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martinvickers said:
, it acts as some sort of warning, however over the top, of where the rabbithole leads.
Tell that to Indurain.

martinvickers said:
and making the sport an even worse laughing stock than it already is
Ricco sure as hell is not the one making the sport a laughing stock at the moment.

If you actually want to make the argument that this incident contributes to cycling being a laughing stock, then blame the people who caught him. They don't do it for football or tennis.
May 26, 2010
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Ferminal said:
What's with all the judgement?

How dare someone do whatever the **** they want to do with their life without harming others...

You do know Ricco is a parent, dont you? He does have a responsibility to behave is a certain manner that comes with procreation.

Also purchasing stolen goods is breaking the law.
BigMac said:
The point is that it is illegal in Italy. You would expect Riccò to know that right? So he was stupid. Maybe if he did it in any other place where authorities don't give a fly, no one would be judging his mental capacities.

Could be worse. Where I live, if you fail an attemped suicide, you will likely go to jail.

Yeh plenty of things are illegal according to some bits of paper, doesn't make them inherently wrong or someone a bad person for pursuing those options on their own volition.

You're welcome to judge his mental capacities but I don't see the merit in applying ones own values to him. The man has had plenty of opportunities to pursue other avenues in life and chances to see the flaws his actions. He has a support network, and lives more comfortably than most of his countrymen. He appears to be highly unintelligent by any objective measure but that doesn't mean he is incapable of making decisions on whatever it is he wants to do with his life, that he is unable to assess what is in his best interests.

Benotti69 said:
You do know Ricco is a parent, dont you? He does have a responsibility to behave is a certain manner that comes with procreation.

Maybe the State or catholic church should procure his kid then, they have a much better record. They should also introduce targeted sterilisation of those deemed unsuitable for reproduction.
Jul 21, 2012
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martinvickers said:
Well, he's illegally taking hospitals medicines presumably supposed to be used to heal sick people for his own twisted hobby. i think that might count as harming others, just for starters -and that's before we get into more esoteric arguments about encouraging dangerously unsanctioned and unmonitored drug use in others with his sh!thead shenanigans and making the sport an even worse laughing stock than it already is

So yeah, Fermi, what's with the f***ing judgement - the judgement by you, that is, of those of us who think Ricco's behaviour ought to be a matter of concern?
May 26, 2010
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Ferminal said:
Maybe the State or catholic church should procure his kid then, they have a much better record. They should also introduce targeted sterilisation of those deemed unsuitable for reproduction.

You lost the argument.

Sorry Ferminal, none of us have freedom of choice to do as we please. We all have responsibilities governed by our choices.
Mar 25, 2013
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Ferminal said:
What's with all the judgement?

How dare someone do whatever the **** they want to do with their life without harming others...

So it's OK to do if he's not harming others? Absurd thinking.

The NAS, the branch of police specialising in drugs and health and safety, said in a press conference that 30 doses of drugs were seized during the operation which began in the nearby town of Lucca, with a further 100 doses and large sum of cash discovered during a search of the two dealers' homes.

Notice the words "health and safety" and why then some us feel it appropriate to have an opinion on it.

Sorry if that comes across as "judgement" to you.


Oct 15, 2012
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Ferminal said:
lol, so nice of you to care about the ongoing medical crisis in Italy as a result of a shortage of pharmaceuticals.

Whether I care is immaterial. The fact is it does a clear and objective harm. and so falls your little theory.

Who has he encouraged? People who are vulnerable and unable to make their own choices?

He's a public figure, as an ex professional sportsperson funded via sponsorship in return for that public profile.His choices have consequences.


Oct 15, 2012
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The Hitch said:
Tell that to Indurain.


Ricco sure as hell is not the one making the sport a laughing stock at the moment.

So you say. Most of us beg to differ.

If you actually want to make the argument that this incident contributes to cycling being a laughing stock, then blame the people who caught him. They don't do it for football or tennis.

Huh? Have you actually disappeared up your own backside enough that you want to blame crime prevention forces for the crime?? It's somehow unacceptable to deal with one notorious and repeat offending criminal because somebody somewhere else escaped?

Why don't you smell what you're shovellin'?
I think it's important to note what he recently said about a forthcoming autobiography, which may never materialize: "I'm starting a new life. Now I will start talking about everything that's rotten in cycling and of everything I've seen in this false world of hypocrites." From today’s La Gazzetta dello Sport.

