactly my point. In fact I'd be very, very disappointed if he doesn't race if Vingegaard doesnt. I completely understand him not wanting to bury himself again and be *** on for having goals himself along the way as well, but now that Jonas may be out of the picture and Wout not able to ride in Italy, it makes no sense for me to skip TdF.
Exactly my point. In fact I'd be very, very disappointed if he doesn't race if Vingegaard doesnt. I completely understand him not wanting to bury himself again and be *** on for having goals himself along the way as well, but now that Jonas may be out of the picture and Wout not able to ride in Italy, it makes no sense for me to skip TdF.
Indeed, we don’t want you skipping the TdF ;) :)
Seems like Van Aert might do the Tour as Vingegaard most likely wont. Would be ideal prep for the olympics if he rides it smart. I know he planned the alittude camp then but he can do that before?

I think the WC is to hard for him to win anyway but the OL route should suite him well. But there is that guy MvdP still he has to beat...
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(as Mod)
I am frequently challenged to act on trolling in these pages, and that is always going to be a judgement as to what the poster's intention is. So is there any defence that is going to be offered for the "Belgian Pozzato" line by this stage? It was original, and therefore possibly funny, at one time: Is anyone going to claim that, by now it is anything other than an attempt to wind up his fanbase, and therefore trolling?
(as Mod)
I am frequently challenged to act on trolling in these pages, and that is always going to be a judgement as to what the poster's intention is. So is there any defence that is going to be offered for the "Belgian Pozzato" line by this stage? It was original, and therefore possibly funny, at one time: Is anyone going to claim that, by now it is anything other than an attempt to wind up his fanbase, and therefore trolling?


The same goes for Bambi.
(as Mod)
I am frequently challenged to act on trolling in these pages, and that is always going to be a judgement as to what the poster's intention is. So is there any defence that is going to be offered for the "Belgian Pozzato" line by this stage? It was original, and therefore possibly funny, at one time: Is anyone going to claim that, by now it is anything other than an attempt to wind up his fanbase, and therefore trolling?
Even if not deemed funny, I don't think that's sufficient to reduce the moniker to only being a(n intended) wind-up. In short, it calls for the lowering of his status. As long as he is treated as one of the Big Six while not winning any big races, I think that's a fair point. In addition, it has also been used to describe (and blame him for) his racing style.

It would've been unreasonable to expect Scarponi to work for Pozzato in the Giro with the difference in status between them. And so it has racing implications to say that Van Aert's status should be lowered.

I think the moniker would still find its use in a context without anyone from his fanbase, and so I don't see it as targeted at them. I think that is ascribing too much malicious intent.

EDIT: And generally, I find it unhelpful to conflate ridicule of public figures with ridicule of fans of public figures.
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If a term is pretty neutral in itself I really don't think it should be banned just because it winds certain people up. If you judge it by the reactions it gets then you get super inconsistent about the actual offense. And you get a certain degree of blue dot effect, where if one thing is banned people will lower their threshold for what's actually insulting.

Is there gonna be some baiting? Yes. But I find banning silly nicknames to be a kind of a burn-down-the-garden-to-kill-some-weeds kind of solution.