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Shack Stalemate Sabotages Licence Hopes?

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progressor said:
Wouldn't be the first time in this thread. But then you wouldn't be alone. Coolest thing about internet forums - so much speculation stated as absolute fact - and then near silence when the internet 'experts' get it wrong - again. I wonder how many carry on like this in real life?

That's why this site has such high entertainment value. People acting like they know what they're talking about and than reality hits. From cries about not seeing the Shack Attack at all to Radio Shack firmly grounded in only 2 days.
Must of been all the bending and inventing of rules by Pat like the OP said.:rolleyes:

Race Radio said:
My good friend Johan. Funny, how they "released" him from a illegal contract.

According to cyclingnews, your friend Johan lied to you. Popo, Kloden and Rast are heading to Team Shack. It seems as though AC demanded that one of the 4 stay-can't imagine why he wouldn't demand that all stay. This whole thing makes no sense.
May 26, 2009
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Publicus said:
According to cyclingnews, your friend Johan lied to you. Popo, Kloden and Rast are heading to Team Shack. It seems as though AC demanded that one of the 4 stay-can't imagine why he wouldn't demand that all stay. This whole thing makes no sense.

true. who does he now have for support? zubeldia and vino? if that is all then contador must be really relieved they don't have a ttt this year... or maybe astana waited to see the route and when they saw there was no ttt they thought they could release the riders.
RdBiker said:
true. who does he now have for support? zubeldia and vino? if that is all then contador must be really relieved they don't have a ttt this year... or maybe astana waited to see the route and when they saw there was no ttt they thought they could release the riders.

Maybe he still thinks the UCI will strip Astana of its license. Who knows. I'm giving up guessing. This thing is going to play out in some form or fashion. Hopefully AC is up for the challenge in 2010.
Mar 18, 2009
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Has nobody seen the new riders signed by Astana?
Ruben Plaza
Bradislav Samoilau
Allan Davis
Plus Zubeldia - doesn't look too shabby to me. Loving the idea of Simoni as a super climbing domestique.
Aug 25, 2009
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SpeedWay said:
That's why this site has such high entertainment value. People acting like they know what they're talking about and than reality hits. From cries about not seeing the Shack Attack at all to Radio Shack firmly grounded in only 2 days.
Must of been all the bending and inventing of rules by Pat like the OP said.:rolleyes:


:eek: :eek: :eek:oh dear! must start spin cycle!
bianchigirl said:
Has nobody seen the new riders signed by Astana?
Ruben Plaza
Bradislav Samoilau
Allan Davis
Plus Zubeldia - doesn't look too shabby to me. Loving the idea of Simoni as a super climbing domestique.

Have any of them been officially announced by Astana? There website
has no mention of them.
Oct 6, 2009
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Can anybody clarify whether Noval, Navarro, and Jesus Hernandez are staying with Astana next year? Has that been verified anywhere? If so, those three, plus Zubeldia and Contador, would play into the thing Vino said about 2010 Astana team being a mix of Kazakh and Spanish riders.
Zubeldia was obviously left behind at Astana, as he failed the age test.:rolleyes:
I expect we'll see some new Astana signings soon.
Personally, I hope they don't get sucked into the daft notion of just buying in Tour riders and add a bit of variety.
Contador doesn't need a heck of a lot of help to win this Tour, just the odd guy for a bit of mountain servicing.
Other than that, he just sits on the old guy's wheel, until he's ready to dump him.

Beech Mtn said:
Can anybody clarify whether Noval, Navarro, and Jesus Hernandez are staying with Astana next year? Has that been verified anywhere? If so, those three, plus Zubeldia and Contador, would play into the thing Vino said about 2010 Astana team being a mix of Kazakh and Spanish riders.
Nope, not as yet, but isn't JH his big pal?
Aug 13, 2009
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Publicus said:
According to cyclingnews, your friend Johan lied to you. Popo, Kloden and Rast are heading to Team Shack. It seems as though AC demanded that one of the 4 stay-can't imagine why he wouldn't demand that all stay. This whole thing makes no sense.

What?! the Hog lied to me?

What is the world coming to?
Apr 21, 2009
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Mellow Velo said:
Kloden is who they have been arguing over, these past few days.
As it was an impass, my guess is Kloden has been sold out.....right after LA discovered there was no Tour TTT.

Of course, I could be wrong.:eek:

It appears your cynicism was not borne out, this time...


Good on ya for acknowledging that you might be wrong, however. Not many people do that on this forum.
Apr 21, 2009
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Not a fan...

