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Wiggins, Clinic respect?

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Aug 12, 2009
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Non Grimpeur said:
Show me the evidence that Wiggins is doped? I don't see him blasting away in the mountains climbing with his mouth shut. I know there is good reason to question all cyclists these days but he has the motor and carries less weight.

This is not rocket science. Hinault and Lemond started their seasons overweight and lost the kilos before the Tour.

Has Wiggins lost weight through drugs? I don't know. It is possible and I can't deny that. He has the power though. His depressive personality reminds me of Lemond. I don't think Wiggins could cope with being exposed as a cheat.

Probably the lowest statement EVER made in the Clinic. Comparing Wiggins to Lemond. :mad: You should be completely ignored by every decent poster here FOREVER.

Perhaps you should enter the fitness industry and sell the masses Wiggins weight loss method. Spot loss of fat in specific sections of one's body, loss of functional muscle mass and you still retain your total power. That one will sell for sure.
Oct 17, 2012
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Galic Ho said:
Probably the lowest statement EVER made in the Clinic. Comparing Wiggins to Lemond. :mad: You should be completely ignored by every decent poster here FOREVER.
Perhaps you should enter the fitness industry and sell the masses Wiggins weight loss method. Spot loss of fat in specific sections of one's body, loss of functional muscle mass and you still retain your total power. That one will sell for sure.

Where the hell have you been the last four years? Sniffing chamois cream?

Huge whicker man sized strawman there. He was saying that Wiggins lost weight, as did St. Greg and they both have similar personality traits. He wasn't comparing there abilities. They both have two legs as well, would that be the lowest statement EVER?
May 26, 2010
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Spencer the Half Wit said:
Huge whicker man sized strawman there. He was saying that Wiggins lost weight, as did St. Greg and they both have similar personality traits. He wasn't comparing there abilities. They both have two legs as well, would that be the lowest statement EVER?

He was imlpying Wiggins lost weight and went from grupetto to top spot on the podium at the TdF. LeMond showed GT potential at a young age. Wiggins showed a fondness for beer.
gooner said:
So much for Stephen Roche saying Riis helped improve Nicolas's TT by adding 25 watts to his power output. I have seen nothing of the sort so far. He'll be powerless against Sky.
As a time-trialist you try to get as aero as possible without sacrificing power output. Then you weigh power losses against aerodynamic gains. Therefore it could mean, Riis found a position that gives him 25W back. Or he found optimizations that are worth 25W.
Mar 17, 2009
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Benotti69 said:
Not like that doper Boardman ;)

I believe Boardman was clean. If he was doped he would have done a lot better in the TDF.

He had a hormone problem that meant he could not recover well. The easy way out would be to have taken drugs which he refused to do.

I was at Manchester velodrome in 1996 when he broke the hour record and consider it to be one of the best (clean) athletic performances I have ever seen in the flesh.

I find it amusing that you say that my comments should not be taken seriously on this forum and yet you come out with unsubstantiated comments about Boardman. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Jul 21, 2012
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If he was doped he would be more like Wiggins you mean, but i thought Wiggins was clean :rolleyes:

Since you were there, does it mean you can tell the difference between a great clean performance and a great juiced performance?

Breaking the hour record in the middle of the wild 90s is automatically extremely suspicious, even for british riders.
Mar 17, 2009
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the sceptic said:
If he was doped he would be more like Wiggins you mean, but i thought Wiggins was clean :rolleyes:

Since you were there, does it mean you can tell the difference between a great clean performance and a great juiced performance?

Breaking the hour record in the middle of the wild 90s is automatically extremely suspicious, even for british riders.

I think Wiggins is clean. I can see why others say he is not.
It's only my opinion that Boardman was clean and yes he looked pretty tired afterwards. I agree that the 90's were very dodgy times but an hour TT is a different proposition to a three week tour with lots of mountains. It's a one off effort where you don't have to think about tomorrow's stage.

Can I tell the difference between a great clean and juiced performance? Not as well as others on this forum. I will say this though. Bradley Wiggins and Chris Boardman do not climb mountains with their mouths shut and then blast other people off their wheels.
Jun 21, 2009
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Non Grimpeur said:
I think Wiggins is clean. I can see why others say he is not.
It's only my opinion that Boardman was clean and yes he looked pretty tired afterwards. I agree that the 90's were very dodgy times but an hour TT is a different proposition to a three week tour with lots of mountains. It's a one off effort where you don't have to think about tomorrow's stage.