You can say what you like, though I'd for one like to read this account.


Oct 15, 2012
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rhubroma said:
I think it's important to note what he recently said about a forthcoming autobiography, which may never materialize: "I'm starting a new life. Now I will start talking about everything that's rotten in cycling and of everything I've seen in this false world of hypocrites." From today’s La Gazzetta dello Sport.

You can say what you like, though I'd for one like to read this account.

I'd probably read it too, but realistically what the hell kind of witness is Ricco going to make without some corroboration, eh?
Jul 21, 2012
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gooner said:
So it's OK to do if he's not harming others? Absurd thinking.

Notice the words "health and safety" and why then some us feel it appropriate to have an opinion on it.

Sorry if that comes across as "judgement" to you.

So you are upset that Ricco could be harming himself?

In which case, shouldnt you be more upset that the italian police are wasting their time on him rather than people who harm themselves with more serious drugs?
martinvickers said:
I'd probably read it too, but realistically what the hell kind of witness is Ricco going to make without some corroboration, eh?

Eh? The point is that he if he talks, comes forward, rest assured the reality is as bleak as many don't want to admit. And that is valid even today, however unpopular.
Mar 10, 2009
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Dear Wiggo said:

I am not talking about something that happened years ago.

He has just been "caught" in the last day or so buying drugs in some random McDonalds car park. What was the process that lead to that capture, because it implies a bunch of things that seem unusual, and should be applicable to people like di Luca.

Sorry I just read the recent story. I never thought I would ever read about him again. I guess he just can't stop relying on dope over talent. Surveillance? Wiretap? informant? Just beyond comprehension. He must have sunk so low that he is reduced to a drug dealer? I really don't think he has made the association that drugs are the source of his demise. He is the perfect example of the greatest challenge to anti doping. The internal belief that they are the only ticket to glory. A lot like some here in the clinic in terms of that mental position.
Mar 25, 2013
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the sceptic said:
So you are upset that Ricco could be harming himself?

In which case, shouldnt you be more upset that the italian police are wasting their time on him rather than people who harm themselves with more serious drugs?

How do you know what they're doing here?

Whether it's to a lesser degree or not, what Ricco is doing falls into their jurisdiction and it's within their responsibility to act.
Aug 7, 2010
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the sceptic said:
So you are upset that Ricco could be harming himself?

In which case, shouldnt you be more upset that the italian police are wasting their time on him rather than people who harm themselves with more serious drugs?

Don't you think shutting down a pipeline of PED's is a good use of time?
martinvickers said:
Well, he's illegally taking hospitals medicines presumably supposed to be used to heal sick people for his own twisted hobby. i think that might count as harming others, just for starters -and that's before we get into more esoteric arguments about encouraging dangerously unsanctioned and unmonitored drug use in others with his sh!thead shenanigans and making the sport an even worse laughing stock than it already is

So yeah, Fermi, what's with the f***ing judgement - the judgement by you, that is, of those of us who think Ricco's behaviour ought to be a matter of concern?


How can an increase of demand of a product that isn't a limited resource harm others who need that product?


Apr 27, 2014
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Netserk said:

How can an increase of demand of a product that isn't a limited resource harm others who need that product?

you seem to think that hospitals have money printing machines and buy unlimited qty's of medicine
Aug 15, 2012
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Regardless of the law, picking up some pilfered epo at mickey D's is wrong. Infusing yourself with ripe rotten blood is wrong. Cheating in multiple races is wrong. Where the **** is the moral compass of those defending this idiot? (I won't bother asking about the status of *his* moral compass, obvious vacancy) The guy needs help, and a lot of it. I would not be shocked if he anhero's himself in the near future. The guy has a kid and is still getting mixed up in some very very stupid things. Oh, Darwin....
yespatterns said:
Regardless of the law, picking up some pilfered epo at mickey D's is wrong. Infusing yourself with ripe rotten blood is wrong. Cheating in multiple races is wrong. Where the **** is the moral compass of those defending this idiot? (I won't bother asking about the status of *his* moral compass, obvious vacancy) The guy needs help, and a lot of it. I would not be shocked if he anhero's himself in the near future. The guy has a kid and is still getting mixed up in some very very stupid things. Oh, Darwin....

This. Thank you.


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