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Armstrong statement imminent! Email exchanges to be revealed

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can someone please put a stop on new forum members for a week.. the livestrong interns are really starting to annoy me now.
Oct 15, 2009
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All I can see from these emails is that Floyd needs to learn the value of period when writing. The emails are not really that crazy, but it makes me wonder what the Radioshack legal team have held back for further use.
Obviously Landis has nothing left to lose except what little self-respect he had left. For his sake he had better have some substantial evidence or the laughing will just get worse.

In the end, it doesn't really matter, does it? The Armstrong haters will still rant and rave and hate. The Armstrong followers will cry foul and demand Landis' head on a platter and the rest of us sit by and watch the car wreck happening right in fron of us. It's kinda sad, really.


Apr 28, 2010
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TeamSkyFans said:
can someone please put a stop on new forum members for a week.. the livestrong interns are really starting to annoy me now.

Yup too often wanting to answer something, thinking about how many times its been answered already and realizing its the same thing rehashed again and again
Jun 15, 2009
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Barrus said:
Does anyone find anything in these e-mails which is threatening or anything, it seems like Landis tried to be civil and give everyone involved a chance to come clean and truly help against the doping problem. It is just stating his intentions and his plans, without having any type of demand or anything that truly can be seen as incriminating.

No, this is indeed a PR faux-pas for the Lancinator. Once again there's a BIG discrepancy between his statements and real life.
Problem with Lance is an inherent American one. He didn't just fight cancer, which would have been a great and admirable achievement in itself. No, he was qualified to ride in the big one too. Yet another fantastic achievement. Just being there, riding clean, finishing 87th would've been an inspiration for all cancer victims. Yet, he just had to go one better and be no.1. Larger than life. That's the unique American twist.
Lance is a great athlete, no doubt about it. It's a pity his moral standards are pure white trash.
TeamSkyFans said:
can someone please put a stop on new forum members for a week.. the livestrong interns are really starting to annoy me now.

You'd think Armstrong would be able to find just one skilled PR hack to troll these forums but apparently he's too cheap to hire anyone with half a brain.
Oct 15, 2009
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Mrs John Murphy said:
I agree but it is swimming against a tide of lazy journalism.

There are still journalists out there defending Barry Bonds and Mark McGwire, so I don't hold out too much hope of objective, well-research journalism from the mainstream press.

Journalism died a horrible death with the advent of 24-hour News and Blogging.
Oct 15, 2009
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BikeCentric said:
You'd think Armstrong would be able to find just one skilled PR hack to troll these forums but apparently he's too cheap to hire anyone with half a brain.

You guys do it with half a brain for free, don't you? Volunteer!:D


May 21, 2010
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Road Hazard said:
Those emails do not at all paint Landis in a favorable light. Landis is clearly looking for something (TOC position or a position on Radioshack team), even through he doesn't explicitely say so.

Why else would he be writing emails that seem to veer from the subject of TOC spots to dishing the dirt on riders. He invites the TOC rep to attend a meeting where Landis is going to dish dirt, as if the TOC is going to exclude teams based on what some guy says at a meeting with doping agencies.

The long email by Dr. Kay to Landis is especiallty "bizarre" as someone else said. First, it's contrived and almost seems made for public release.

But what "problem" is Dr. Kay looking to "solve" by getting Landis on the RS team? If Landis is truly trying to clear his conscience, and if Landis is truly not looking for a payoff, then why is team RS and Landis's threatened disclosure of past doping even in the same email? If Landis has dirt to dish, and is doing so for the sake of cycling, why doesn't he just go ahead and dish it? What's he waiting for?

The answer is clear even if he doesn't explicitely make a demand, he's waiting to see what he can get. His "agent" the good Dr. proposes a spot on RS. Landis proposes a spot for his team in the TOC.

For me anyway, Armstrong lost his hero status when I read about the positive results that were ignored, and his childish jabs at Contador last year.

