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State of the Peloton 2024

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No bike dopers and no doppy dopers ...and back to the infamous list? (a.k.a. the "suspicion index" https://inrng.com/2011/05/lequipe-publishes-uci-suspicion-index/ )
This year’s Tour will be the fourth overseen by the ITA, and will incorporate an intelligence-led testing plan. A risk assessment will be used to pinpoint the riders to test, with their biological passports, the new endocrine module monitoring hormones, and information gathered to the ITA or passed to it by external authorities or via tip offs all to play a part.
and if you're favourite rider keeps getting beat then send the doping police after the winners,
As with technological fraud, the UCI said that a confidential way of reporting information or suspicions can be made. Doping concerns can be lodged on REVEAL, the ITA’s platform.

Now, how on earth do these guys work out a "risk assesment" when the entire peloton is racing like it's on rocket fuel?
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Imagine something like this happens at the Tour start... (hint: watch the image carefully ;) )

I know the chances of this happening are nearly zero, but still, here is hoping that both Tad and Jo both fall apart at some point during the race. With the lead ups each has had, with modern tapering and all that other jazz, they certainly have no business blowing out the competition, and it would certainly make things more believable and human.

Perhaps we can see some sort of weirdness where Pog falls apart like a cheap suit in the final few days, and Vingo has a pretty miserable first half and then builds, but nether wins and the race is actually interesting for everyone but the rabid fanboys (who never find it as good if their rider is not dominating)
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I know the chances of this happening are nearly zero, but still, here is hoping that both Tad and Jo both fall apart at some point during the race. With the lead ups each has had, with modern tapering and all that other jazz, they certainly have no business blowing out the competition, and it would certainly make things more believable and human.
They are not 0.

Wilco Kelderman is riding, he may do a Blockhaus again
This might seem like a very stupid question (I am no doctor/health professional/researcher).

Since I started following cycling in the mid-nineties focus has been on mainly blood transfusions and EPO. Both, as I understand it, boosting your amount of red blood cells and thereby your ability to carry oxygen to the muscles.

With first CERA, then the Aicar + GW1516 (?) and possibly other forms of newer generation EPO, is it possible that a drug, or a combination of drugs are around that will work similar to EPO, but not increase your hematocrit levels like EPO/blood bags? Giving the same end result, but taking another route, so to speak?
Is it possible to boost your performance without boosting the hematocrit levels and red blood cell count?
I am asking since I genuinely cannot understand the current situation where we are seeing superhuman performances, but no doping positives.

That is one explanation. On top of that, I have to conclude, that the genuine interest in catching dopers stopped in the years after Contadors doping case when Team Sky emerged. Due to PR and financial reasons.
GW1516 is not an ESA & doesn't influence hematological values at all. It's PPAR agonist/modulator that improves metabolism & fat oxidation. It was touted as "excercise in a pill" that was supposed to solve the obesity crisis. However, GlaxoSmithKline abandoned the project after lab animals were developing cancer during the phase 1 trials. Nonetheless, it's still popular with some dopers especially strength athletes (go figure Lol). Aicar also doesn't influence hematological values & like GW1516 influences metabolism & fat oxidation through genetic pathways.

CERA is a 3rd gen ESA. 1st gen is Epogen/Procrit, 2nd gen is Darbopoetin (Aranesp). CERA is popular with dopers because of the injection frequency. Only 1-2 injections per month to reach target Hct levels vs 2-3 injections per week for Epogen & 1 per week for Nesp.

Another popular ESA is FG-4592 (Roxadustat) which is a HIF (hypoxia-inducible factor). It was developed as an anti-anemia drug for renal failure & CKD patients. Research also shows it reduces oxidative stress & inflammation. It is administered in oral form - the only ESA that doesn't need to be injected (dopers refer to it as "oxygen in a pill"). And dopers were already on top of this using the drug years before it was even FDA-approved! There have been several endurance athletes testing positive for FG-4592 including a few cyclists. If it wasn't for a test developed, FG-4592 would be a doper's dream. Lol.

Exogenous testosterone was shown in a study to increase hematological values in a dose-dependant manner but primarily in older men over 60 with low-T levels (~10%) vs younger men 19-35 yrs old with normal T levels (~5%).

Microdosing EPO is still undetectable & doesn't trigger the ABP hematological markers. And small blood transfusions done within the upper & lower parameters of the ABP also wouldn't trigger a red flag. And according to a recent study, small amounts of blood transfusions can produce significant gains in endurance performance.

IMO, it's still O2-Vector doping they're pursuing to get that edge. And if you look at the distance running side of things, WADA is seeing a significant number of EPO positives & ABP hematological-anomalies cases - some with top elites.

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Frankly it's the other way around, most of the more famous SARMS are the cheaper alternative and often rather easy to detect and they are still supressing your Test and have at least some side effects.
Now peptides is another ball game, but a growth hormone secretagoge like Ibutamoren/Mk-677 (not a peptide) is seen as the cheaper alternative to HGH.

Expensive peptides and maybe some designer drug stuff to make them pretty much undetectable for regular anti-doping for the top riders on the top teams sounds plausible to me, but regular SARMS are gymbro stuff and only low level riders get caught on stuff like Ostarine (for example).

