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And Nike, Trek, Oakley's response after all of this?

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Mar 31, 2010
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purcell said:
Have you seen Nike walk away from a crack smoking, adulterous ***** monger of a professional golfer yet?

No I didn't think so.

what an idiot comparison that is. woods cheated on his wif.e who the f*** cares? this is the real world and he's a sports figure and his sportive career is very real in fact.
Ryo Hazuki said:
worse people have won the nobel peace price though...

The world should be thankful Lance opted for a first career in sports, not politics or arms dealerships. This could have been worse. Not sure that him him less bad than others necessarily.
Duping 28 million out of money thinking they are helping their own kind is worse than some smalltime military coupe dictators have going against them.
Sep 29, 2012
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Ryo Hazuki said:
what an idiot comparison that is. woods cheated on his wif.e who the f*** cares? this is the real world and he's a sports figure and his sportive career is very real in fact.

Pull your head out. This is about nothing more than advertising for Nike. They couldn't care less about the sport, it's about selling crap.

Golf is many times larger than cycling as a pursuit, and to Nke's bottom line.

The media fire storm around Tiger was huge, and one very important demographic in that market is the wife. Bubba is sitting around all weekend watching golf on TV or going out to play golf, with his new Tiger Woods golf shirt, or driver, or whatever.

Given what he is admitted to have done, that has huge potential effect on Nike's sales.

If they rode that horse, they won't even blink at this mess. Cycling is a rounding error for them.
May 9, 2009
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purcell said:
If they rode that horse, they won't even blink at this mess. Cycling is a rounding error for them.

I agree with your point, except that it's a bit bigger than just cycling (in fact, I don't even know where to buy Nike cycling clothes, although I know they exist). A lot of runners pay attention to cycling, and runners bring some money to the table. However, I don't runners outraged to the point that they won't buy Nike products.
Oct 8, 2012
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The_Z_man said:
It wasn't surprising to me at all when I saw the article on CN about Nike. They have made too much money off black and yellow crap that they sell in every ****'s and Sports Authority in the US. Like all of his other followers they just don't care about cycling. Even in their press release, they say that.

I was under the impression that Lance owned part of Trek, so I don't see why that relationship would ever go anywhere.

As for Tiger, Nike did drop him, but then a year or so later, picked him back up. Nike has made way more money on Dopestrong stuff than they ever did on Tiger's crap.

Nike never dropped Tiger, and then resigned him. Where did you get that? And I don't buy that Nike has made more money off of Armstrong than Tiger. Do you have a source?

In any case, I agree with everyone that Nke should do the right thing and drop Armstrong like a bad habit. And so should his other sponsors. It's ridiculous. It just shows that you can cheat, have your titles stripped, and still retire as one of the richest multi-millionaires ever.
Dec 9, 2011
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Ok Nike - all of a sudden Lance has misled you for a decade. Arggghhhhh!!

I'm happy but annoyed at the same time. What do Nike want? a round of applause?

Their dropping Armstrong but keeping the money making brand. Cancer shield up!

They've known and been involved from day one, their is no difference between Nike and Armstrong camp they are the same people.

Armstrong has been the one executing the plays for the last decade with the media but it was the Nike marketing/media machine that taught him the playbook.

I hope people stay on their case. Awful awful company.
Oct 8, 2012
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The thing about Oakley is that they are in a legal pickle. They've not only supported Armstrong, but there is also the mess that Stephanie McIlvain has gotten into with her phone calls and threat of physically assaulting Betsy Andreu. Who knows? Maybe, Oakley has boxed themselves in and trying to figure out if they can even terminate their contract like Nike did.
Apr 11, 2009
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Nike will be behind Lance leaving Livestrong. The announcements were nearly simultaneous. Money talks.

Having him at Livestrong while they dropped Lance as a sponsored athlete would have looked ridiculous. It would have threatened their big Livestrong/Nike branded clothing line.

What about Trek? They are continuing to play dumb; their silence on the USADA evidence is deafening.

Trek, the doped up bike brand for Americans, LOL. Now, that's catchy.
Big Daddy said:
Nike never dropped Tiger, and then resigned him. Where did you get that? And I don't buy that Nike has made more money off of Armstrong than Tiger.


LOL, agreed. Truth be told, I have several friends who are very good golfers(one's a scratch), and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM, has said this to me about Nike golf equipment: "It's garbage! Overpriced, worthless garbage. Why would anyone want to buy golf equipment from a shoe manufacturer?" Besides, Nike just made a prototype of his old Titlelist irons(or was it Mizuno?), so they didn't "make" anything themselves. Folks have bought a copy of a copy.
Oct 8, 2012
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86TDFWinner said:
LOL, agreed. Truth be told, I have several friends who are very good golfers(one's a scratch), and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM, has said this to me about Nike golf equipment: "It's garbage! Overpriced, worthless garbage. Why would anyone want to buy golf equipment from a shoe manufacturer?" Besides, Nike just made a prototype of his old Titlelist irons(or was it Mizuno?), so they didn't "make" anything themselves. Folks have bought a copy of a copy.

Yeah, but those old Titlelist irons ere really good!
Ok Nike - all of a sudden Lance has misled you for a decade. Arggghhhhh!!

LOL, agreed. Nike knew EXACTLY what they were doing from the getgo with Wonderboy. The second their name was brought into the discussion, "all of a sudden" they distanced themselves from him?

Their dropping Armstrong but keeping the money making brand. Cancer shield up!

Of course, Nike is a ******y company, just as their man Wonderboy is.

They've known and been involved from day one, their is no difference between Nike and Armstrong camp they are the same people.


Armstrong has been the one executing the plays for the last decade with the media but it was the Nike marketing/media machine that taught him the playbook.


Awful awful company.

Nailed it!! I do not own(nor will I) anything brnaded with a Nike logo ever again(not that I went and sought it out before, haven't been too high on them for some time, their stuff just isn't very good IMO).
Oct 8, 2012
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pelodee said:
Oakley have kindly provided support for fans of sport to report athletes that are fakes. Maybe let them know?

Report Fakes (Oakley)

The form you linked to is for people to report evidence of fake (ie, counterfeit) Oakleys, not to report fake athletes.
Well Dopestrong is a counterfeit cyclist so that works ;-)

Dopestrong must be in a massive world of hurt right now, "NOT NORMAL" echoing all around the house for sure. While one doesn't want to wish ill on a fellow human being, it must be a sweet revenge for all those out there that he bullied into submission.
Yeah Oakley and Trek will wait at least a day now, no point dropping him unless it's going to make a nice loud clang that gets their brands in the news. It's a small line at the end of a Nike piece today but a whole Oakley or Trek headline tomorrow.
What about Nissan? Remember those Leaf commercials?
