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Is Walsh on the Sky bandwagon?

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fmk_RoI said:
thehog said:
It would be also suggested that the fee for he script would have been on a sliding scale based on the films success.

1) He didn't write the script;
2) Given the low percentage of scripts that ever get filmed, it would be a brave scriptwriter who accepted points.

As for the rights to Seven Deadly Sins: authors selling movie rights are usually paid a (very small) percentage of production budget (if the film gets made - otherwise all they ever see is the chump change from selling the option, as eg must have happened to Juliet Macur when her book was optioned but didn't get the greenlight).

(Also, do bear in mind the reason Frears didn't go ahead with his first choice, The Secret Race: Hamilton wanted too much money. It's highly unlikely he then turned around and threw a small fortune at Walsh.)

Yes, all very true. And like you state, they'll effectively rent the book rights and if it doesn't make it into a film it's dropped with no further payment.

It's around 2% of films budget capped. So Walsh probably was paid $200,000 USD, which will be taxed. Pierre will probably need to get half of that once his law suit makes it through the courts. Walsh might get 50k US, £30,000?
Lol, Walsh is also very upset froome got humiliated last nigh
Changed the habit of a decade and watched Spoty last night. A mistake. Not the two most wasted hours of my life but up there!

It would have all been so perfect. Clean Chris winning sports celebrity of the year, thereby spreading his contagious cleanliness to the rest of the UK and later world sport.

It could have been so perfect :eek:
Mar 13, 2009
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Re: Re:

thehog said:
More comedy from Walsh

Well, [Australian rider] Richie Porte does it much faster than Froome. Does that mean Richie Porte is doping? No, it doesn't.
yes it does David. LRP, definitely is doping.

thehog said:
"The sport changes. These guys get lighter. On a climb like that, of course they can beat times previously.

"There are Australian swimmers who have set new world records that were previously held by Chinese swimmers. Does that mean the Australians were doping? No it doesn't. It's entirely natural that times are going to improve and the one who sets the new mark is not doping, even if the one who set the old mark was."
no no, the Australian swimmers are as dopes as any Sino swimmers, have no doubt Dave [/alliterations]
fmk_RoI said:
The Hitch said:
Lol, Walsh is also very upset froome got humiliated last nigh

He's probably more annoyed by the number of votes Tyson Fury got, given his article about the boxer (Fury: personality or pariah?). And the fact that Kimmage was Tweeting from it.
That's 1 article about Tyson Fury where from what I can see he merely copy pastes - Fury said this, people think this.

With Froome and Sky we have now nearly 3 years of what is nothing less than a passionate love affair.

Yeah I think he cares more about Froome.
Mar 13, 2009
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The Hitch said:
With Froome and Sky we have now nearly 3 years of what is nothing less than a passionate love affair.

Yeah I think he cares more about Froome.

its his cash cow.

Walsh prolly sees another 1million GBP in him.

And if Froome goes down, he sees the professional opprobrium and shaming. I am backing him for the latter.

I wish I never deleted the Wiggins (Garmin) email from him. another liar in a gang of thieves
Oct 10, 2015
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thehog said:
So no US release for the Program.
They must've seen the trailer too.

Mar 25, 2013
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thehog said:
So no US release for the Program. Bummer for Walsh who was most likely making up his Sky stories to fit the narative that Armstrong is the only person he doped in cycling.

Whether it flops or not, does that dismiss/or should it from his great work on Armstrong?

Personally I don't have a care in the world.
gooner said:
thehog said:
So no US release for the Program. Bummer for Walsh who was most likely making up his Sky stories to fit the narative that Armstrong is the only person he doped in cycling.

Whether it flops or not, does that dismiss/or should it from his great work on Armstrong?

Personally I don't have a care in the world.

Great work? He's not Tolstoy! :rolleyes:

Walsh basically ineptly wrote up Ballester great research and made a flimsy book out of it. LA Confidential sold about 237 copies, lol!
gooner said:
thehog said:
So no US release for the Program. Bummer for Walsh who was most likely making up his Sky stories to fit the narative that Armstrong is the only person he doped in cycling.

Whether it flops or not, does that dismiss/or should it from his great work on Armstrong?

Personally I don't have a care in the world.
This isn't about detracting from his work on Armstrong (Walsh has already accomplished that over the last 5 years) but about a bully and narcissist not getting his way. Tried to play down everyone else's work and make himself out to be the one true hero. In Hollywood were such lies can be turned into facts.

There's a sense of real justice amongst those of us here who follow a moral principles and don't just support people based on what country they come from.

Very sweet to read back Walsh's tweets celebrating the movie, trying to promote it against his sudden silence and refusal to talk about it, once the power grab had failed. So sweet.

