Toby went in with me at the first sign of noise .
We just know each other that way, after all these years
Couple of towns here put on 2 big shows, normally. One on the river, the other at a local football stadium. Both were cancelled due to C19. Folks here must have saved up a mortar barge amount of money over the past 3 months by doing nothing. So, it was a war zone around our house. Armageddon. Quite a few folks, including some in our block, must have spent thousands on fireworks. And not just the little firework stand stuff. The big illegal stuff. Mortars that make that deep thud when ignited. Some that shook the windows. We overlook a canyon, so can see out quite a way, and it was like watching one of those big shows. However, wee doggo, or Sir Barksalot, handled it like a champ. He just sat on my lap out on the patio while we all watched. He watched too, you know, ears up, head turning this way and that. Dogs I know can't see color but however he sees it sure got his attention. And he didn't shake, whine or want to go inside at all. A real gun dog. I don't know why he's that way, cuz I've never shot off a gun around him. If he wasn't such a short-legged, long-haired fuzz ball I'd have him out bird hunting.
During the action, some freaked out racoon came up out of the canyon into our yard, but didn't stay once he saw us. Luckily, doggo didn't see him!