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Lessons from Lance

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Mar 8, 2010
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Berzin said:
I refute his accomplishments. Without dope, he would not have been able to win Fleche Wallone 7 times in a row, much less the Tour.

Not without massive, massive amounts of dope-Hamilton, Landis and now Leipheimer. Take away the dope, they would have to go home and ride with the 'roid heads that dominate the criterium scene here in the states.

Just for my own understanding:
Do you mean just him/them without dope, or do you mean generally (everyone/cycling) without dope ? :)

Please don´t make me LMAO. You don´t really think that their opponents do/did not dope, do you ?

These would be one of the posts I don´t call "the middle".
Jun 20, 2009
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there was something missing in my last post my last paragrpah was missing part of what i typed? In any event the livestrong foundation is developing stigma programs in africa and developing third world countries..if you have no idea of what this is about just watch the movie "emannuels gift" it will clear things up right away.
wishing each and every one of you a happy long and healthy life


Aug 17, 2009
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Cobblestoned said:
Just for my own understanding:
Do you mean just him/them without dope, or do you mean generally (everyone/cycling) without dope ? :)

Please don´t make me LMAO. You don´t really think that their opponents do/did not dope, do you ?

These would be one of the posts I don´t call "the middle".

It is curious, were the other riders as doped as Armstrong/Landis/Hamilton?


Aug 17, 2009
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I have learned that cancer can turn a person into another type of person. I learned that from Lance and now from roadfreak. My wife who is an operating room nurse also verified the changes in a person cancer can cause. An experience I hope I never experience. My uncle has prostate cancer and he is in a horrible place with it.
May 26, 2010
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flicker said:
It is curious, were the other riders as doped as Armstrong/Landis/Hamilton?

No as according to Vaughter's, when he went to cofidis he was expecting the daily injections and loads of transfusions etc and nada, zilch, nothing...so nope USPS and Discovery were on big time programs
Jun 20, 2009
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flicker said:
I have learned that cancer can turn a person into another type of person. I learned that from Lance and now from roadfreak. My wife who is an operating room nurse also verified the changes in a person cancer can cause. An experience I hope I never experience. My uncle has prostate cancer and he is in a horrible place with it.

im so sorry to hear this. I had prostate cancer and survived. Since I was a competitive cyclist some might say it was peds but in truth nobody knows why and i can assure it wasnt peds as that wasnt myu mode fo preparation.. My mom currently has lymph and lung cancer and I welcome every dayI have left with her as a blessing. One thing i have noticed in her and before in myself is thta when you are seriously suffering the slightest amount of positive attention can make an ENORMOUS difference in the day. One thing I am doing with my mom is I bought a bunch of get well and positiive message greeting cards and have addressed and stamped each envelope.whenever i am in a parking lot and see a bumpersticker with a cancer survivor ribbon on it i wait for them and then ask if they will write a little note and send it to my moim., I give them the card .Its easy for them and they are invariably delighted to do it...it really makes my moms day to get one of those cards...
lets hear it for all those heroes of the world who are only to happy to give soemthign to others.
I feel sorry thtA FOR WHATEVER REASONS there are those who in their anger hatred and negativity would destroy those small and sometimes huge chances for happiness and survival in others...LA published a book,"Its not about the bike"...some still dont ge that i hope he is able to continue what has been started. $325 MILLION for cancer research to date and eh started that,,,he may be a doper my vote isnt in on that yet but he is also a great deal more than that..and that other part is far more important than riding a bike thorugh the countryside fo france for twenty days and gettign paid for it...could i have raosed $325 mil? apparently not..so evidently he does serve a greater cause and quite well....for anyone who has survived the ordeal.and it is an ordeal beyond imagining..its definitely not about the bike...its about the ride and who bothers to smile as you pass by...
may anger turn to bliss as your cranks spin endelessly on a pleasant road...


Aug 17, 2009
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Positive thought, prayer, meditation I think are always beneficial towards all people, plants, and animals. A Cheyenne brother once told me dogs and cats were some of the greatest healers. When he showed up and sat down dogs would always lie at his feet. Also music is healing.
As for Lance I think he beat the cancer by going into the zone. When mortality faces you and you are strong enough sometimes death can be overcome.
To me the zone is when focus becomes so great that the lines of your environment disappear and all is quiet in your world. For a cyclist that may be that mountain that Contador flew up. I see it in the eyes of Basso and Lance when he was at peak.
May 13, 2009
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So it took fanboy flicker 11 years to figure out (not a rocket scientist I pressume) that his god uniballer is on juice? And he had to open a thread about this?

I learned that you can bang celebrities with one ball

This thread is a lot easier to read if you just ignore roadfreak44 long, horrible, bad structured, emotional posts.