It's basically like in a movie when one of the bad guys minions gets a taste of their own medicine.
Oct 16, 2010
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gooner said:
Whether it flops or not, does that dismiss/or should it from his great work on Armstrong?
Are you saying, he did great work on Lance, therefore he's doing great work now?
what's with that Armstrong-only view? Lance is not Froome :rolleyes:
And Lance had eyewitness testimony. Where's the Emma, Betsy, Tyler, Floyd, etc.?
The Hitch said:
gooner said:
thehog said:
So no US release for the Program. Bummer for Walsh who was most likely making up his Sky stories to fit the narative that Armstrong is the only person he doped in cycling.

Whether it flops or not, does that dismiss/or should it from his great work on Armstrong?

Personally I don't have a care in the world.
This isn't about detracting from his work on Armstrong (Walsh has already accomplished that over the last 5 years) but about a bully and narcissist not getting his way. Tried to play down everyone else's work and make himself out to be the one true hero. In Hollywood were such lies can be turned into facts.

There's a sense of real justice amongst those of us here who follow a moral principles and don't just support people based on what country they come from.

Very sweet to read back Walsh's tweets celebrating the movie, trying to promote it against his sudden silence and refusal to talk about it, once the power grab had failed. So sweet.

It's basically like in a movie when one of the bad guys minions gets a taste of their own medicine.

In Walsh's head the Program was meant to win 3 Ocsars and smash box office records. Then there would be an offer to turn 'Inside Sky' and then "The Climb" into Hollywood movies. It all seemed so straight forward... how could it go wrong?

So with that in mind Walsh wrote both the Sky fantasy books with the view they would one day be a movie. Skirting on the truth, lying about his competitors and joining dots that could never be joined.

The part Walsh forgot, is that he is a terrible writer. Now he's back to slumming it with the Sunday tabloids journos. It's pity because he's provided a lot of laughs along the way... :cool:

sniper said:
seems instead of skiing in the Swiss alpes walsh is back browsing the web for budget resorts in eastern europe.

Back to the Hawaiian shirts with pens in the pocket for David... the smart ones were Millar and Wiggins who got paid consultancy fees and their names didn't appear in the titles. Swerrrwing! :cool:
Oct 16, 2010
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noddy69 said:
Personally I thought one of the weirdest arguments Walsh came up with was on sharing a room. If Froome wanted to dope he would take the single room he could have as team leader and not share so he could dope. Instead he shared.......eh with Richie Porte.
What kind of logic is that for a man who should know better.
This was the full quote from Walsh:
"We knew at US Postal that Armstrong always wanted a room alone, perhaps for good reason. Chris Froome preferred to share it with his mate Richie Porte."

"Now imagine Chris Froome in a room with Richie Porte – can you imagine Froome was doping and Porte wasn’t?"
This statement has multiple layers of stupidity to it. We've gone through that already so won't repeat.

But I couldnt help thinking about it again when i was reading back on the Duenas case.
When Duenas got caught in 2008, according to one police source "a search of the Spaniard's hotel room uncovered ... "a mobile pharmacy" ".
Yet Froome, who had roomed with the guy, allegedly hadn't seen a thing.
Froome's exact words:
"To have a team-mate of mine, and someone I'd been sharing a room with, and realise that he's taking EPO – the biggest drug out there?"
Oct 16, 2010
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thehog said:
Some classic Walsh in this interview as he tries to drum up sales for the Program on DVD.


Where else but on BikeRadar :rolleyes:

He fails to mention the movie has bombed.

no surprises in that interview.
But with the unmasking of Armstrong and associated revelations, have media attitudes changed?

“I think it has changed. There were times in this year's Tour de France when I thought it had changed too much,” says Walsh, referring to the scepticism and outright hostility shown to Chris Froome, whom Walsh believes to be clean.

“It's okay to be sceptical. But when you start being suspicious and when you start expressing your suspicion, you have to back it up with something that says that says ‘This is where my suspicion comes from,’ and it really should have some substance. There was a lot of suspicion at this year’s race, but not a lot to me that justified it.”

and remarkable the casualness with which he tells this story:
“I did hear a story recently about a manufacturer who was showing some top teams bikes that had motors in them, and one of the teams expressed a lot of interest in buying some. Now, the guy selling them didn’t know why they wanted them, he just didn’t think it was a good idea selling them to a professional team.”
Mar 13, 2009
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thehog said:
gooner said:
thehog said:
So no US release for the Program. Bummer for Walsh who was most likely making up his Sky stories to fit the narative that Armstrong is the only person he doped in cycling.

Whether it flops or not, does that dismiss/or should it from his great work on Armstrong?

Personally I don't have a care in the world.

