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Scheldeprijs (1.HC), April 5th, 2017, 202 km

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Jun 30, 2014
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frisenfruitig said:
Kittel doesn't have the engine for GW or Roubaix. Not even close
It's kinda strange, he was a world class TT specialist before turning pro, he's great in short ITTs and in TTTs and yet he's not able to sprint after a hard race.
That's the thing. If Kittel was around 2008-2012, he would be yet another rider forced to train towards races such as GW or MSR, as he wouldn't have much success as a pure sprinter while Cav in his prime was around. However, now there's no point, as success in harder races isn't guaranteed and would come at the cost of top end speed, which really isn't worth it for him
Re: Re:

Max Rockatansky said:
frisenfruitig said:
Kittel doesn't have the engine for GW or Roubaix. Not even close

Of course not now, but there has to be some foundation back from his itt times. So they might build him up for that. If he wants to, that's the other part.

Why would he? He's doing pretty well as a sprinter, and it's not certain that trying to become a classics specialist would work...

PremierAndrew said:
That's the thing. If Kittel was around 2008-2012, he would be yet another rider forced to train towards races such as GW or MSR, as he wouldn't have much success as a pure sprinter while Cav in his prime was around. However, now there's no point, as success in harder races isn't guaranteed and would come at the cost of top end speed, which really isn't worth it for him
Peak Kittel would do just fine against Cav of any era in a typical bunch sprint.
Apr 1, 2013
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Provided he has an exceptional train, Scheldermerckx will win this race another 4 times the next five years .... unless QS drop him to run for Fernando Gaviria ....
Apr 1, 2013
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yeah, but there aren't too many one-day races for pure sprinters ..... so there might be a duty for me to race this ....

EDIT: so there might be a duty for him to race this ....
Apr 1, 2013
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sorry for the mistake ... not sure how a "me" got there instead of a "him" .... I haven't ever even been mistaken for a Colombian, and Fernando could (agewise) be my son (if I would have started with the kids-getting business early) ....
Re: Re:

jaylew said:
PremierAndrew said:
That's the thing. If Kittel was around 2008-2012, he would be yet another rider forced to train towards races such as GW or MSR, as he wouldn't have much success as a pure sprinter while Cav in his prime was around. However, now there's no point, as success in harder races isn't guaranteed and would come at the cost of top end speed, which really isn't worth it for him
Peak Kittel would do just fine against Cav of any era in a typical bunch sprint.

I used to think that, but not anymore. After watching Cav in last years Tour, I think he was a good bit better than Kittel when in his prime.