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Tyler Hamilton

- I wonder if he does a seminar on how to make sure you get the right blood bag? Looks like he's made a full recovery from depression.



Viva Travels, a bicycle tour operator in Colorado, and the The Fredcast, the internet’s premier cycling podcast, are excited to announce that retired cycling professional Tyler Hamilton will join them on a luxury tour to the Alpes next August. There will be room for 22 guests to ride, dine and socialize with Tyler and the Viva Travels team over some of the most beautiful and challenging cycling in France.

For a cycling enthusiast, this could be a dream come true to spend an entire week in France with such a talented cyclist and Olympic gold medal winner.

Tyler Hamilton is probably best known for his win of a stage of the Tour de France in 2003 which he did with a broken collar bone. “Tyler has a mental strength that few others have,” says Jennifer Sage, Viva Travels founder. “But the best thing about Tyler Hamilton is his down-to-earth nature. He is interested in everyone he is talking to, and everyone on this tour will have ample opportunities to interact with him.”
"Utilizing training principles proven in the professional peloton"

Does this mean he is setting up a clinic in Spain?

If you go on his tours, do you get a cute nickname - like birillo or piti or tugboat?

Are refrigerated saddlebags included?
Jul 16, 2009
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Tyler is heading to europe to hand back Olympic medal shortly after he goes to the drawer takes out the US champion’s jersey (he won thru cheating) and hands it back to Blake Caldwell , the rightful owner.
and what is worse was the The Believe Tyler campaign , where he took money from the fans to fund his lies

i wouldnt pay 50c to go to the shops with TH never mind to Europe.


good on him.. regardless of the doping etc, to get through the illness he as to be even considering riding for that long with a bunch of strangers, ive got nowt but respect..

You cant underestimate what hes gone through with depression.. hats off to the guy.. yeh he doped and ive no respect for him as a rider, but as a person.. all credit for beating it if he has..

or would people rather he descended to the murky depths and became another pantani or VbD...?
Mar 31, 2009
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As a former sufferer of acute depressive illness, I salute anyone who has recovered, but I can't condone Hamilton as a cyclist as others have said until he hands his Olympic medal back to the IOC - if there was ever a tainted performance, this was it.
Jul 23, 2009
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Good for Tyler. Even his critics say what a fine person he is, and now amateur riders will enjoy his company and benefit from his experience. I do not condone his doping practices nor his ridiculous denials in the aftermath, but I do appreciate that he is getting on with his life and sharing his expertise with his fans. To deny him this would be petty.


Aug 17, 2009
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The answer

How does that justify breaking the rules? Tyler

Leveling the playing field.


Rich tradition of doping in cycling

Bjarne Riis as Director Sportif

Please newbie hypothesis this scenario.

I have reached the very highest level Dr, Ferrari, what can I do? The brilliant Doctor runs your numbers through his computer, compares your numbers and makes the necessary adjustments. Business as usual.

Please study the sport. It is dirty my friend. Always has been. To avoid dissappointment please do not be a fan-boy.
Beech Mtn said:
Looks like Marty Jemison Cycling Tours has some competition.

Does Jemison throw in a free sucker punch with every tour?

Andrichuk said:
How does that justify breaking the rules?

Hes still a cheat.

So did everyone else who rode through that era. I don't see any of them coming forward to admit what they did.

Hamilton is a great guy. It will probably be a good tour. It is good that he can move on with his life. Maybe in a few years he will write a teall all book.
Sep 11, 2009
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BroDeal said:
Hamilton is a great guy. It will probably be a good tour. It is good that he can move on with his life. Maybe in a few years he will write a teall all book.

I'm not saying hes not a great guy, could be, I don't know. I'm just sayign hes a cheat.

Please study the sport. It is dirty my friend. Always has been. To avoid dissappointment please do not be a fan-boy.

How does it make me a fanboy for not jumping on the 'its ok to dope cuz everyone does it' bandwagon?

He cheated and got caught cuz hes greedy.
Jul 16, 2009
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BroDeal said:
Does Jemison throw in a free sucker punch with every tour?

So did everyone else who rode through that era. I don't see any of them coming forward to admit what they did.

Hamilton is a great guy. It will probably be a good tour. It is good that he can move on with his life. Maybe in a few years he will write a teall all book.
a 'great guy' . do you live in a prison? i know great guys- people who help others, work for charity do good for their fellow man. TH is a muppet

great guys dont raise 400,000$ of fans money to defend a lie.
he stole that money as he did his wins.


the truth. said:
a 'great guy' . do you live in a prison? i know great guys- people who help others, work for charity do good for their fellow man. TH is a muppet

great guys dont raise 400,000$ of fans money to defend a lie.
he stole that money as he did his wins.

im trying to seperate the cycling and the depression

as a cyclist i agree with everyone, as a person being able to overcome depression and even contemplate riding with a bunch of strangers, well done tyler..

like i say, would you rather he went to the pantani or VdB school of depression.. that worked really well for them didnt it.. sod it, lets have another cross in cyclings cemetary..


