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57th De Brabantse Pijl, 12th April (1.HC, 197km)

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Oct 23, 2011
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If the GPS is correct this break is starting to look increasingly dangerous. Benoot, Dillier, De Plus etc. aren't going to be caught easily by tired domestiques. If the group in front keeps cooperating decently, they could go a very long way. But this is a treacherous route, people can blow up or close big gaps quickly on this route.......

Maaaaaaaarten said:
If the GPS is correct this break is starting to look increasingly dangerous. Benoot, Dillier, De Plus etc. aren't going to be caught easily by tired domestiques. If the group in front keeps cooperating decently, they could go a very long way. But this is a treacherous route, people can blow up or close big gaps quickly on this route.......

Yeah, IF ... gps showed 40 seconds when in fact it was 17 :D