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Teams & Riders Jonas Vingegaard thread: Mountain Sprinter

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  • The Chicken who eats Riis for breakfast

    Votes: 32 33.3%
  • When they go low, Vingo high

    Votes: 6 6.3%
  • Wings of Love

    Votes: 8 8.3%
  • The Fishman Cometh

    Votes: 14 14.6%
  • The Mysterious Vingegaard Society

    Votes: 12 12.5%
  • Vingo Star

    Votes: 15 15.6%
  • The Jonas Vingegaard Discussion Thread

    Votes: 29 30.2%
  • Vingegaard vs Roglič

    Votes: 6 6.3%

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Now I remember why I once really liked this guy lol. 🥰 Not thinking about the daughter especially but it takes a certain man to go for the older woman.
He's hard to actively dislike; although easy to be neutral about, I think. He seems to genuinely enjoy being around his family. That's something I can't always say! Of course, I have two teenagers.:rolleyes:

That aside, I think he might be wise to play things close to the vest in the first week if he's feeling a good. A perfect situation would see Pog in yellow after Galibier (or even after Stage 1), so UAE has to control and use some energy. I think for sure Wout and maybe Laporte will have to ride themselves into shape.
That aside, I think he might be wise to play things close to the vest in the first week if he's feeling a good. A perfect situation would see Pog in yellow after Galibier (or even after Stage 1), so UAE has to control and use some energy. I think for sure Wout and maybe Laporte will have to ride themselves into shape.
It is interesting, normally, they should make it a hard race to favour his recovery advantage. But yeah this time around it might be worth it to fly under the radar a little bit; that being said UAE are fully aware that they have to conserve some matches for third week. Also I think realistically half the UAE team could be decently placed in GC halfway through the race, might make them more likely to try and stay in the group instead of conserving energy.
- Jeg havde rigtig, rigtig ondt – ikke bare ikke ribbenene, men inde i kroppen. Der kunne jeg godt mærke, at det var fra lungen, og da jeg hostede blod op, vidste jeg godt, at den ikke var helt god.

- Derfra blev jeg kørt på hospitalet, hvor de først tjekkede min kollapsede lunge, som jeg havde. De satte et dræn i om aftenen, og jeg tror, at jeg havde et dræn i lungen i otte dage, og udover det havde jeg brækket adskillige knogler
- I was really, really hurting - not just my ribs, but inside my body. I could tell it was from my lung and when I coughed up blood, I knew it wasn't quite right.

- From there I was taken to the hospital where they first checked my collapsed lung, which I had. They put a drain in that evening and I think I had a drain in my lung for eight days and on top of that I had broken several bones
He's hard to actively dislike; although easy to be neutral about, I think. He seems to genuinely enjoy being around his family. That's something I can't always say! Of course, I have two teenagers.:rolleyes:

That aside, I think he might be wise to play things close to the vest in the first week if he's feeling a good. A perfect situation would see Pog in yellow after Galibier (or even after Stage 1), so UAE has to control and use some energy. I think for sure Wout and maybe Laporte will have to ride themselves into shape.
It won't be easy for Jonas to play things close to the vest. This is a cracking start to the Tour. Like last year, the GC battle starts early.