Aug 17, 2009
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l hit top.

Let me explain how it works. Or you can read A dog in a hat.

Once you have reached an elite level in cycling anything goes. Tyler did nothing that many of the pros in his era did. I don't agree with blood doping I think it is sick. I hate needles and I hate cheaters.
I don't think on the level of cycling they are at it is cheating if every one is blood doping EPO HGH Steroids amphetamines etc.
They are all on it to some form. If you do not believe me look at all who have been caught.
Fighting it I respect Tyler no less then Frankie Andreu or David Millar or Ricardo Rico.
flicker said:
Let me explain how it works. Or you can read A dog in a hat.

Once you have reached an elite level in cycling anything goes. Tyler did nothing that many of the pros in his era did. I don't agree with blood doping I think it is sick. I hate needles and I hate cheaters.
I don't think on the level of cycling they are at it is cheating if every one is blood doping EPO HGH Steroids amphetamines etc.
They are all on it to some form. If you do not believe me look at all who have been caught.
Fighting it I respect Tyler no less then Frankie Andreu or David Millar or Ricardo Rico.

No it is still cheating even if everybody does it, understandable maybe, but cheating. They are not cheating their peers as much as they are the next group of youngsters who now have to also cheat (and risk their health) if they want to be competitive.
It is not something to hold against any single rider whether or not he is unlucky enough to get caught, but rather we should hate the system and the omerta that keeps it in place. The team directors and doctors and the UCI are the ones really to blame, and Lance, of course.
Mar 11, 2009
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He did some great rides. Granted.
But this whole "he's a great guy" line is hog wash..
He got popped multiple times and lied, took his fan's money and lied again.
As a racer he was tuff and i was a fan(too a point) but i will not say he was a great "guy".
The whole everybody did it\level playing field rap is fair enough, but if you actually get caught( several times ) just man up and do your time. Then i would say he's a stand up guy blah blah..
Oct 31, 2009
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flicker said:
Let me explain how it works. Or you can read A dog in a hat.

Once you have reached an elite level in cycling anything goes. Tyler did nothing that many of the pros in his era did. I don't agree with blood doping I think it is sick. I hate needles and I hate cheaters.
I don't think on the level of cycling they are at it is cheating if every one is blood doping EPO HGH Steroids amphetamines etc.
They are all on it to some form. If you do not believe me look at all who have been caught.
Fighting it I respect Tyler no less then Frankie Andreu or David Millar or Ricardo Rico.

Just dumb way of reasoning IMHO. If there is one pure rider in the entire pro circuit your whole argumentation falls flat.

I'm no fan of the cheaters but since I don't have to worry about watching him race again I don't mind him being happy, successful, rich, etc. It's not like he murdered anyone. No need to continue to bash him. We don't need more stories like Pantani or VDB. I'm glad he is out of the peloton and I'm glad he bounced back from his depression.
dolophonic said:
He did some great rides. Granted.
But this whole "he's a great guy" line is hog wash..
He got popped multiple times and lied, took his fan's money and lied again.
As a racer he was tuff and i was a fan(too a point) but i will not say he was a great "guy".
The whole everybody did it\level playing field rap is fair enough, but if you actually get caught( several times ) just man up and do your time. Then i would say he's a stand up guy blah blah..

Why should anyone man up? The system is completely corrupt. The UCI protects Armstrong, accepting a $500K under the table payment, while throwing others who cannot pay under the bus. A handful of low level riders are fingered by the UCI for their passport profiles, and the riders' teams suspend them; meanwhile Valverde has his blood DNA matched to EPO tainted blood stored in Dr. Fuentes clinic but his allowed to race and win a GT. If someone does man up,like Jaksche, then Pat McQuaid tells them that for talking he will make sure that he never races at a high level again; a rider like Kohl is publicly denounced by McQuaid for talking.

And just talking with Hamilton, he is a great guy. He will probably do well hosting a bicycle tour.
Mar 11, 2009
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What i was saying was once he was caught, then he could have fessed up.
As a lot of cyclists have done, served their ban and returned.
This is not really about him being a "good bloke" more being a liar.
I'm not saying Valverde is a good guy.. but they were\are great riders with huge talent.
The whole Twin story .. well ..
I'm sure Blake Caldwell thinks he's a real gent .

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