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British politics

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Aug 31, 2012
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Re: Re:

oldcrank said:
Jagartrott said:

Yes. Unfortunately, many members of the teachers unions
are just as concerned with indoctrination as education.

It's either that or young people responding more positively to rhetoric that goes like "let's make education free, properly fund the NHS and not raise taxes on anyone except the top 5 percent of earners" instead of "I've repeatedly been very clear that we will look at this, strong and stable, Jeremy Corbyn's Coalition of Chaos, Brexit means Brexit, very clear, will of the British people, stable and strong"
The Sun, as always, has all the answers to today's challenges:
"For the Sun, which today carries an interview with the PM on her proposed crackdown, that’s not going far enough. If Google, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter fail “to eradicate the jihadist filth they publish to the world”, the newspaper says: Mrs May should consider the nuclear option: ordering our internet service providers to shut down these vast sites until they are purged."
Northern Irish parties. DUP and UUP will support Conservatives, Alliance Lib Dems and SDLP Labour. Sinn Fein don't turn up.

Never have I been so happy to be proven completely wrong. I think exit poll might be out slightly, but by no more than 30 seats. Either way, BoJo is the next PM.
Aug 31, 2012
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Though the Conservatives retain a plurality, weak and wobbly Theresa May cannot continue to lead. These testing times call for a new PM. Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson

Netserk said:
Does anyone have a map of the exit poll results?
The Exit Poll is a carefully chosen mix of 100 seats across the UK, so they don't release a whole map because they don't want to embarrass themselves just in case. Some political nerds/junkies may try to make one, but there isn't an official one.

Sunderland will be interesting to be see how the UKIP will split.

ferryman said:
I'm taking the exit poll forecast in Scotland with a large pinch of salt. Only 10 polling stations were in the poll! If it is correct, and the SNP lose 22 seats, I'm genuinely intrigued as to which ones.

If that's the case, then the SNP can forget about another referendum for at least a while. That's a big blow for them.
Re: Re:

Brullnux said:
Netserk said:
Does anyone have a map of the exit poll results?
The Exit Poll is a carefully chosen mix of 100 seats across the UK, so they don't release a whole map because they don't want to embarrass themselves just in case. Some political nerds/junkies may try to make one, but there isn't an official one.

Sunderland will be interesting to be see how the UKIP will split.
Hope the exit poll is right but worried it may be slightly out as there, so far, seems to be a larger swing of the collapsed UKIP vote to the Tories. Okay so only two seats have declared.... I didn't spect to be still up by now, but hope lives a little longer
Shocking night for May, a month ago it looked like the Tories would steamroller this election and the British public have given her a big vote of no-confidence. Her position as PM is untenable.

Good result for Corbyn and Labour, imagine if his cabinet had backed him from the start...
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