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Teams & Riders Froome Talk Only

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Mar 13, 2009
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hrotha said:
Blackcat, you already started a thread about Froome's early results, and, to put it mildly, most people agreed you were wildly exaggerating how good they were and how much potential they showed.
Hroth but I dont doubt that he is juiced like the rest of them up the pointy end.

But I contest that as the reason for the breakout.

Wiggins never won a chrono in his first 6 years in the pro peloton in Europe. And we have the warped perception he was a tt rider. The IP in international track cycling, never had, and has no depth.
Mar 13, 2009
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Cant wait till we get Robbie Hunter besides Froomie as his wingman.

I was saying this during the Vuelta last year. Hunter would come in (here) and kick some heads like he wanted to do with Popovych at Tour of Cali about 7 years back.

Now that woulda been a good cage fight. Popo had a golden gloves title back in Russia.
Don't be late Pedro said:
Yes, I read the interview. So it sounds like Cycle Sport took what he said and plotted an example graph. Brailsford only mentions a few riders in the interview and where they would appear. So either

i) He mentioned the other riders in the interview but it wasn't printed.
ii) He explained exactly how he determines a riders place on the graph and gave Cycle Sport information so they were able to plot it correctly.
iii) Cycle Sport put riders where they thought they might appear.

I am going for (iii). I could well be wrong though.

Good spot – I’m guilty of having over-interpreted it. Brailsford's words are arguably more important than the actual graph. It is hard for me to argue against the general position of the numbered boxes and the CF (the line is more subjective).
Aug 13, 2010
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Libertine Seguros said:
But then, as the interview may have been edited, they may have discussed all of the riders, but only gone with those thought to be relevant for the finished article, in which case it would be even more damning as Froome would have been considered totally irrelevant.
I flagged that as a possibility in a previous post. And Geraint Thomas is not mentioned either but I would not see him as an irrelevant rider for Sky.

Libertine Seguros said:
Only Cyclesport themselves, and Brailsford himself, can know for sure
Agreed. I am not arguing one way or another as to where riders should or not be. It may be the case that Froome should be where he is on the graph. I think that just as posters (rightly) question performances about teams that not questioning information given to us just because it suits our stance is wrong.

This graph is now being posted on a few topics as definitive proof that Brailsford did not see potential in Froome. Indeed, he may not have but I do not think this graph is proof of that.

Rather than keeping on about this I will leave it at that.
Why did Froome sign a 3 year deal with Sky after the Vuelta ? Could have been the main man elsewhere. Playing second fiddle to Wiggins was inevitable but he doesn't seem that happy about it. Were other teams scared off (whether it be doping suspicions or concerns about his health) or did he think that his Vuelta performance wouldn't be sustainable elsewhere ?
Sep 14, 2011
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Eyeballs Out said:
Why did Froome sign a 3 year deal with Sky after the Vuelta ? Could have been the main man elsewhere. Playing second fiddle to Wiggins was inevitable but he doesn't seem that happy about it. Were other teams scared off (whether it be doping suspicions or concerns about his health) or did he think that his Vuelta performance wouldn't be sustainable elsewhere ?

So any rider who re-signs for their team is a doper. Great argument.
Aug 13, 2010
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Eyeballs Out said:
Why did Froome sign a 3 year deal with Sky after the Vuelta ? Could have been the main man elsewhere. Playing second fiddle to Wiggins was inevitable but he doesn't seem that happy about it. Were other teams scared off (whether it be doping suspicions or concerns about his health) or did he think that his Vuelta performance wouldn't be sustainable elsewhere ?
Or maybe they offered him the most money and the best contract. He might well get the chance to be leader in future tours.

And as for other teams not hiring someone because of doping suspicions... Which team has not hired someone because of this?
Apr 8, 2010
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Eyeballs Out said:
Why did Froome sign a 3 year deal with Sky after the Vuelta ? Could have been the main man elsewhere. Playing second fiddle to Wiggins was inevitable but he doesn't seem that happy about it. Were other teams scared off (whether it be doping suspicions or concerns about his health) or did he think that his Vuelta performance wouldn't be sustainable elsewhere ?

Because Sky needed to offer him enough that he didn't go to another team and beat Wiggins. US postal is rumored to have 'bought' Heras for this reason.
Dec 27, 2010
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Eyeballs Out said:
Why did Froome sign a 3 year deal with Sky after the Vuelta ? Could have been the main man elsewhere. Playing second fiddle to Wiggins was inevitable but he doesn't seem that happy about it. Were other teams scared off (whether it be doping suspicions or concerns about his health) or did he think that his Vuelta performance wouldn't be sustainable elsewhere ?

