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Teams & Riders Froome Talk Only

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Jul 10, 2013
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zalacain said:
from the Daily Mirror and evry other report
Froome hissed: "It's quite sad that we are sitting here, the day after the biggest victory of my life and quite an historic win, talking about doping.

He HAS to understand that having seen what we've seen in the past few years and his oddly meteoric rise to TdF winner (from being 2dn in the tour of a small island in the middle of the Indian Ocean to # 1 in the TdF) is going to garner some unwanted attention.

He should have known that.

"Quite frankly, my team-mates and I have trained on volcanoes to get ready for this, spending months away from home and working our a***s off in training, and yet here I am, being accused of being a cheat and a liar, and that's not cool.

He trained on volcanos!! And with his teammates!!


"To compare me with Lance is wrong - Lance cheated, but I'm not cheating. End of story.

And that is exactly what used to say.

zalacain said:
from the Daily Mirror and evry other report
Froome hissed: "It's quite sad that we are sitting here, the day after the biggest victory of my life and quite an historic win, talking about doping.

"To compare me with Lance is wrong - Lance cheated, but I'm not cheating. End of story.

jeeeeez! froomey is talking about not doping not stating that he would

never break any of the minor regulations in the race

Mark L
Sep 3, 2012
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Out of interest would members think its normal for professional riders to react to be called dopers by telling them by shouting F off? I saw somebody on the Glandon run alongside Froome shouting about Geert Leindeers and steroids, and what drugs are they on. At that point Richie Porte emerged from 3 places back changed his line and shouted at the guy F off.
Personally, if I were a extremely well paid Sky athlete and some fan shouts that in a non aggressive manner at my team mate I wouldn't react like that. I'd just laugh at the notion of Sky doping (assuming their clean). Richie obviously is super charged today. Froome got told and he heard no mistake.
Jun 25, 2013
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Bexon30 said:
Out of interest would members think its normal for professional riders to react to be called dopers by telling them by shouting F off? I saw somebody on the Glandon run alongside Froome shouting about Geert Leindeers and steroids, and what drugs are they on. At that point Richie Porte emerged from 3 places back changed his line and shouted at the guy F off.
Personally, if I were a extremely well paid Sky athlete and some fan shouts that in a non aggressive manner at my team mate I wouldn't react like that. I'd just laugh at the notion of Sky doping (assuming their clean). Richie obviously is super charged today. Froome got told and he heard no mistake.

I would tell them to **** off if I knew how hard I had to work to get to the level of performance and fitness that I was at.
Sep 3, 2012
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darwin553 said:
I would tell them to **** off if I knew how hard I had to work to get to the level of performance and fitness that I was at.

Sure, but if your clean then what's being said is irrelevant? Because its not a reality. Fans shout at footballers all the time. The only example of a player reacting is Cantana. All of the time they ignore it. Imagine reacting to shouts of EPO or dope on the ADH climb. You need to react maybe a 100 times. If I was clean I wouldn't feel the need to shout at a cycling fan and go out my way to do so, that's just me.

Bexon30 said:
I saw somebody on the Glandon run alongside Froome shouting about Geert Leindeers and steroids, and what drugs are they on. At that point Richie Porte emerged from 3 places back changed his line and shouted at the guy F off.

fans running alongside the riders are idiots ...........seems appropiate to me

i recall alberto being praised for punching a fan in similar circumstance

Mark L
Jun 25, 2013
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Bexon30 said:
Sure, but if your clean then what's being said is irrelevant? Because its not a reality. Fans shout at footballers all the time. The only example of a player reacting is Cantana. All of the time they ignore it. Imagine reacting to shouts of EPO or dope on the ADH climb. You need to react maybe a 100 times. If I was clean I wouldn't feel the need to shout at a cycling fan and go out my way to do so, that's just me.

But wouldn't that assume that all the media attention being directed towards them about doping isn't taking any negative effect on them?