Can I tell the difference between a great clean and juiced performance? Not as well as others on this forum. I will say this though. Bradley Wiggins and Chris Boardman do not climb mountains with their mouths shut and then blast other people off their wheels.

lots of old excuses and explanations rolled out here. you must be a newcomer, we went through and put all of those to death around 2009. For starters, yes, its a one off effort. No it doesn't mean doping wouldn't help. :eek:
The Hitch said:
Finally someone in the British press realizes Wiggins is a ****er.


unfortunately, the comments section shows that many people in this world feel any behaviour is excusable if that person represents their country at sport.

more likely the dark arts of spin....

wiggins is too much the loose canon for sky...should anything come out in the future, then get in first so that anything he mutters can be cast in the 'paranoid' mode....the article says nothing. A better article might have asked why team GB worked so hard for Cavendish in 2011 and yet showed very little respect for Froome this year?
The Hitch said:
Finally someone in the British press realizes Wiggins is a ****er.


unfortunately, the comments section shows that many people in this world feel any behaviour is excusable if that person represents their country at sport.

Its a good article, needed to be written:
Its more balanced than the Hitch would have you believe:

"Good and bad, unreliable and interesting, just let’s not pretend Wiggins is anything like a paragon"

Surprised they didn't also say his father hated GB:D
gillan1969 said:
more likely the dark arts of spin....

wiggins is too much the loose canon for sky...should anything come out in the future, then get in first so that anything he mutters can be cast in the 'paranoid' mode....the article says nothing. A better article might have asked why team GB worked so hard for Cavendish in 2011 and yet showed very little respect for Froome this year?

Couldn't have anything to do with Wiggins attitude, could it?
That's JUST what the article IS about
(BTW I doubt the JTL disclosure did much for team morale!)
Jul 17, 2012
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The Hitch said:
Finally someone in the British press realizes Wiggins is a ****er.


unfortunately, the comments section shows that many people in this world feel any behaviour is excusable if that person represents their country at sport.

From the Mail, a paper that just publish a picture of David Miliband's father's gravestone with the tagline 'grave socialist' while accusing the Labour Leader's father of leaving a 'legacy of evil' for being a Marxist academic. The Daily Mail is truly revolting rag.
Daily Mail

What a good article - about time Wiggins was tripped up on his behaviour.

Little less than a year on, we are left to rue the fact that the only gold medal he has won in 2013 is for selfishness.
The latest reminder of Wiggins’s unsavoury side came in Florence on Sunday when the great master decided not to finish the World Championship road race in the rain.Wiggins’s self-serving style ...sulky...unpredictability...

Another good article on JTL...which questions Brailsford's selection. Lets hope the Daily Mail have some needling going on of Sky. Didn't realise its NOT Murdoch owned.

gillan1969 said:
more likely the dark arts of spin....

wiggins is too much the loose canon for sky...should anything come out in the future, then get in first so that anything he mutters can be cast in the 'paranoid' mode....the article says nothing. A better article might have asked why team GB worked so hard for Cavendish in 2011 and yet showed very little respect for Froome this year?

I suspect that might have been because their had been a lot of advanced planning for 2011, specifically targetting the race because it suited the manx missile who if he could be delivered to the finish would be the favourite to win, plus the weather (although the spat between Wiggins and Froome didn't help)
del1962 said:
I suspect that might have been because their had been a lot of advanced planning for 2011, specifically targetting the race because it suited the manx missile who if he could be delivered to the finish would be the favourite to win, plus the weather (although the spat between Wiggins and Froome didn't help)

Maybe Cav is just more popular than Froome with the rest of the team?
May 26, 2010
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Cycle Chic said:
What a good article - about time Wiggins was tripped up on his behaviour.

Another good article on JTL...which questions Brailsford's selection. Lets hope the Daily Mail have some needling going on of Sky.

Didn't realise its NOT Murdoch owned.

Owned by an equally despicable person, Rothemere
Jun 6, 2013
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Cycle Chic said:
What a good article - about time Wiggins was tripped up on his behaviour.

Whilst I don't disagree the Daily Mail website as a very long history of writing articles contrary to general UK public opinion in order to get clicks and ad-revenue.

I imagine they don't give two ****s about cycling it is just a tool to create revenue by stirring controversy - for reasons I will never understand Wiggo is much loved in the UK but the non-cycling public.
The Muppetarium at Bike Radar has figured out why Wiggins is a crap descender. It all comes down to road surface.

One of the things not mentioned about Brits being poor in rain on the Continent, is the possible psychological influence of the road surface. Road surfaces in the UK are generally rougher than those on the Continent, and faced with smoother wet surfaces abroad, the slight sense of security perhaps felt on rougher UK roads is then missing?