Jonathan Vaughters ‏@Vaughters
Thanks for all the folks saying I should hire Froomie. I tried at the beginning of the Vuelta last year. But we don't have the resources.
Jun 22, 2012
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will10 said:
Jonathan Vaughters ‏@Vaughters
Thanks for all the folks saying I should hire Froomie. I tried at the beginning of the Vuelta last year. But we don't have the resources.

Interesting choice of words - resources could of course mean cash, but it could mean something different entirely...
Aug 13, 2010
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The Joker said:
Interesting choice of words - resources could of course mean cash, but it could mean something different entirely...
Yes, because Vaughters who advertises his team as a clean team would decide to use twitter to send a coded message for the benefit of those 'in the know'.

Your choice of words could mean you are onto something or it could mean you are an imbecile.
Jun 22, 2012
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Don't be late Pedro said:
Yes, because Vaughters who advertises his team as a clean team would decide to use twitter to send a coded message for the benefit of those 'in the know'.

Your choice of words could mean you are onto something or it could mean you are an imbecile.

I'm sorry, but JV knows full well that the there is a cloud of doping which hangs over this sport.

As you say, he advertises his team as clean, and he is outpsoken against doping. That should mean he is extra careful to ensure that nothing that he does or says can be construed badly / negatively. He needs to be constantly vigilant and constantly careful!

What he should tweet is that "Thanks for all the folks saying I should hire Froomie. I tried at the beginning of the Vuelta last year. But we don't have the money to sign him".

I should add that I am sure that this is what JV meant, but as I said before, "resources" is an abiguous term, and could have several meanings...
Aug 13, 2010
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The Joker said:
I'm sorry, but JV knows full well that the there is a cloud of doping which hangs over this sport.

As you say, he advertises his team as clean, and he is outpsoken against doping. That should mean he is extra careful to ensure that nothing that he does or says can be construed badly / negatively. He needs to be constantly vigilant and constantly careful!

What he should tweet is that "Thanks for all the folks saying I should hire Froomie. I tried at the beginning of the Vuelta last year. But we don't have the money to sign him".

I should add that I am sure that this is what JV meant, but as I said before, "resources" is an abiguous term, and could have several meanings...
I probably should not have been so harsh so sorry for that. But I still think that people can read almost anything into just about anything that someone says. Most people would not over think something posted on twitter imo.

Besides that would have been too long for a tweet ;)
Apr 11, 2009
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Don't be late Pedro said:
...would decide to use twitter to send a coded message for the benefit of those 'in the know'.

You guys have got it all wrong. That was a coded message to me: he's trying to hire me.
Ha, ha. :p
Feb 15, 2011
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will10 said:
Jonathan Vaughters ‏@Vaughters
Thanks for all the folks saying I should hire Froomie. I tried at the beginning of the Vuelta last year. But we don't have the resources.

Which is simply true. Garmin do not have the budget of Sky or BMC. They have relatively small amounts of money.
Dec 27, 2010
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gustienordic said:
Which is simply true. Garmin do not have the budget of Sky or BMC. They have relatively small amounts of money.

Froome didn't even have a offer for the following year from anyone at the start of the Vuelta, I can't imagine he'd be demanding a huge contract until later in that race.
Feb 15, 2011
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will10 said:
Froome didn't even have a offer for the following year from anyone at the start of the Vuelta, I can't imagine he'd be demanding a huge contract until later in that race.

Yes, but Garmin hardly had any money at this time (or at least thats what I remember) I'm just confused why "resources" supposedly means JV didn't have the doping supplies for Froome :confused: :confused: or am I getting this all wrong?
Libertine Seguros said:
But then, as the interview may have been edited, they may have discussed all of the riders, but only gone with those thought to be relevant for the finished article, in which case it would be even more damning as Froome would have been considered totally irrelevant.

It also makes sense for Brailsford not to mention where exactly he'd put any of the riders except obvious ones like Wiggins and EBH, since it's kind of insulting to be put in the 5th group or low on the curve in the 1st. He may have an opinion but why would he tell someone like Froome "you're **** and you'll never amount to anything, we only give you a contract because you're a fun guy", let alone do it in public?