Sounds more like an ad for a SARMS/peptide selling online shop, tbh.

Agreed, my 2nd hobby after cycling is bodybuilding, where this stuff is much more openly discussed and afaik HGH is still king (not for building muscle necessarily, but when compared to SARMS/petides)
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Everyone is apparently not in topshape, gone down with Covid sometime and still recovering from crashes. So it'll be interesting to see how fast these "walking wounded" actually race - I'm guessing ... "full gas"!:)
Interesting isn't it? With all the talk of it being impossible to build form during the race, and you need to be in top form coming in. Apparently, the way some people are talking, you would think they are in such poor shape they would have difficulty finishing an industrial park Crit!

That is, everyone but UAE, who are bullish and even though TPo had Covid, he's never felt so good.
GW1516 is not an ESA & doesn't influence hematological values at all. It's PPAR agonist/modulator that improves metabolism & fat oxidation. It was touted as "excercise in a pill" that was supposed to solve the obesity crisis. However, GlaxoSmithKline abandoned the project after lab animals were developing cancer during the phase 1 trials. Nonetheless, it's still popular with some dopers especially strength athletes (go figure Lol). Aicar also doesn't influence hematological values & like GW1516 influences metabolism & fat oxidation through genetic pathways.

CERA is a 3rd gen ESA. 1st gen is Epogen/Procrit, 2nd gen is Darbopoetin (Aranesp). CERA is popular with dopers because of the injection frequency. Only 1-2 injections per month to reach target Hct levels vs 2-3 injections per week for Epogen & 1 per week for Nesp.

Another popular ESA is FG-4592 (Roxadustat) which is a HIF (hypoxia-inducible factor). It was developed as an anti-anemia drug for renal failure & CKD patients. Research also shows it reduces oxidative stress & inflammation. It is administered in oral form - the only ESA that doesn't need to be injected (dopers refer to it as "oxygen in a pill"). And dopers were already on top of this using the drug years before it was even FDA-approved! There have been several endurance athletes testing positive for FG-4592 including a few cyclists. If it wasn't for a test developed, FG-4592 would be a doper's dream. Lol.

Exogenous testosterone was shown in a study to increase hematological values in a dose-dependant manner but primarily in older men over 60 with low-T levels (~10%) vs younger men 19-35 yrs old with normal T levels (~5%).

Microdosing EPO is still undetectable & doesn't trigger the ABP hematological markers. And small blood transfusions done within the upper & lower parameters of the ABP also wouldn't trigger a red flag. And according to a recent study, small amounts of blood transfusions can produce significant gains in endurance performance.

IMO, it's still O2-Vector doping they're pursuing to get that edge. And if you look at the distance running side of things, WADA is seeing a significant number of EPO positives & ABP hematological-anomalies cases - some with top elites.

Excellent post.

So true that really is effective to just have a little of this and a little of that.
Interesting comment to this article -
Comment by 1000+3075
Other substances that the ITA suspect riders are using are: RAD-140 (Testolone), YK-11, LGD-4033 (Ligandrol), SR9009 (Stenabolic), MK-677 (Ibutamoren), DSIP (Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide), BPC-157, HGH Fragment 176-191, Epicatechin and Andarine (S4).
(DSIP? Was that Piccolo's sleepy time drug?)
Interesting comment to this article -
Comment by 1000+3075
Other substances that the ITA suspect riders are using are: RAD-140 (Testolone), YK-11, LGD-4033 (Ligandrol), SR9009 (Stenabolic), MK-677 (Ibutamoren), DSIP (Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide), BPC-157, HGH Fragment 176-191, Epicatechin and Andarine (S4).
(DSIP? Was that Piccolo's sleepy time drug?)
The comment by 1000+3075 lists "AICAR, GW1516, TP500, GAS6" as all "undetectable." That's false as WADA has the capability of testing for all of those compounds. In fact, GW1516 can be detected up to 40 days after a single oral dose of 15 mg:

Furthermore, U20 100m WR holder & Texas AM track star Issam Asinga tested postive last month for GW1516 - so it doesn't sound very undetectable. Lol

Here's USADA's sanctioned list - a good number of positives for the various SARMs products including Mk677:

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The comment by 1000+3075 lists "AICAR, GW1516, TP500, GAS6" as all "undetectable." That's false as WADA has the capability of testing for all of those compounds. In fact, GW1516 can be detected up to 40 days after a single oral dose of 15 mg:

Furthermore, U20 100m WR holder & Texas AM track star Issam Asinga tested postive last month for GW1516 - so it doesn't sound very undetectable. Lol

Here's USADA's sanctioned list - a good number of positives for the various SARMs products including Mk677:

The back and forth between commenters steel frame and Mistermaumau (LOL!!!!) are entertaining
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Mk677 is hgh for poor people. Increases appetite (binds to ghrelin receptors) and has the potential to make you gain lots of water weight of you have a high carb intake and/or have a bit too much sodium in your diet.

All that stuff is pretty cheap, low level gymbro stuff, not what you'd expect a pro to use.
You mean like what happen to a certain Ineos rider in the Giro? And another in the 2023 Tour?