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Cadel Evan's swipe at Valverde

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Aug 25, 2009
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rata de sentina said:
Are you really Odstralian? You seem to play a straight bat to a lot of taking the piss type posts instead of letting them go through to the keeper. You really should be culturally familiar to that stuff. :D

You don't know aussies well enough, they love to sling the sh!t out, but they don't cope so well with it going the other way.


progressor said:
You don't know aussies well enough, they love to sling the sh!t out, but they don't cope so well with it going the other way.

You're confusing us with our mother country (the not-so-Great Britain)..
Cobber said:
I agree with Frank, especially given his ties to Fuentes. In my opinion, Cadel, and possibly Wiggo, are probably as clean as a GT contender gets. Just looking at Cadel ride up a mountain makes me think he is pretty clean. He always looks like he is about to die from the exertion, while almost everyone else around him looks like they are trying to stay awake. You almost never see AC/LA/Valv and many others gasping for air!

You obviously haven't watched enough races. I've often seen Valverde "gasping for air" and struggling to maintain contact on a climb. Most recently in this year's stage to La Pandera. Most recently Contador was seen wincing on the Mt. Ventoux climb. You have selectively ignored these instances to support your apparent bias against certain riders. Regardless, I've seen the supposed "dirty" riders struggle the same as those who are being paraded as clean. If it were all so easy for these supposed dirty riders I would think riders like Evans and Wiggins would not be getting the results that they do. Wiggins wouldn't have been screaming at the top of his lungs out of boredom on Arcalis in the Tour if all these supposed "dirty" riders were
cruising effortlessly up these climbs. How many times have we heard a rider profess that he's clean and always has been only to find that he was and is anything but?
Cobber said:
I agree with Frank, especially given his ties to Fuentes. In my opinion, Cadel, and possibly Wiggo, are probably as clean as a GT contender gets. Just looking at Cadel ride up a mountain makes me think he is pretty clean. He always looks like he is about to die from the exertion, while almost everyone else around him looks like they are trying to stay awake. You almost never see AC/LA/Valv and many others gasping for air!

That's not true at all. AC, for one, looks like he's dying sometimes. Paris-Nice 2009. 2007 Tour. 2008 Giro. At stretches, on Ventoux at the Tour this year. Sure he doesn't have that pained look that Cadel does, but I think that's more a function of Cadel's weird riding style (he NEVER looks comfortable on his bike going up hill) and AC's riding style (out of the saddle and fluid).

As for LA, that dead Elvis look he's known for sure doesn't look like he's out for a casual ride.
In the light of visible suffering, hasn't LA raised his game this year? He seemed to be trying plenty hard. Sometimes though, seeming not even able to dig deep (not uncommon for not-yet-top-fit athletes). I know all about that part myself, can be quite frustrating.
dimspace said:
its always been the same.. how many non spaniards have won recently.. menchov twice and vino...

one of menchovs was an inherited following disqualification.. so essentially, vino in 2006 and menchov in 2007 are the only real blips on the spanish collusion and dirty tactics..

then again, the list of winners is like a whos who of doping.. :/

Sastre who's nickname is "Mr. Clean" is included your list? Two of the podium finishers from 2007 and 2008 are seen as fine examples of clean cycling (Leipheimer and Evans) and they finished quite close to the your guilty Spaniards in the Tour and the Vuelta.
auscyclefan94 said:
I think it was a combination of things:
-Valverde hiding behind his puppet Contador at the Dauphine
-Valverde's beating twice: Dauphine and Vuelta
-valverde's group not waiting on the climb for cadel
-A cheat like valverde being allowed to race who is involved in a doping scandal and is allowed to race
I think Cobber is right that Cadel won't wait for valverde next time if it happens to him.

I would think that if Evans had the personality to cultivate any type of alliances he would have. Apparently that is not the case and even his own teammates are less than motivated to ride their hearts out for him. Your constant references to Contador being anyone's puppet are pretty unrealisitc and sound a tad bitter.
Revel in your idol's WC win and prepare yourself for more of the same in 2010
unless he alters his focus from the Tour to the other grand tours.
rata de sentina said:
Are you really Odstralian? You seem to play a straight bat to a lot of taking the piss type posts instead of letting them go through to the keeper. You really should be culturally familiar to that stuff. :D

Aus simply has a problem discerning what is and isn't sarcasm. Sometimes understandable when so many different forms of slang and cultural phrases and references are used that just may not be familiar to those from the various parts of the world that make up this forum. Now the most recent post that in question seemed fairly straightforward so I don't see the confusion on Auscyclefan's part.
Jun 16, 2009
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Angliru said:
I would think that if Evans had the personality to cultivate any type of alliances he would have. Apparently that is not the case and even his own teammates are less than motivated to ride their hearts out for him. Your constant references to Contador being anyone's puppet are pretty unrealisitc and sound a tad bitter.
Revel in your idol's WC win and prepare yourself for more of the same in 2010
unless he alters his focus from the Tour to the other grand tours.

