But I think your anecdote is representative of many of the unvaccinated. They are just unreachable without mandates.
Spoken like a true vaccine
extremist. Lol. Vaccine "mandates" are unethical & don't take into consideration that not everyone needs to be vaccinated.
Public trust in public health is finite. Wasting it on policy that seeks to mandate vaccination in a lower risk population makes little sense
First of all, people who have recovered from Covid, like myself, have post-infection immunity which is at least as good, if not better, than vaccine-induced immunity. As I've cited here, there are studies showing long-lasting robust
T cells with the recoverd that prevent serious illness from the variants (you really disappoint me on this because with your medical background & knowledge, you of all people should know the benefits of natural immunity but yet you continually remain quiet on this aspect as if there's no such thing as natural immunity acquired from SARS-CoV-2).
Secondly, there's a
thousand fold difference in Covid mortality between the youngest & oldest of those infected with Covid.
And let's not forget about the side-effects and the unknown long-term risks of these mRNA technology vaccines. You're wanting to force people to take a product where the manufacturer has complete immunity from product liability!
And what's egregious with these
strict vaccine mandates/passports recently implemented in some of the Blue states (i.e. no "testing out" option) is that Liberal leadership is simply punishing the vaccine hesitant for being disobedient & not adhering to their