Seriously dude, try to organize your ideas inside your head before you post, and easy with the caps, we don't care how excited you get when you write about Lance, no need for caps ;)
May 13, 2009
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flicker said:
Positive thought, prayer, meditation I think are always beneficial towards all people, plants, and animals. A Cheyenne brother once told me dogs and cats were some of the greatest healers. When he showed up and sat down dogs would always lie at his feet. Also music is healing.
As for Lance I think he beat the cancer by going into the zone. When mortality faces you and you are strong enough sometimes death can be overcome.
To me the zone is when focus becomes so great that the lines of your environment disappear and all is quiet in your world. For a cyclist that may be that mountain that Contador flew up. I see it in the eyes of Basso and Lance when he was at peak.

Maybe we should get rid of medicine, antibiotics, medical research as, according to you, we can cure all of our diseases, injuries, etc by getting "in the zone".

Perhaps you should tell that to relatives and friends of cancer victims "hey man, your buddy lost the battle cause he/she didn't really try, if he/she would have been strong enough...he/she would have been able to overcome death..like my buddy lance did.."


Aug 17, 2009
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indurain666 said:
Maybe we should get rid of medicine, antibiotics, medical research as, according to you, we can cure all of our diseases, injuries, etc by getting "in the zone".

Perhaps you should tell that to relatives and friends of cancer victims "hey man, your buddy lost the battle cause he/she didn't really try, if he/she would have been strong enough...he/she would have been able to overcome death..like my buddy lance did.."

I prefer my healing by exorcists.


Aug 17, 2009
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indurain666 said:
So it took fanboy flicker 11 years to figure out (not a rocket scientist I pressume) that his god uniballer is on juice? And he had to open a thread about this?

I learned that you can bang celebrities with one ball

This thread is a lot easier to read if you just ignore roadfreak44 long, horrible, bad structured, emotional posts.

Seriously dude, try to organize your ideas inside your head before you post, and easy with the caps, we don't care how excited you get when you write about Lance, no need for caps ;)

Maybe we could channel Miguel Indurain to purge your anger? I personally think Road freak has a lot of courage to express his feelings. And it is as healthy for him to express his feelings as it is for you to express yours. As for Lance and the juice well that will need to be proven. Long time fans whom I talk with are of the opinion guilty until proven innocent. That way no dissappointment shock or surprises.
May 13, 2009
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flicker said:
Maybe we could channel Miguel Indurain to purge your anger? I personally think Road freak has a lot of courage to express his feelings. And it is as healthy for him to express his feelings as it is for you to express yours. As for Lance and the juice well that will need to be proven. Long time fans whom I talk with are of the opinion guilty until proven innocent. That way no dissappointment shock or surprises.

Flicker I channeled Big Mig and it got me "in the zone" how come I still can't cure my anger towards Lance?? Furthermore, the annoying cold I caught last week is still there...:D


Aug 17, 2009
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indurain666 said:
Flicker I channeled Big Mig and it got me "in the zone" how come I still can't cure my anger towards Lance?? Furthermore, the annoying cold I caught last week is still there...:D

Massive amonts of anti-biotics for the cold and thorazine for your anger. That'll be 10$ please.


Aug 17, 2009
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indurain666 said:
Includes the massive amounts of Thorazine ? Deal... :p

Seriously though as the haters(which I have now graduated to) still hold the hate/anger sorrow/grief how can we hate a retired cyclist. Lance is now a talking head. He won't be giving the look or snarling at Alberto like the Alien.
This is what I do not understand. We have LeMond who holds a grudge as if it is a lifeline. How can we emulate that behavior at this point?
Jan 27, 2010
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flicker said:
Seriously though as the haters(which I have now graduated to) still hold the hate/anger sorrow/grief how can we hate a retired cyclist. Lance is now a talking head.

I have learned from Lance that you can destroy a sport, cancer patients true inspiration and hope and make loads of money off of it. And, when your cloak of cleanliness is about to be ripped off your back you can fake some crashes and quickly retire thereby becoming a 'retiree and talking head'.

Lance should not be allowed to quietly retire. He was the most prestigious, vocal, affluent cyclist since 1999. He should be made to confront these accusations as energetically as he punished the likes of Simioni (?Spelling), LeMond and now Landis.

I think Lance has a lot to learn, and his final semester will be very stimulating for him and us.



Aug 17, 2009
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Neworld said:
I have learned from Lance that you can destroy a sport, cancer patients true inspiration and hope and make loads of money off of it. And, when your cloak of cleanness is about to be ripped off your back you can fake some crashes and quickly retire thereby becoming a 'retiree and talking head'.

