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What's the Status on Armstrong vs. FDA?

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ChrisE said:
Yes, but that doesn't explain why you and I don't agree all the time. I think you are inflating your IQ just because we do agree this time, and you think you have evolved intellectually. Please don't ride my coattails out of the doldrums of double-digit IQism.

Lol so your M.O. is just to be be as nasty as f*** on here. Okay well fair enough.
Jul 22, 2009
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Race Radio said:
We are all aware of the talking points as to why it should be ignored, I am asking how big would it have to be for it not to be ignored? We understand that you think Armstrong et al should give a free pass......the question is how large a free pass? Where is the line?
The UCI has given them the free pass. That bothers me as it will always leave a twinge of reasonable doubt. Everything else that nowinsky is doing now borders on futility, IMO. Armstrong will likely continue to deny and come out of this damaged but not broken. That's not what I hope or want. Just an assessment.
Jun 19, 2009
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scribe said:
If it pans out that they can't come up with anything substantial, then it was an obvious waste of tax payer dollars. If they try slinging **** against the wall and it doesn't stick in a the form of a conviction, that is an obvious waste of tax payer dollars.

If nothing sticks in the form of a crime, and it is anecdotally exposed, in the form of floydian admission, that the blue train doped, it is a waste of tax payer dollars. Much in the way that we don't need a prosecutor digging around in a GJ room to prove that Liberace was gay.[/QUOTE]

I think Liberace admitted he was gay. Armstrong has actively campaigned that he has not ever, ever, ever, done PEDs. And again, if he is only a player in a larger scheme to commit crimes he may not do time. Novitsky doesn't have to see him behind bars to have a successful investigation in the USADA's mind and his. What we think doesn't count.
Aug 13, 2009
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Oldman said:
I think Liberace admitted he was gay. Armstrong has actively campaigned that he has not ever, ever, ever, done PEDs. And again, if he is only a player in a larger scheme to commit crimes he may not do time. Novitsky doesn't have to see him behind bars to have a successful investigation in the USADA's mind and his. What we think doesn't count.

It is funny to watch the modification of the Armstrong talking point. At first it was "Never tested positive" "Most tested Athlete" As it became clear that neither of these was true it became "Never Sanctioned". When the extent of the UCI's corruption became clear even this started sounding silly.

If you listen to Armstrong's most recent statements he now says "I never, ever, ever, pressured people to dope" Key change.

I think Armstrong will admit to to doping and toss Weisel and others under the bus. It is the smart move, he escapes with a slap on the wrist and his groupies just move on to the "Everyone does it" "Level Playing field" excuse.
Jun 19, 2009
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Race Radio said:
It is funny to watch the modification of the Armstrong talking point. At first it was "Never tested positive" "Most tested Athlete" As it became clear that neither of these was true it became "Never Sanctioned". When the extent of the UCI's corruption became clear even this started sounding silly.

If you listen to Armstrong's most recent statements he now says "I never, ever, ever, pressured people to dope" Key change.

I think Armstrong will admit to to doping and toss Weisel and others under the bus. It is the smart move, he escapes with a slap on the wrist and his groupies just move on to the "Everyone does it" "Level Playing field" excuse.

Yes. He'll still have to perform his Oprah moment as a last stab at maintaining his Cancerfighter cred. He'll keep fighting to prove he was the best when everyone was on a program, rather than admitting he had a better program.
Race Radio said:
If you listen to Armstrong's most recent statements he now says "I never, ever, ever, pressured people to dope" Key change.

What was the key change with the above statement?

Can you show us where he said the opposite with regard to "pressuring people to dope" or did you just make this up?


Aug 13, 2009
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hughmoore said:
What was the key change with the above statement?

Can you show us where he said the opposite with regard to "pressuring people to dope" or did you just make this up?



The key change is instead of saying he never, ever, doped he is now saying he never, ever pressured others to dope.

It appears that the key parts of the federal case will be the organized financing, organizing, and influencing of a international doping program. It is very possible that Armstrong has "Plausible deniablity" of any guilt in this. As long as he does not lie to the Feds about it there is a good chance he could get off.
Race Radio said:
The key change is instead of saying he never, ever, doped he is now saying he never, ever pressured others to dope.

