really good article here on brads improvement with shane sutton...
Just sat in the hotel recovering from a very long day yesterday.. fourth time in paris and by far the best, stage win, and 4th.. what a day.. Hats off to Dave and Brad of garmin, complete gentlemen, spent loads of time with the british fans at the top of the Champs, Brad and Dave both purloined flags from us, Dave went down the Champs with it flying from the back of his bike.. (how often to fans supply you with cable ties.. )
The british riders did themselves proud, but the fans did themselves just as proud. amazing support in paris, and i can say something, cav gets a lot of stick for being arrogant, etc etc, but the support for him in paris amongst all nationalities was amazing.. the germans next to us where going wild for him, an adopted t-mobile i guess..
Atmosphere in paris was as ever amazing, the usual problems with people who think that they can turn up at 3pm and move into space occupied by people who have been there since 8am, and begrudge you being at the front, but, well, politeness initially, and then &&&& em.. youve not got to see them again..

(got no time for people who try to take my spot and then ask, who is the winner of the tour, and who is the man wearing yellow jersey)
^ from the telegraph.. the guys directly opposite us.. we where too busy chinking beer with brad and giving out flags to take any photos our side..
side note.. BigBlueDave.. top bloke.. great meeting both of ya mate.. Hope you had a safe one home, we did have a small beer, at a little pub of the Champs, and then found a kebab shop near gare d l'est at about 11... lol...