I still don't understand what happened today. This is at least 2 minutes (freaking 5% or more) less than the time expected from absolutely peak mutants. Tailwind at every hairpin? (i.e. a tornado following our heroes). The level was so much higher than in the previous stages. It's clear that JV planned it for a long time (like Combloux bomb last year) but maybe the gap to Pogacar forced them to do it earlier. UAE surely planned it as well. As a result the perfect storm happened: Vingo nuked the peleton with ridiculous performance but Teddy outnuked him at the end, which is mind-boogling. For the first time I feel weird after Pogacar's win. I mean, I'm very tolerant regarding doping as long as it's still organic engine deciding the winner. I hope it's still it but for the first time I have some doubts.