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The Astana Battle..

Jun 15, 2009
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On the basis of the prologue, Astana are obviously as strong as we expected.. The surprise for me is how good Andreas Kloden looked.. I think he could be a real contender, he knows how to get on a Tour podium, maybe this year could be his year..
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anubisza said:
On the basis of the prologue, Astana are obviously as strong as we expected.. The surprise for me is how good Andreas Kloden looked.. I think he could be a real contender, he knows how to get on a Tour podium, maybe this year could be his year..

On any other team, the issue would be decided. Its nice that Kloden did well, and LL and LA had nice rides, but based on final order of finish and performance in the past year and 3 months, it is clear to everyone but them who the real leader is of Astana. That they cannot do what is the most logical tactic and throw all support to Contador is telling of the leadership of the team. Specifically, if JB was the great DS everyone claims, he would halt any of the bullsh!t right now. Obviously, that is not the case. Someone here related a story last week of Contador saying very recently that he could win by himself. I think he can.


Thoughtforfood said:
On any other team, the issue would be decided. Its nice that Kloden did well, and LL and LA had nice rides, but based on final order of finish and performance in the past year and 3 months, it is clear to everyone but them who the real leader is of Astana. That they cannot do what is the most logical tactic and throw all support to Contador is telling of the leadership of the team. Specifically, if JB was the great DS everyone claims, he would halt any of the bullsh!t right now. Obviously, that is not the case. Someone here related a story last week of Contador saying very recently that he could win by himself. I think he can.

the usual hogwash... no team in the history of the sport has had such a wealth of resources... it's an unprecedented situation and the most fascinating part of this years tour.
First: Hooray Kloden!

Second: It's gotta be Contador. No question. It always was, though. I'm a huge Kloden fan, but even I knew that he would be a super-domestique (but at least maybe now he'll get the respect he deserves). I think even if Kloden would have ended up in yellow today he would STILL be riding for Contador, and rightly so.

Third: I could win the Tour as a DS if I had this team.
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The reality is that Lance will likely show no class and string this thing out. He finished 10th in the race of truth, and the truth is that his time for winning is in the past. He said that when it became clear who was the leader, if it wasn't him, he would support that person. I guess that time for him will be when Contador is standing on the top step in 3 weks. $100 says the classless wonder won't attend the final team party and claim he wants to get home to his kids.


anubisza said:
You're not wrong. Fingers crossed things get more interesting, and the team leadership situation isn't as simple as we think..

It clearly should be. Again, this is really simple math. It is only the fanboy, blinded by his love for the past that thinks otherwise. Unless Contador crashes, he is the leader of the team....or should be. The diva and his accessory dog are the only ones that cannot see that.
Jun 21, 2009
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mr. tibbs said:
I could win the Tour as a DS if I had this team.

Mr Tibbs, my cat could win this Tour if he were DS of Astana.

(And now I have this mental picture of pampered felines being driven around France in air conditioned Skodas, eating fresh fish each night in their hotels and stropping their claws on a pile of fresh tyres.)
Jun 22, 2009
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I'm no statto, so I'm wondering if there have ever been four riders from one team in the final top 10 (a serious possibility, judging by today). Anyone?
Jul 3, 2009
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I don't think it's cut and dried yet. I do think that as long as Armstrong is in sight of the podium Contador(or anyone else for that matter) cant depend on him. Armstrong's ego is to great to give up his own ambitions to help others. 4(Astana) in the top ten is very impressive and means that they can cover any potential threat from the other contenders, in saying that if one of them escapes in the right move will they play the team game. Sastre and Menchov will still have major roles to play in this tour.


luckyboy said:
I just hope that none of them win overall :p

That would be funny. I think AC will, but it would be hilarious if they didn't.


Irish2009 said:
I don't think it's cut and dried yet. I do think that as long as Armstrong is in sight of the podium Contador(or anyone else for that matter) cant depend on him. Armstrong's ego is to great to give up his own ambitions to help others. 4(Astana) in the top ten is very impressive and means that they can cover any potential threat from the other contenders, in saying that if one of them escapes in the right move will they play the team game. Sastre and Menchov will still have major roles to play in this tour.

