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Critérium du Dauphiné 2023, June 4 - 11

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I think Kuss' great performances have to be read in the context of the race, I.E. like non-GC Porte/Poels he is able to ride gruppetto saving energy until the high mountains where they end up still being there in a very small group of riders who don't have the luxury.

I haven't seen Yates' in a purely domestique role yet but his performances on Hafeet and Thyon 2000 this year are at least close to the best his brother and Kuss have done and I think he can be of similar value having to appear at the right moments, without the cumulative fatigue of having to ride GC the entire race.

Unless the UAE owners have him try and top 10 for the UCI points like they've been having all their riders do this year.
It's possible that Yates could regain that punch he lacks when riding for himself in GTs if he doesn't have to focus on hanging on every day. It's hard to know because the most he never really sacrificed himself in a GT at Ineos even though he was never the number one guy. I'd still be surprised if he's capable of that Poels/Kuss on their best days level of super domestique performance.

Of course if UAE want Yates to hang around in case Pogacar has a bad day and finish 10th, he can definitely do that.