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Did Armstrong arrange for Floyd to test positive?

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bcounsell said:
i challenge your drivel here, I have no contemp for Armstrong. I actually like Armstrong. I like most all pro cyclists. Cycling is no different than life, just some aspects are more scrutinized by society but the same trysts exist in our everyday lives. We have all done things that later we feel may have been unfair to others or were driven out of a desire to win or gain control over something.

How many cyclists who rode with him went on to be team leaders that would have never gotten the chance if not shone will leading LA up a mountain or protecting him in the wind. The list is long, not only did USPS and Disco identify talent and provide opportunity, but developed them and put them on the world stage. Cycling as we know it in America would be vastly less now, if not for LA.

I don't care.


Hugh Januss said:
His blood pressure would be lower if he would avoid threads dealing with LA.

Yea, but then I would need Viagra because it is obvious I have a...well, I would need Viagra...


Thoughtforfood said:
Yea, but then I would need Viagra because it is obvious I have a...well, I would need Viagra...

I can re-post those pictures of LA in his speedo if that will help.:D
Jul 14, 2009
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Answer, no he didn't. Floyd is a stud and a pud in one body. Lance has nothing to do with Void. Andy Petite is the only guy who had good advice. Come clean and go on. You will never win until you take that 1000 pound monkey off your back. Is there no PA tradition of saying I fu%t up and lets go on.
Aug 12, 2009
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Do I believe he actually paid the UCI so floyd can test positive, I don't think so but I believe floyd wasn't used to monitoring his values and attaining and using the best products. So sure US Postal has something to do with that. Just so you guys know I think LA is a jackass.
Jul 16, 2009
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can someone put me str8 on this

i was told Floyd fell asleep with a testosterone patch on his knackers

having read up on CERA and EPO and blood doping here, it seems not likely

do i go back to that person and say they were messing with me, or do they know they were messing with me anyway?

(be gentle)
Jul 23, 2009
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Ozzie2 said:
can someone put me str8 on this

i was told Floyd fell asleep with a testosterone patch on his knackers

having read up on CERA and EPO and blood doping here, it seems not likely

do i go back to that person and say they were messing with me, or do they know they were messing with me anyway?

(be gentle)

Man up Ozzie, any self-respecting scientist would test the theory. What's the worst that can happen? Slap on that patch and call it a night!
Jul 23, 2009
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This thread is off the charts

To the OP:

Lance Armstrong caused Hurricane Katrina, the psunami that wiped out much of Thailand, the earthquake in Italy, and the Californian wildfires. Do you really think he has the time and energy to waste on Floyd Landis?
May 26, 2009
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Digger said:
TFF, definitely the man with the best put downs on this forum. A word here and there is all he needs. Master at work.

You're easily pleased... "I don't care" - sure, that's going to give Oscar Wilde a run for his money.
Aug 15, 2009
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BroDeal said:
Are you kidding me??? Armstrong was caught. He tested positive for EPO six times. Both Vande Velde and Danielson have, without saying it explicitly, made it pretty clear what was going on at the teams the raced for previously. Popovich could barely climb a speed bump when he left The Hog. Hincapie had quite the transformation while riding with Postal/Disco. Vaughters has gone much further than Vande Velde and Danielson, especially when his chat session with Andreu is taken into acount. Beltran, who tested positive for CERA last year, tested positive for EPO in the same retrospective testing of the 1999 urine samples that proved Armstrong is a doper; so you would have us believe that he was testing before Postal, after Postal, but not at Postal?

Then you have to explain why in 2006 the whole Disco squad at the Tour became a joke. That is not normal. A few riders can show up with bad form, but when the whole team is a very pale shadow of what it was the year before then you know something fishy is going on.
Hi BroDeal, I am wondering how you've heard all of those things before and where I can read about them? I've never heard that Armstrong has actually tested positive before, let alone six times! (Personally I think that's great news cuz I can't stand him, but terrible news cuz he apparently got away with it...) And then do you think Hincapie has, too?

Epicycle said:
Floyd's performance on that stage screamed doping to the max. He's lucky they didn't check his hematocrit before it.

Watch again Epi. Not saying Floyd wasn't topped off, he probably was. And he obviously was microdosing T. But a big reason he won that stage to Morzine is strategy. And the fact that the group didn't take his break seriously enough until it was too late, and then no one would help Pereiro chase and they went for it on their own, individually attacking each other. Plus it was his favorite weather - very hot, and he doused himself with 80+ water bottles (some sticky). Stuart O'Grady says Floyd blew by him 100km from the finish. But Stuey isn't a climber, Floyd could be. And Floyd was somewhat rested from the previous day's disaster. Floyd also was running out of gas and starting to lose time on the Joux Plane, but made some of it back on the descent as he's an outstanding descender (no doping needed), and a solo rider can descend faster than a group of stragglers.

He also writes about it in his book. Half of that book is fiction, but the part about these days in the Tour break it down very well and don't smack of BS. Not saying he was clean. No way. But watch the stage again.