If that person is Mr Armstrong, I don't think you can expect Contador to play team anything. On top of the fact that he isn't someone that will be allowed in a break by any of the big teams.
mr. tibbs said:
First: Hooray Kloden!

Second: It's gotta be Contador. No question. It always was, though. I'm a huge Kloden fan, but even I knew that he would be a super-domestique (but at least maybe now he'll get the respect he deserves). I think even if Kloden would have ended up in yellow today he would STILL be riding for Contador, and rightly so.

Third: I could win the Tour as a DS if I had this team.

kloden will work for alberto if he will lose much time in stage 7...

but if it will be less than one minute... he will ride for himself...

he can win...

but it will be very hard to do...

I think his chance is 1 from 15



Mellow Velo said:
Armstrong away in a break? 'What goes around, comes around,' as Simeoni might say.....

Give it a break.
There is one hill he's over, before the rest.
No Country For Old Men.

An aged man is but a paltry thing,
A tattered coat upon a stick, unless
Soul clap its hands and sing, and louder sing
For every tatter in its mortal dress

Just pulled my old Yeats collection off the shelf a few days ago. :) Funny how the old masters are still spot on, even today.
Mar 18, 2009
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The great Italian team of the late 40s/early 50s put 4 riders in the top 10 in 1952 - Coppi, Bartali, Magni and Carrea. Now there was a team with an embarassment of riches - Astana would look like the poor relation in comparison to some of the great national teams of that period: the French, Belgian and Italian teams regularly put 3 riders in the top 10 on GC. Always pays to know your history before making grandiose claims about teams being the greatest ever ;)

Edited to add: La Vie Claire (1986) Lemond (1), Hinault (2), Hampsten (4), Ruttiman (7)
and PDM (1989): Theunisse (4), Rooks (7), Alcala (8), Kelly (9)

I'm sure there are others - these were simply strong teams that came to mind. Like I say, the inflated claims for Astana are simply that - especially when you look at the respective palmares of the La Vie Claire and Italian riders in particular. But 'greatest ever Tour team' is a debate for another thread;)
Jun 28, 2009
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The Government of Kazakhstan must be so happy to see their national team doing so well. The should show their sponsorship dollars have gone to good use and I am sure they are patting Mr. Bruneel on the back tonight for the great team that he has built.
Mar 12, 2009
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Amsterhammer said:
I'm no statto, so I'm wondering if there have ever been four riders from one team in the final top 10 (a serious possibility, judging by today). Anyone?

1986 Tour
1. Greg Lemond
2. Bernard Hinault
4. Andy Hampsten
7. Niki Rutimman
All four from the La Vie Claire team.


Mellow Velo said:
Armstrong away in a break? 'What goes around, comes around,' as Simeoni might say.....

Give it a break.
There is one hill he's over, before the rest.
No Country For Old Men.

Oh all praise St. Simeoni who could have saved the sport from the clutches of the evil Darth Armstrong, if it wasn't for, like the entire peloton.

20 minutes of racing and you've got it figured out.


marinoni said:
1986 Tour
1. Greg Lemond
2. Bernard Hinault
4. Andy Hampsten
7. Niki Rutimman
All four from the La Vie Claire team.

From an interview with Andy Hampsten.

"CM: What stands out in your mind as most memorable from the '86 season?

AH: Ah, certainly the Tour de France. Greg LeMond win, which was the whole team's objective all year. But, of course, Hinault changed his mind during the race and raced for himself. And I can understand that. Certainly winning six would've have been something extraordinary. But he had promised Greg that he would help him."

His holiness Hinault.
Jul 4, 2009
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Thoughtforfood said:
Specifically, if JB was the great DS everyone claims, he would halt any of the bullsh!t right now.

I think he has, inside the team. But think of it this way, he has four guys who have finished on the podium. The longer everyone outside the team thinks there is debate about who will be there this year, the harder it is for them to know who to mark, and the easier a ride Contador will have to get there in the end. I think JB is just making it even easier. I was riding out of Monaco this afternoon with a few of the lower placed riders. Steven de Jongh made the mistake of admitting to his time (22:28), which got a laugh from the rest of the guys there, but still, it was Armstrong that they were all talking about.