But Landis also lost any hero status he may have had with that god-awful website, the general insanity and this "give me money to defend myself" to "we all doped" about face.

I agree with you. It's obviously not going to dent anybody who is campaigning to get Armstrong in prison and close down pro cycling, but this will be pretty damning to the mainstream media people that are investigating this.

People make out Landis is just a country boy, but he has shown to be a very skilled and convincing liar over the past four years that has no conscience. Even today he contradicts himself by admitting he is not ashamed of doping, so it would seem this has nothing to do with 'cleaning up the sport'.

Most people who look at this logically we weight this up. They understand that big names like Armstrong are often the target for people they used to work with who have fallen on hard times.


Apr 28, 2010
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BikeCentric said:
You'd think Armstrong would be able to find just one skilled PR hack to troll these forums but apparently he's too cheap to hire anyone with half a brain.

That would have at least make it entertaining for us as well, as of now they only post the same crap again and again and reinforcing each other in their beliefs (or quoting themselves, don't know how many are the same person)
Aerodynamic said:
I agree with you. It's obviously not going to dent anybody who is campaigning to get Armstrong in prison and close down pro cycling, but this will be pretty damning to the mainstream media people that are investigating this.

People make out Landis is just a country boy, but he has shown to be a very skilled and convincing liar over the past four years that has no conscience. Even today he contradicts himself by admitting he is not ashamed of doping, so it would seem this has nothing to do with 'cleaning up the sport'.

Most people who look at this logically we weight this up. They understand that big names like Armstrong are often the target for people they used to work with who have fallen on hard times.

Do you have two laptops on the go? Don't you get confused replying to yourself?
Jul 11, 2009
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Aerodynamic said:
Even today he contradicts himself by admitting he is not ashamed of doping, so it would seem this has nothing to do with 'cleaning up the sport'.

where's the contradiction? He's not ashamed, because at the time he had to dope to be a part of the big leagues. He's not ashamed because he knows that the people he raced with and against were doing the same thing. He wants to clean up the sport because that's a horrible situation for any young rider to have to face.
Two Lance muppets have a face-to-face discussion.



May 21, 2010
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Barrus said:
That would have at least make it entertaining for us as well, as of now they only post the same crap again and again and reinforcing each other in their beliefs (or quoting themselves, don't know how many are the same person)

I think people with different opinions should be allowed to post on the forum without insults and baiting directed at them. If they are talking nonsense then it should be easy to refute what they say. In the other thread not one person chose to refute 'Gees' contention and instead hurled insults and claimed he is working for a PR company. It doesn't show this forum in a good light.


TeamSkyFans said:
can someone please put a stop on new forum members for a week.. the livestrong interns are really starting to annoy me now.

no kidding...how many new folks are showing up here suddenly with an opinion? And not a one of them can spell very well...or follow logical linear arguments...

Note to Livestrong intern managment team: make sure interns can pass english 101 and basic logic class to follow arguments...:)
May 11, 2010
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pkreed71 said:
In the end, it doesn't really matter, does it? The Armstrong haters will still rant and rave and hate. The Armstrong followers will cry foul and demand Landis' head on a platter and the rest of us sit by and watch the car wreck happening right in fron of us. It's kinda sad, really.

Agree. Just from these emails, Haters are looking at contents. Lovers are looking for motives. Hopefully when Armstrong retires, they both go away. Long live cycling!


May 21, 2010
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autologous said:
where's the contradiction? He's not ashamed, because at the time he had to dope to be a part of the big leagues. He's not ashamed because he knows that the people he raced with and against were doing the same thing. He wants to clean up the sport because that's a horrible situation for any young rider to have to face.

If he is not ashamed of it then why is he suddenly trying to change it - after four years of convincing people that he never did it?


BikeCentric said:
Bravo to Cyclingnews for publishing the whole e-mail chain and allowing readers to draw their own conclusions. That is journalism!

i do wish they had published them in chronological order.. its really annoying having to read from the bottom of the page, upwards.