BTW. No possible way Lance had Floyd spiked, or anyone else for that matter. No way. What likely happened is that USPS had the most refined, and careful doping program in sports, Floyd tried to take what he learned with him, and combine it with Phonak's program, and blew it. But just barely.
Jul 16, 2009
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pedaling squares said:
Man up Ozzie, any self-respecting scientist would test the theory. What's the worst that can happen? Slap on that patch and call it a night!


but to really test it I'd need to go for a ride after- my limit (and I confess interest) is up the street to the shop.

Maybe I'll jack up and go online and play poker as my empirical test.

Now back to it. This guy is reasonably connected. Is there such a thing as a patch for the knackers?
Apr 20, 2009
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Ozzie2 said:
can someone put me str8 on this

i was told Floyd fell asleep with a testosterone patch on his knackers

having read up on CERA and EPO and blood doping here, it seems not likely

do i go back to that person and say they were messing with me, or do they know they were messing with me anyway?

(be gentle)

That's probably the most reasonable theory. Either that or he was so upset he just said to hell with it and left that **** on alot longer than he was supposed to.

If Landis was using only recovery products during the 2006 Tour, it also makes sense of his "I'll say no" response. To him, T may not have been thought to be performance enhancing - just getting the level up to the 'normal' range.

In any event, I love all the Katrina, global warming, whatever references. I'm just making the point that Lancey Pants and Astana still seem to be getting away with alot. Like Lance's shower - and the drug testers have coffee for 1 hr!! during the Tour prior to doing the checks.

According to Andreau, at least, in 1999 the doping program wasn't formalized in the team. He had to purchase the products himself in Switzerland and ask for advice to use the r-EPO. Once the test came out and Disco went Old Skool more organization was needed to handle the transfusions - maybe that's when it became team organized.


yourwelcome said:
You're easily pleased... "I don't care" - sure, that's going to give Oscar Wilde a run for his money.

Either way, neither Digger nor I screwed up on OUR screen names. Dang.
Alpe d'Huez said:
Watch again Epi. Not saying Floyd wasn't topped off, he probably was. And he obviously was microdosing T. But a big reason he won that stage to Morzine is strategy. And the fact that the group didn't take his break seriously enough until it was too late, and then no one would help Pereiro chase and they went for it on their own, individually attacking each other. Plus it was his favorite weather - very hot, and he doused himself with 80+ water bottles (some sticky). Stuart O'Grady says Floyd blew by him 100km from the finish. But Stuey isn't a climber, Floyd could be. And Floyd was somewhat rested from the previous day's disaster. Floyd also was running out of gas and starting to lose time on the Joux Plane, but made some of it back on the descent as he's an outstanding descender (no doping needed), and a solo rider can descend faster than a group of stragglers.

He also writes about it in his book. Half of that book is fiction, but the part about these days in the Tour break it down very well and don't smack of BS. Not saying he was clean. No way. But watch the stage again.

BTW. No possible way Lance had Floyd spiked, or anyone else for that matter. No way. What likely happened is that USPS had the most refined, and careful doping program in sports, Floyd tried to take what he learned with him, and combine it with Phonak's program, and blew it. But just barely.

Not that i disagree with the essence of your post, but from what I remember only Sastre (of the GT contenders) was faster than Landis on the Joux Plane. My first thought when he crossed the line was "I wonder if he gets popped". There was no doubt in my mind he was doped, but you are right that strategy played a big part in that stage win.
Jul 27, 2009
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Alpe d'Huez said:
Not saying Floyd wasn't topped off, he probably was. And he obviously was microdosing T. But a big reason he won that stage to Morzine is strategy. And the fact that the group didn't take his break seriously enough until it was too late, and then no one would help Pereiro chase and they went for it on their own, individually attacking each other. Plus it was his favorite weather - very hot, and he doused himself with 80+ water bottles (some sticky). Stuart O'Grady says Floyd blew by him 100km from the finish. But Stuey isn't a climber, Floyd could be. And Floyd was somewhat rested from the previous day's disaster. Floyd also was running out of gas and starting to lose time on the Joux Plane, but made some of it back on the descent as he's an outstanding descender (no doping needed), and a solo rider can descend faster than a group of stragglers.


BTW. No possible way Lance had Floyd spiked, or anyone else for that matter. No way. What likely happened is that USPS had the most refined, and careful doping program in sports, Floyd tried to take what he learned with him, and combine it with Phonak's program, and blew it. But just barely.

Nice post. Pretty much sums up my feeling on that Morzine stage and the speculation on Armstrong paying off the UCI for Floyd to test positive lol
Apr 19, 2009
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This thread is silly and stupid. Floyd screwed up because he left the testosterone patch on for too long. The rumor I heard is that he fell asleep with it on and it caused the levels to be too high.

Sorry the only thing that Lance is guilty here with is that his previous team had a very well organized system and Floyd took it with him and screwed up.