Lance should not be allowed to quietly retire. He was the most prestigious, vocal, affluent cyclist since 1999. He should be made to confront these accusations are energetically as he punished the likes of Simioni (?Spelling), LeMond and now Landis.

I think Lance has a lot to learn, and his final semester will be very stimulating for him and us.


Like all of us Lance needs to sleep in the bed he made for himself. We shall see how the investigation unfolds. One thing I have never bought is the cloak of cleanliness. That is even to far-fetched for my Christian beliefs.
Sep 30, 2009
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flicker said:
Like all of us Lance needs to sleep in the bed he made for himself. We shall see how the investigation unfolds. One thing I have never bought is the cloak of cleanliness. That is even to far-fetched for my Christian beliefs.

Just because you didn't buy into it, doesn't mean that he didn't perpetuate that image of cleanliness, causing others to buy into it under false pretenses.

If some guy tries to sell you a Rolex out of his coat on the street and you don't buy doesn't mean that it's not right. So you didn't get swindled, but the guy still tried.
Cobblestoned said:
Just for my own understanding:
Do you mean just him/them without dope, or do you mean generally (everyone/cycling) without dope ? :)

Please don´t make me LMAO. You don´t really think that their opponents do/did not dope, do you ?

These would be one of the posts I don´t call "the middle".

I wrote what wrote. You want to take it to left field that's on you.

I will say this, as you seem confused about it-because others were doping doesn't make it right.

It certainly doesn't justify the "all were doped so the playing field was level" nonsense the Lance apologists have been trotting out lately as a last-ditch effort to maintain some semblance of dignity.

Just wondering-is that excuse on the bingo card?
Mar 8, 2010
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Berzin said:
I wrote what wrote. You want to take it to left field that's on you.

I will say this, as you seem confused about it-because others were doping doesn't make it right.

It certainly doesn't justify the "all were doped so the playing field was level" nonsense the Lance apologists have been trotting out lately as a last-ditch effort to maintain some semblance of dignity.

Just wondering-is that excuse on the bingo card?

It doesn´t justify, it´s no excuse or apology, no nonsense - it´s just reality.
You should notice that there are not only fanboys, but also objective cyclingfans who disagree with your "Lance was the superdoper, he just doped (most) and is without talent, and his opponents were clean."

Sorry, can´t take you serious any more but wish you luck living in your own world with some people. So, I go outside and laugh a little bit. You must mature a lot...

Cobblestoned said:
It doesn´t justify, it´s no excuse or apology, no nonsense - it´s just reality.
You should notice that there are not only fanboys, but also objective cyclingfans who disagree with your "Lance was the superdoper, he just doped (most) and is without talent, and his opponents were clean."

Never said this. He just wasn't talented enough to win 7 Tours without dope. And I never said his opponents were clean.

If you are claiming "objectivity" feel free to respond to what I've actually said and not what you think I've implied. I have a firm enough grasp on the English language not to have to worry about my statements being misconstrued by those who are truly objective. Only posters like you take issues with intent, when the intent is quite clear.

Cobblestoned said:
Sorry, can´t take you serious any more but wish you luck living in your own world with some people. So, I go outside and laugh a little bit. You must mature a lot...

No worries. Since you're disagreeing about statements I've never made, the laugh is on you. I suggest "Reading Comp 101 for Idiots"-a helpful tool in understanding what people post.


Aug 17, 2009
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Berzin said:
I wrote what wrote. You want to take it to left field that's on you.

I will say this, as you seem confused about it-because others were doping doesn't make it right.

It certainly doesn't justify the "all were doped so the playing field was level" nonsense the Lance apologists have been trotting out lately as a last-ditch effort to maintain some semblance of dignity.

Just wondering-is that excuse on the bingo card?

Here is anotherr thing I learned from Lance if you are the top, people take pot shots. LeMond and Floyd calling Lance the king of the dopers, hah that is a laugh. I would like to see an across the board investigation of all European cycling and USA cycling. It would put things in perspective.
Jun 18, 2009
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flicker said:
LeMond and Floyd calling Lance the king of the dopers, hah that is a laugh. I would like to see an across the board investigation of all European cycling and USA cycling. It would put things in perspective.

Have a link to where either of these guys said that?

That's what I thought....

The main lesson you seemed to have learned from Lance is lying and faux outrage.
Jun 18, 2009
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flicker said:
LeMond and Floyd calling Lance the king of the dopers, hah that is a laugh. I would like to see an across the board investigation of all European cycling and USA cycling. It would put things in perspective.

Have a link to where either of these guys said that?

That's what I thought....

The main lessons you seemed to have learned from Lance is lying and faux outrage.