Did you ever see valverde come to the front to counter evans' attacks. I don't think so. That's why he was Contador's puppet. I wasn't bitter but it was blatantly done by Contador to stop Evans winning. You ride for your team not your compatriots (except WC's). His team mates rode hard for him at the dauphine esp. Lloyd and Van den Broeck.
auscyclefan94 said:
Did you ever see valverde come to the front to counter evans' attacks. I don't think so. That's why he was Contador's puppet. I wasn't bitter but it was blatantly done by Contador to stop Evans winning. You ride for your team not your compatriots (except WC's). His team mates rode hard for him at the dauphine esp. Lloyd and Van den Broeck.

Totally agree with this point. AC was definitely fu$king with Cadel's head. He wanted Cadel to know that even in his less than optimal form, he could handle anything he could dish out. And it worked. AC said all he wanted to do was hold Cadel's wheel, and that's what he did. Valverde was smart enough to hold onto Contador's wheel.

Doesn't make Contador a puppet. Just makes him a better GT rider than Cadel--who left his form at the Dauphine. Or his heart. I can't figure out which. :p
Apr 16, 2009
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Publicus said:
Totally agree with this point. AC was definitely fu$king with Cadel's head. He wanted Cadel to know that even in his less than optimal form, he could handle anything he could dish out. And it worked. AC said all he wanted to do was hold Cadel's wheel, and that's what he did. Valverde was smart enough to hold onto Contador's wheel.

Doesn't make Contador a puppet. Just makes him a better GT rider than Cadel--who left his form at the Dauphine. Or his heart. I can't figure out which. :p

I grant you AC is certainly a better doper than CE.
Jun 16, 2009
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Publicus said:
Totally agree with this point. AC was definitely fu$king with Cadel's head. He wanted Cadel to know that even in his less than optimal form, he could handle anything he could dish out. And it worked. AC said all he wanted to do was hold Cadel's wheel, and that's what he did. Valverde was smart enough to hold onto Contador's wheel.

Doesn't make Contador a puppet. Just makes him a better GT rider than Cadel--who left his form at the Dauphine. Or his heart. I can't figure out which. :p

It doesn't seem right to ride to stop someone to win esp. if they aren't on their team. You ride to win or help someone win.
auscyclefan94 said:
It doesn't seem right to ride to stop someone to win esp. if they aren't on their team. You ride to win or help someone win.

How does Contador shadowing Evans constitute him riding to stop Evans from winning? Wouldn't the more effective method be to simply drop him like he knows he can? If he was in fact working with Valverde a more effective method would have been to attack Evans, allowing Valverde to ride Evans' wheel when he attempted to counter or bridge, let Evans do all the work and then explode by him to take time out of him.

Also you appear to contradict yourself in your messages by saying that Contador was Valverde's puppet and now above you say "you ride to win OR help someone win".
Jul 17, 2009
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That's funny when he won worlds I was humming Tom Petty "Baby, even the losers get lucky sometimes, Even the losers keep a little bit of pride, They get lucky sometimes"
Jun 16, 2009
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Angliru said:
How does Contador shadowing Evans constitute him riding to stop Evans from winning? Wouldn't the more effective method be to simply drop him like he knows he can? If he was in fact working with Valverde a more effective method would have been to attack Evans, allowing Valverde to ride Evans' wheel when he attempted to counter or bridge, let Evans do all the work and then explode by him to take time out of him.

Also you appear to contradict yourself in your messages by saying that Contador was Valverde's puppet and now above you say "you ride to win OR help someone win".

You ride to win or help a team mate to win. Contador was doing neither.
May 26, 2009
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Boeing said:
That's funny when he won worlds I was humming Tom Petty "Baby, even the losers get lucky sometimes, Even the losers keep a little bit of pride, They get lucky sometimes"

Losers like you, sniping anonymously on the internet?

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