Great work? He's not Tolstoy! :rolleyes:

Walsh basically ineptly wrote up Ballester great research and made a flimsy book out of it. LA Confidential sold about 237 copies, lol!

what about JoePa's translation from Eposino?

Joe, can you speak French, and was that a struggle. Great marketing tho
Good news. The Program will be released in India. That's a possible billion more viewers :)

New Delhi, Feb 25: “The Program”, a film exploring the story of a sports journalist who goes on a scavenger hunt to expose the truth of cyclist Lance Armstrong’s substance abuse, will be making its way to the Indian theatres on March 11.

The release date was announced in a statement on Thursday, and the film is being distributed in India by PVR Pictures. “The Program”, which stars Ben Foster as the world renowned cyclist Armstrong, is directed by Stephen Frears, known for films like “Philomena” and “The Queen”.

The film narrates how David Walsh, sports journalist, is convinced of his case and goes the length to prove Armstrong’s misuse of substance to enhance his sporting performance. The film tries to unveil the truth of the low of Armstrong’s life when he was detected with substance abuse leading to his disqualification. It opens a dark side of a sporting champion on the silver screen.


ebandit said:
actually enjoyed watching the program.....free online

walsh must be reet proud seeing himself on screen.....

proud enough not to worry about the sour grapes of.

,,,,,jealous haterz................

Mark L

You mean you just admitted to illegally downloading pirated movies depriving the writers, producers, actors of their rightful income?
May 14, 2010
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Here's something to think about. Here's a guy, Walsh, who spent years investigating Armstrong, and did really solid work, too. I mean, he basically put the whole case together. Lots of shoe leather. Lots of phone calls. Lots and lots of interviews and fact checking. Can't have been easy, especially given who and what he was up against.

L.A. Confidentiel: Les secrets de Lance Armstrong (L.A. Confidential: Lance Armstrong's Secrets) (2003)

That one got him sued. But it didn't stop him.

From Lance to Landis: Inside the American Doping Controversy at the Tour de France (2007)

This guy is relentless, seemingly. Up against big odds and big power, he powers on, determined to expose the truth. No other investigative journalist in the world, inside sport or outside it, is as dogged as David Walsh.

Finally, the case he put together against Armstrong actually gets investigated, and we saw how that played out. Walsh writes a follow up, recounting his 13-year fight to bring out the truth.

Seven Deadly Sins: My Pursuit of Lance Armstrong (2012)

Think of it. Thirteen years dedicated to bringing out the truth. That is a lot of dedication to the truth.

To be so single-minded, so dogged, so dedicated, and so fearless, you'd have to be a special person, one of absolutely staunch integrity, and resolute about it, too.

So now this same reporter, with all that reputation, goes for a joy ride with the new Sky Team, and writes utter tripe about how clean they are, how very clean. And when challenged he defends it, no matter how weak and see-through an argument he has to use.

How does this paragon of pursuit of the truth, this exemplar of journalistic virtue, go from what he did with Armstrong to what he is now doing with Sky?

Maybe he was never the fearless defender of truth to begin with. Maybe then as now it was all about working at someone's behest. Have pen, will travel.
He never actually got sued. He printed the book in French. Ballester did all the research, Walsh was really only at the Tour and managed to interview Armstrong way back in 1995 (or close to). The Sunday Times was sued for printing excepts from the book, Walsh's employer, they covered the bill.

Walsh was smart enough to put the Ferrari connection together but it wasn't rocket science that the best cyclists at the time were working with him. Fair play to Walsh he worked out that both were in the same location in a hotel at one time. Walsh did end up fluffing that nugget though by informing Armstrong first, which turned into the "attempt on the Hour record with Ferrari" pre-announcement.

With Armstrong, Walsh picked a side early in this game and stuck to it. The fact that he wasn't a pure cycling journalist mean't he could afford to burn some bridges and drop in and out of the sport when he wanted. He didn't attend the Tour for 9 years until Sky asked him back and from that point he has declared cycling clean, Sky clean and Chris Froome the greatest of all time with some of the most ridiculous logic known to man.

I think once he secured the movie rights into 7DS he had to keep out of controversy. Its also not difficult to understand that there is a fairly hefty conflict of interest that Team Sky and the Sunday Times share the same owner, that is glaring but they horrible word 'independent' keeps popping up in all of his articles. Walsh is also not young, I don't think he could handle a doing story again - for reference see Radcliffe.

The other part was... Armstrong was doping, really? I'm shocked. Walsh wasn't telling something new, of course everyone who worked in the sport knew he was doping and a lot of fans knew as well. It was only all the new fans that jumped on board that thought it was possible to win without doping - for reference see Sky fans.

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