While not a fan of anybody at this point (well maybe Andy Schleck), I would like to see Contador have a viable team behind him. The tour will be much more interesting of there are 2 or 3 strong teams with viable contenders fighting for the win, and it would be a shame to see Contador lose because of weak support. And not having a TTT helps; more teams can field a strong contingent of "support" climbers than can do that AND have a strong TTT. It would be great to see them enter the Pyrenees with Schleck, Contador, Armstrong?, Wiggo?, and Evans?, to mention a few, in contention. And there are always some surprise contenders.
Yes, well I couldn't understand what was the hold up.
It seemed that Zubeldia was already a done deal, so I figured
they must be trying to split the transfers.
Pure speculation, as I intimated and indeed, I was wrong.
Hopefully, now, some of the focus (and speculation;)) will shift towards
Astana signings, as they certainly need a few!
Apr 21, 2009
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Smoke cleared?

Well, maybe now that the smoke has cleared re. the defections to the Shack, and it appears Conatdor is staying with Astana, they can get down to the business of building a team. Hopefully there are some good riders out there to be had and things can fall in place. Maybe Astana will have their organizational/financial house in order for a season, too... Between that ($ problems) and the Contador/Armstrong rivalry it's hard to see why anyone would want to be associated with that outfit again.
Mellow Velo said:
Yes, well I couldn't understand what was the hold up.
It seemed that Zubeldia was already a done deal, so I figured
they must be trying to split the transfers.
Pure speculation, as I intimated and indeed, I was wrong.
Hopefully, now, some of the focus (and speculation;)) will shift towards
Astana signings, as they certainly need a few!

More than a few. I think they have 13 gaping holes in their roster (if my math is right). They need to fill them by October 20th or their Pro Tour status is in jeopardy. At least I think that's a requirement (23 riders) for a Pro Tour license.
Race Radio said:
What?! the Hog lied to me?

What is the world coming to?

The Cyclingnews story is simply NOT TRUE. They have no contact with Contador hence why there is never any stories in relation to him on their website. DO NOT BELIEVE WHAT IS PRINTED BY CYCLINGNEWS. PERIOD.


Astana still does not have its ProTour licence certified for 2010. Radioshack still do not have their ProTour licence issued.

@Cyclingnews: Why did you print a story without checking the facts?
Jul 27, 2009
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I wonder how this will play out on the road next year. Seems a little like the PDM/Panasonic rivalry. The fight between Shack and Astana might be good, but also might cause some problems with the actual racing.

IIRC, there was a race where a Panasonic rider, a PDM rider and another (Ronan Pensec?) were in a late break. The other rider attacked and the botht eh Panasonic and PDM rider let him go because they wouldn't want to tow their rival to the line.

That was a one day race, and this fight will be at the TdF for the most part. Don't see it shaking out like the scene I dimly recalled, but it could have some affect on the racing.
Jun 26, 2009
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thehog said:
The Cyclingnews story is simply NOT TRUE. They have no contact with Contador hence why there is never any stories in relation to him on their website.
what do you mean when you talk about Astana web-site? Current Bruyneel's team site? It will never publish any info from Kazakh side!
Our astanafans is even more useful these days despite the fact we have to torture every secretary girl in KCF, group of lawyers who make a deal with JB now are more covered from us than the Red cappella in WWII
KazakhNeRider said:
what do you mean when you talk about Astana web-site? Current Bruyneel's team site? It will never publish any info from Kazakh side!
Our astanafans is even more useful these days despite the fact we have to torture every secretary girl in KCF, group of lawyers who make a deal with JB now are more covered from us than the Red cappella in WWII

He's talking about Cycling News. I made comment above about the transfers not being announced on the Astana team website. They seem to announce ALL Astana news, except for the transfers out--including that AC wasn't going anywhere, so I figured that was a good source. The Astana Fans website isn't much help to the English-speaking world, so I can't judge its accuracy.
Mar 18, 2009
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If the transfer list at Astana fans is accurate, Contador will have no problems beating GeriShack and Old Father Time.

However, it's not a bunch of old timers he has to worry about but the might of Saxo Bank, an imporved Shlecklet and the half a dozen riders that were out of contention after the TTT in 2009 but won't be this year. He won't be losing any sleep over a deluded old man and his pack of doping sycophants. But oh how we'll laugh when Friburg rears its ugly head and bites Kloeden square on the ar*e
thehog said:
The Cyclingnews story is simply NOT TRUE. They have no contact with Contador hence why there is never any stories in relation to him on their website. DO NOT BELIEVE WHAT IS PRINTED BY CYCLINGNEWS. PERIOD.


Astana still does not have its ProTour licence certified for 2010. Radioshack still do not have their ProTour licence issued.

@Cyclingnews: Why did you print a story without checking the facts?

So if Astana does not hold Contador's contract, why is he still tied to them?