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Landis letter re drug use in cycling

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eleven said:
So you believe that RS staged the crash that Armstrong was involved in?

I'm moving Alcoa from "hold" to "buy".

so you can be sure that the idea of lance withdrawing from the toc of california wasnt discussed by JB etc today??

And if so, and it was decided it was best for him to withdraw what would be the best way to do it...?

a) just withdraw and have the press assume guilt etc
b) accident or injury...

which would you go with..


Cash05458 said:
Hilarious...so armstrong magically leaves TOC...! ****ing hilarious...they will check him out and see he is ok...gosh, thought he was there to support Levi as best bud...not good...easy for him as my predicition of DNF at this year's tour is already preempted...

I am with others, we may never see him ride again.


Roland Rat said:
From the ToC:
@johanbruyneel: There was a huge crash, with Chechu and Lance involved. LA had to abandon and is going to the hospital for Xrays.

amazing! I feel abit like when I was live on computer watching AIG crash and unfold by the moment...real time unfolding bull****ting...strongarm must be spooked...maybe Floyd does have some real backup stuff...or maybe they just got word someone else is coming forward...

JB to LA via race radio: "Lance...time to bail and fast...the *** has rolled..."


Roland Rat said:
I thought this was perhaps the most interesting answer of that chat. Shame Neil had to go, could have been even more interesting.

Again, Lance cannot sue. A civil case would be very dangerous. There is way too much evidence that he doped for him to bring a case to trial. Not to mention that his ex would have to testify, and I am pretty sure he does not want that to happen.

Lance just needs to go home and never come out of his hole again.


eleven said:
Yes, I can be sure that there was no talk of him withdrawing via a planned crash.

so how would you have withdrawn him? Or do you think it would have been best for him to continue to race and for all the attention to be focused on him and not the 2nd greatest race in the world.

I think he has done the right thing for the prestige of the race by withdrawing, and injury is more tactful than just not starting.
Colm.Murphy said:

How these folks respond will be a key point when the Feds question them, ie, were you lying then or are you lying now?

You know what happens when you lie to the Feds and they can tag you up?

@ the comment about ex-Mrs. Armstrong... Does a civil-divorce court NDA/Confidentaility agreement end up in the gutter once the Feds take the floor? Does anyone really think she will contempt herself or perjure herself for her ex-husband?

Not this lad.

One could argue that concealing a crime is an act in furtherance of a conspiracy, which would invalidate the spousal privilege (which permits a spouse to REFUSE testify about matters that occurred during the marriage).
--oisin-- said:
Does anyone know if Pat's claim that for the early 2000s (before WADA) any drug test result was sent from the Lab directly to the governing federation AND the IOC?

I don't think McQuaid's account can be believed. The lab does not have the control number. Only the athlete and the UCI has that info. A positive would have to go the UCI for rider indentification before being relayed to the national feds.


Moose McKnuckles said:
Hopefully, Lance's next ride will be in the back of a police car on the way to prison.

I would think that he would have to go to France to be tried. I just don't see a case in the US against him. France- The bus accusation as well as the blood doping during the tour. Spain- Landis receiving PED's in Girona. Both criminal acts. Don't count on the Spanish authorities in this, but the French will likely bring a criminal case. Mr Armstrong will never visit France again.
Apr 20, 2009
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TeamSkyFans said:
so how would you have withdrawn him?

I wouldn't have withdrawn him. How and why would you withdraw him? Zabriskie? racing. Leipheimer? Racing. George? Racing.

Now if there was a crash that took all three of them plus lance and Chechu out, we could talk.

Or do you think it would have been best for him to continue to race and for all the attention to be focused on him and not the 2nd greatest race in the world.

I think he would have continued to race, of course. What good does dropping out do?

I think he has done the right thing for the prestige of the race by withdrawing, and injury is more tactful than just not starting.

Well, everyone's got an opinion.


Publicus said:
One could argue that concealing a crime is an act in furtherance of a conspiracy, which would invalidate the spousal privilege (which permits a spouse to testify about matters that occurred during the marriage).

Good pick up on the spousal privilege. So if it occurred during the marriage, it is still privileged information? I thought that if they were now divorced, spousal privilege is nullified.
Roland Rat said:
I thought this was perhaps the most interesting answer of that chat. Shame Neil had to go, could have been even more interesting.

FLandis is judgement proof. They cannot take anything from him because he does not have much. I expect bankruptcy in the near future. He should wipe away everything from the past and start life anew.