Pog can do what he's doing because his 'victims' aren't really victims in the literal sense of the word, i.e. they're doing the same themselves, whether it's in following a similar program or merely the same 'philosophical' approach to bike racing. It's a circular argument but at the end of the day there's definitely a form of cyclisme à deux vitesses in which thermonuclear wealthy top teams battle it out for the top prizes & everyone else gets scraps, with the caveat being those who're feeding on the scraps are juicing it themselves at their own lower level. This was the case 20 years ago & I have no reason to believe anything is different now.
For example I'd be very, very surprised if Marc Madiot has a totally strict clean regimen in his MPCC team considering his own past in the sport. Can a leopard really change its spots or is he just full of sh*t whilst pleading poverty all the time? Ditto Decathlon who were on fire in the spring & have almost inexplicably cr*pped the bed in this Tour with subpar performances across the board. I doubt they're 'clean'. They've simply had problems which no amount of program can overcome.
Then there's the guys who're also really good at it (like Alpecin) & go slightly under the radar because they're targeting different races. Was Mathieu van der Poel's demolition of Flanders & Roubaix normal? I say L O L to that one.
But sure, Lance knows what's happening. Bruyneel knows. The doped ex pros commentating on TV know as well. In that respect they all deserve to get Poglified because it's the inevitable finality of dope culture: it starts with everyone sharing a piece of the pie laughing as they get rich & then some guys (or just one) gets super good at it & wins too much for the liking of others.
There's some quote from Gordon Gekko about "greed is good" which the peloton seems to follow religiously when they're Gordon Gekko (aka winning) but as soon as they're losing, it's waa waa throw the toys out of the pram this sucks. Merijn Zeeman's comments in the press this morning (complaining about Pog beating Jorgenson) were an example of that. Lance moaning on his podcast is another.
For example I'd be very, very surprised if Marc Madiot has a totally strict clean regimen in his MPCC team considering his own past in the sport. Can a leopard really change its spots or is he just full of sh*t whilst pleading poverty all the time? Ditto Decathlon who were on fire in the spring & have almost inexplicably cr*pped the bed in this Tour with subpar performances across the board. I doubt they're 'clean'. They've simply had problems which no amount of program can overcome.
Then there's the guys who're also really good at it (like Alpecin) & go slightly under the radar because they're targeting different races. Was Mathieu van der Poel's demolition of Flanders & Roubaix normal? I say L O L to that one.
But sure, Lance knows what's happening. Bruyneel knows. The doped ex pros commentating on TV know as well. In that respect they all deserve to get Poglified because it's the inevitable finality of dope culture: it starts with everyone sharing a piece of the pie laughing as they get rich & then some guys (or just one) gets super good at it & wins too much for the liking of others.
There's some quote from Gordon Gekko about "greed is good" which the peloton seems to follow religiously when they're Gordon Gekko (aka winning) but as soon as they're losing, it's waa waa throw the toys out of the pram this sucks. Merijn Zeeman's comments in the press this morning (complaining about Pog beating Jorgenson) were an example of that. Lance moaning on his podcast is another.