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Teams & Riders Froome Talk Only

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The Daily Telegraph reported on the threat posed by ‘mechanical doping’ prior to this Tour, testing a bike capable of giving its rider an additional 250 watts of power thanks to a motor, which was concealed in the down tube and operated by a battery hidden in a bidon.

I wondered what Rasmussen was on about the other day when he tweeted 'throw the bidon away'

Michael Rasmussen‏ @MRasmussen1974 Jul 20

Tine to drop your bottle @MikelLandaMeana #marginalgains
Nah, that's just the weight-weeny obsession Rasmussen has. I don't know what tweet specifically you are referring to, but I've heard him complaining about riders dragging unnecessary stuff up a mountain before. He would have probably raced naked if he could have.
Oct 16, 2010
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Another perspective is that Froome has already been busted, e.g. via the leaked Ventoux file, the very nature of his Ventoux jump (physiologically impossible); the prednisone, the proven lies about asthma and bilharzia, the faked 2007 Fax, the very nature of his 2011 transformation (theoretically impossible without dope/motors), etc.
But there's no governing body to make it official and implement a sanction.

So if you ask "will he ever get sanctioned?", the answer is a clear-cut no.
May 26, 2010
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Speaking of the press and Froome. Lawton getting a new one ripped on twitter. His time in cycling is over after dissing those on twitter who helped expose the Wiggins jiffy bag lies.

Funny stuff.

sniper said:
Another perspective is that Froome has already been busted, e.g. via the leaked Ventoux file, the very nature of his Ventoux jump (physiologically impossible); the prednisone, the proven lies about asthma and bilharzia, the faked 2007 Fax, the very nature of his 2011 transformation (theoretically impossible without dope/motors), etc.
But there's no governing body to make it official and implement a sanction.

So if you ask "will he ever get sanctioned?", the answer is a clear-cut no.
The Sky house of cards seems to be crumbling a bit with every day that goes by. If Sky goes down, Froome goes down. Otherwise he's safe.

It's basically the opposite of the Armstrong situation. Armstrong got busted because he was a bastard, not because his team was a ticking time bomb, whereas Froome's public persona is too calculated and laid-back to get Lance-levels of dirty looks from the general cycling-watching public, while the rest of his team is basically a grab bag of unlikeable, untrustworthy *rsehats.
The Hitch said:
Froome is getting greedy though. 4 TDFs now.
When you are wiggins or cadel or Sastre you can sneak 1 tdf and hide behind history.

with 4 Froome can't do that anymore. And considering how tarnished cycling's reputation is, with every win, he's making himself look even more dodgy.

Agree. The longer it goes on, the more incentive there is for everyone to break silence, dig for a story, sell a story, etc. It only takes one slip.
Re: Re:

masking_agent said:
bigcog said:
masking_agent said:
why does Froome travel by himself during the tour ? and not on the team bus ? Flag?

Where did you get that idea ?

Brailsford just said this on end of the Eurosport broadcast

He meant that he travelled alone back to hotel after a stage because of commitments of the yellow jersey, when he is in yellow, not that travels the whole TDF by himself.

silvergrenade said:
I dont think if Sky goes down, Froome will necessarily go down..
I meant if Sky implodes and get busted for doping during the fallout. There's a bigger chance of the team cocking it up for themselves than Froome getting the Armstrong Angry Mob treatment.

If Sky get popped for running a doping programme there's no walk Froome walks away scot free.
May 26, 2010
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Electress said:
Benotti69 said:
BullsFan22 said:
Will Froomey ever get busted?

Maybe if the police get involved.

Watch the UK press use the word Kenyan when he does ;)

Police won't get involved.

They might, they have before and if some other sports need another scandal to distract from their own shenanigans it will be cycling. Should FIFA need cycling to become big news, well it just might happen.
May 26, 2010
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sniper said:
Benotti69 said:
...if some other sports need another scandal to distract from their own shenanigans it will be cycling. Should FIFA need cycling to become big news, well it just might happen.
I like how you think. :D

Cycling has always been the scandal whipping boy.

Sadly those who run it don't seem to mind, neither do those who compete otherwise why not change that?
Given that we now know that it was Froome himself who cancelled the 2 rest day press conferences, it got me thinking how controlled his media interviews have become. He is comfortable uttering sweet nothings to the likes of Flecha (pass me a sick bucket) gushing over him or OJ Borg marvelling at his climbing skill whilst he knows he can rely on a Walsh propaganda piece whenever he needs it. He has his few cronies that he will talk to, but anything outside of that circle and he is outside his comfort zone. He knew that the continental journalists would not kowtow to him in the manner of much of the UK media so decided to stay away from the press conferences. The most revealing interview carried out with Froome to date was probably the Kimmage one which contained some contradictions in ther responses given. It was all down to the proper questions being asked. The only glaring omission from that interview if memory serves me right, was the failure to address the motor issue.
TheSpud said:
ctaylor said:

I'd agree with that - he's pedaling like mad but going nowhere, not much point of a motor if thats what it produces. Maybe an electronic gear change foul up?

He's shifting down for when he exits the corner.