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Some diehard Armstrong fans now turning their back on him and Livestrong

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Big Daddy said:
I'm never gonna feel sorry for Armstrong. He's made millions of dollars cheating others. He's abused his position in cycling and has wielded his influence to hurt people's business and job prospects. He's harassed and threatened people. I'm never gonna feel sorry for him.

Even after it is all said and done, he's never, ever gonna have to life his finger for any manual work for the rest of his life. He's got multiple mansions and properties in the US, Europe, etc. All the fancy cars and private jets to whisk him to any vacation at any time he wants. Tell me... Who wouldn't want to take some abuse on Facebook for all of that?

But he still has to give those dang livestrong speeches. He hates those.


Mar 20, 2012
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Jun 15, 2009
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mewmewmew13 said:
Foxxy are you happy?? :-D:D

Yes of course. You know, 13 years waiting for these moments.... :D
But sometimes i just get sentimental, i have a heart too. So if the downfall of LA continues at that speed, i might feel sorry one time. For example if he goes to jail, which isn´t that unlikely. Everything seems possible now.
Dec 29, 2009
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the rats are jumping ship just like paterno supporters. even my apologist buddies who went from "500 tests never a positive" to "well everyone was doing it" have grown silent.
Oct 8, 2012
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ManInFull said:
I don't see the nasty messages on his facebook page. Were they deleted?

I still see all the diehards turning on Armstrong. Just google "Lance Armstrong Facebook", you will see posts that Lance makes. People respond to those posts. To see the messages people have posted you have to click on "View all 400 comments". Or however many comments are posted under one of Lance's original posts.

Unless Armstrong takes down his entire Facebook account, it would be near impossible for him to regulate the things people are saying on there now. It's not pretty.
FoxxyBrown1111 said:
It´s ugly. If the sue champ Armstrong want, he has plenty of opportunities now. ;)
One insult after another.

I liked particularly this one:

"I took my Livestrong bracelet off today.....I'm really bothered by all the comments on here that claim he is a hero....hes not..the kids that suffer with cancer everyday are the true heroes. He used his celebrity status to help in the fight against cancer, that I will give him but the truth is hes a cheat and no role model for youth. I am disturbed that people on here seem to want to "ok" with him doping as others were doing it too. I wonder if these were the same Americans who believed right away that the chinese swimmer was on drugs and wanted her thrown out. It just seems to be a double standard when it comes to an American. Lance you have let down so many!"
Oct 8, 2012
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cineteq said:
I liked particularly this one:

"I took my Livestrong bracelet off today.....I'm really bothered by all the comments on here that claim he is a hero....hes not..the kids that suffer with cancer everyday are the true heroes. He used his celebrity status to help in the fight against cancer, that I will give him but the truth is hes a cheat and no role model for youth. I am disturbed that people on here seem to want to "ok" with him doping as others were doing it too. I wonder if these were the same Americans who believed right away that the chinese swimmer was on drugs and wanted her thrown out. It just seems to be a double standard when it comes to an American. Lance you have let down so many!"

That's a good one. I like this one comment from a Facebook poster in response to Armstrong's latest post about how he had a great couple of days in Portland with Nike reps. This lady responded to Lance with this gem "Your pants are on fire, Armstrong, you sack of sh!t. Just go away and take your bogus foundation with you. You're a national disgrace." And get this. She has 5 people who have pressed the "like" button approving her of her message!
Oct 8, 2012
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Here's another one. A message from a Facebook user with his real first and last name. Not a username. Replied to Lance's latest post about his great time with Nike Reps in Portland. This guy writes to Lance, "Some people will still fawn over you, it doesn't change the fact your a cheat and a fraud,your whole persona has been built on lies and bull****. The fans you have left will be the delusional ones."

cineteq said:
I liked particularly this one:

"I took my Livestrong bracelet off today.....I'm really bothered by all the comments on here that claim he is a hero....hes not..the kids that suffer with cancer everyday are the true heroes. He used his celebrity status to help in the fight against cancer, that I will give him but the truth is hes a cheat and no role model for youth. I am disturbed that people on here seem to want to "ok" with him doping as others were doing it too. I wonder if these were the same Americans who believed right away that the chinese swimmer was on drugs and wanted her thrown out. It just seems to be a double standard when it comes to an American. Lance you have let down so many!"

You just have to wonder how some can justify supporting him knowing what we know. What goes on in their little heads?

Meanwhile he is full speed ahead with the PR campaign. To be honest it might be doing him more harm than good, as it is evident that his sordid past just can't be ignored and his insistance on pretending the USADA report doesn't exist is looking desperate.
Oct 26, 2009
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thehog said:
Interesting that in a real name only platform the truth is spoken.

On the comments sections of articles it's still "500 tests" etc.

It's futile to attempt to "argue" with someone who hasn't read the USADA report and doesn't comprehend that you can dope and not fail drug tests. Most, certainly not all of those Pro-Lance fans, are ignorant.
Some don't.

I'm arguing with a few guys somewhere else. I showed them the quote of Hamilton with the blood bag injection. They countered that they wouldn't be able to see it with close doors. I refered to the quote again, that the quote mentioned that the door was open. Then they said they can't know what the substance in Lance's bloodbag is.

Why am I on the same planet?
Arnout said:
Some don't.

I'm arguing with a few guys somewhere else. I showed them the quote of Hamilton with the blood bag injection. They countered that they wouldn't be able to see it with close doors. I refered to the quote again, that the quote mentioned that the door was open. Then they said they can't know what the substance in Lance's bloodbag is.

Why am I on the same planet?

He was transfusing love. Lance is full of love.

You see what he has done to normal people? Turned them into imbeciles!
Jul 6, 2010
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Mishrak said:
Lance is deploying full cancer shields in his latest twitter post.

He's diverting all backup power to them like Captain Picard. How long will they hold under the collective assault of Twitter (Klingons), Facebook (Vogons, just because), the Cycling / Associated Press (Romulans) and cycling fans/USADA (the Borg)?

Wow! You might win for the official NERDIEST POST EVER!
Nov 20, 2010
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Big Daddy said:
Here's another one. A message from a Facebook user with his real first and last name. Not a username. Replied to Lance's latest post about his great time with Nike Reps in Portland. This guy writes to Lance, "Some people will still fawn over you, it doesn't change the fact your a cheat and a fraud,your whole persona has been built on lies and bull****. The fans you have left will be the delusional ones."

Ouch. Brilliant. Take that Tim Herman.
Dec 29, 2009
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ManInFull said:
It's futile to attempt to "argue" with someone who hasn't read the USADA report and doesn't comprehend that you can dope and not fail drug tests. Most, certainly not all of those Pro-Lance fans, are ignorant.

"the less you know about bike racing the more lance armstrong looks innocent."
Aug 18, 2012
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erader said:
"the less you know about bike racing the more lance armstrong looks innocent."

That was before USADA's report.

Now it's more like:

"The lower your IQ the more Lance looks innocent"

Or at least with a very low IQ it's possible to believe Lance was innocent.

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