It appears that the key parts of the federal case will be the organized financing, organizing, and influencing of a international doping program. It is very possible that Armstrong has "Plausible deniablity" of any guilt in this. As long as he does not lie to the Feds about it there is a good chance he could get off.

So you are now saying he is no longer denying he is a doper!

Thats amazing news, I wasnt aware he was now admitting he is a doper, does CN know this?

Aug 13, 2009
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hughmoore said:
So you are now saying he is no longer denying he is a doper!

Thats amazing news, I wasnt aware he was now admitting he is a doper, does CN know this?


None of this is news, we already has admitted doping to a room full of people.

The clueless fan routine only works for Flicker, you need to try a different act.
Feb 21, 2010
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Race Radio said:
Recently a certain world famous doping doctor had a visit with some friends in Utah....I wonder if he got a nice invitation for a non-paid speaking engagement as well?

If they are being thorough, and it sure appears that they are, then probably he did.

Will he show up? Will he ever come back to the USA?

Who knows.

@scribe - I imagine he would be. The report states he hired an atty from California, so that would seem to indicate he has enough sense to get some legal advice within the states.
Sep 25, 2009
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in this link posted by colm.murphy they say popo is subpoenaed.

i dont get this - he's a citizen of another country and according to my last check a year ago, he lived permanently in italy.

did he move to the us ? can they subpoena a transit tourist ?

either way, popo is a talkative fella who occasionally said things not wholly agreeable to texas.
flicker said:
If POPO ever doped it was an unsuccessful process.

If Popo stayed on the JB program he would have been special.

Something tells me though that even when he went back to the pig pen in 2009, he kept his distance. Anyone know why? Was he chummy with Gusev and didn't appreciate the way he was treated?
buckwheat said:
C'mon dude. I'm an ugly American. I can't read that.

Please give a very short synopsis of the article.

Cette dernière a affirmé devant le jury n'avoir jamais entendu Arsmtrong [sic] admettre l'usage de substances dopantes, selon son avocat.

[Popovych] affirmed before the jury that he had never heard Armstrong admit to using doping substances, said his lawyer.

That is all we need to know. ;)
Feb 14, 2010
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L'arriviste said:

Cette dernière a affirmé devant le jury n'avoir jamais entendu Arsmtrong [sic] admettre l'usage de substances dopantes, selon son avocat.

[Popovych] affirmed before the jury that he had never heard Armstrong admit to using doping substances, said his lawyer.

That is all we need to know. ;)

Actually, that's way off. "Cette dernier" refers to "the latter". Your quote was from the start of paragraph 3. At the end of paragraph 2 was a mention of Stephanie McIlvain. She's the one who said what you attribute to Popovych (or at least her lawyer claimed that's what she said). We have no idea what he said.

Running something through Google Translate and also Babelfish can usually give you a decent idea of what an article says. It's sure better than trusting a biased quote from someone here.
theswordsman said:
Actually, that's way off. "Cette dernier" refers to "the latter". Your quote was from the start of paragraph 3. At the end of paragraph 2 was a mention of Stephanie McIlvain. She's the one who said what you attribute to Popovych. We have no idea what he said.

Running something through Google Translate and also Babelfish can usually give you a decent idea o what an article says. It's sure better than trusting a biased quote from someone here.

Whoops, you're absolutely right. My FR is fine ;), I just didn't read para 2. Sorry, folks, my bad! :eek:
Sorry Term. u beda fool

You have no idea what you are talking about. The case is a FEDERAL case that will be heard in a Los Angeles federal district court, which has NOTHING to do with Texas state politics or state courts.

Even if the case somehow is channeled into a FEDERAL court in Texas, local state politics will have no influence on federal court ops.

The fact that you don't even seem to realize this is a federal case and not a state case is troubling.

Term, baby. There be no case, bra. As yet Nowitzky be jes' instigatin'. It be not fed;it be not state. As yet it all be inchoate. So stop wit the hate and shut yer mout. Wit time dis thing be sorted out. The fax prolly get shared if da fed canna usem.