So, possibly just a natural reaction to get all fired up?
Sep 3, 2012
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ebandit said:
fans running alongside the riders are idiots ...........seems appropiate to me

i recall alberto being praised for punching a fan in similar circumstance

Mark L

Depends on the situation I guess and how close they are this fan was at least 2 meters from the Sky Train. He was on the very side of the road not in their face. It was Richie that moved over to the fan to tell him to F off. Could it not be said that if you shout diver at a footballer then it's a similar thing? If the fan would've been really close to Sky or acting in a threatening manner then I agree.
Apr 20, 2012
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Bexon30 said:
Out of interest would members think its normal for professional riders to react to be called dopers by telling them by shouting F off? I saw somebody on the Glandon run alongside Froome shouting about Geert Leindeers and steroids, and what drugs are they on. At that point Richie Porte emerged from 3 places back changed his line and shouted at the guy F off.
Personally, if I were a extremely well paid Sky athlete and some fan shouts that in a non aggressive manner at my team mate I wouldn't react like that. I'd just laugh at the notion of Sky doping (assuming their clean). Richie obviously is super charged today. Froome got told and he heard no mistake.
Totally normal, Portie is Froomie's Best Bud Buddy.

Or that time Contador got baited with a beef steak :D
Sep 3, 2012
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Zam_Olyas said:
No another rider, that rider push away a spectator.

Fans get carried away and too close. In that situation I get it. I wouldn't fancy someone running right next to my handle bars either. But Richie reacting was strange the other Sky riders, Froome also saw the guy heard him but just ignored it. It's what friends are for FGL.
Apr 20, 2012
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Cimber said:
Cheating is cheating. He might have lost 1 min more had he not eaten.

darwin553 said:
Isn't that just smart team management though? Sky knew that the worse punishment they could get, within the rules, would be the punishment that was handed to Froome and Porte versus possibly losing more time than they did which could have been a minute or more to Quintana. So in the end it is a simple matter of mathematics.
How about bandwith doping, not triggering the ABP? Also smart management?
Jul 15, 2013
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Bexon30 said:
Out of interest would members think its normal for professional riders to react to be called dopers by telling them by shouting F off? I saw somebody on the Glandon run alongside Froome shouting about Geert Leindeers and steroids, and what drugs are they on. At that point Richie Porte emerged from 3 places back changed his line and shouted at the guy F off.
Personally, if I were a extremely well paid Sky athlete and some fan shouts that in a non aggressive manner at my team mate I wouldn't react like that. I'd just laugh at the notion of Sky doping (assuming their clean). Richie obviously is super charged today. Froome got told and he heard no mistake.

The fan is a moron and if Froome punched him in the face I would say 'serves him right'. And I don't believe he's clean. Same with a football fan if he stepped onto the pitch to confront a player
Jan 20, 2013
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Carols said:
Well I always thought this was indicative of his character--certainly not afraid to lie to get what he wanted!


Impersonate an official to cheat his way into a race. Some role model!

Who wrote this article? Reads like a fabricated story based inaccurate facts. One parent family struggling single mum?

Froome (by his own admission) comes from a rich family of British born coffee plantation owners in Kenya. Poor little rich boy!
Are we sure Ritchie Porte was telling the fan to f-off?
Perhaps he was just offering the fan an energy snack
made by Manchester based premium sports nutrition
experts CNP. Perhaps Richie offered the exhausted fan
an Elite Gel Max, a multisource energy gel with caffeine.
Ritchie is known for distributing energy snacks from
sports nutrition experts CNP to team-mates and fans.
The Elite Gel Max uses a 5 to 1 ratio of maltodextrin
to fructose for optimum carbohydrate delivery to
working muscles and would allow the exuberant fan
to keep running and cheering for his favourite riders
without fear of bonking.
Apr 19, 2010
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ebandit said:
fans running alongside the riders are idiots ...........seems appropiate to me

i recall alberto being praised for punching a fan in similar circumstance

Mark L


Riders should get time bonuses every time they punch any of these ****s.
Sep 3, 2012
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bewildered said:
The fan is a moron and if Froome punched him in the face I would say 'serves him right'. And I don't believe he's clean. Same with a football fan if he stepped onto the pitch to confront a player

The fan may well be a moron, but, he never ran right next to Froome he was running on the grass at the side of the road. But, the football thing you say is correct. I don't think punching someone in the face for doing what I saw is right however. Neither do I think Cantana was justified. I was trying to understand if people could understand Portes actions because of what was said to Froome, perhaps the wrong thread. My bad