I find this post really funny.
''Everyone is doped and you guys still watch it all?" Actually I don't believe everyone is doped, not at all. There's a reason that a few teams have seen massive bumps in performance this year and everyone else looks like they're going backwards... still pushing the old watts while the richest teams suddenly see 10%+ improvements in just a couple of years.
Cognitive AI increases watts? First, it's called "Generative AI" not "Cognitive AI." Second, do you even know what LLM's do? Ask Chat GPT to build you a training program lolz. I'm sure you'll soon be dominating your local circuit. One of the biggest pitfalls we make as modern people is we look at the people of the past as if they were primitive and unintelligent, and in the case of athletics we say that we train more. The truth is that while we have better knowledge now, the people of the past were just as smart and trained just as hard as now.
Iphones also don't increase your watts, not sure what the argument is here. If you're trying to say we went from Nokia phones to iPhone 15's over night, that's clearly false. it took many years. On the other hand, human performance (not for everyone mind, just a few top riders from a few top teams) has radically improved in just 3 years. Odd, that. Almost like some shady Dr's have had a research breakthrough. Oh wait, they have. Altitude science, aka blood manipulation and using altitude to mask it.
"It's simple evolution nothing else." – The human species doesn't evolve from year to year. I don't think natural selection is taking place ... unless you think mates are now being chosen on the basis of how skinny their arms are and how high their Vo2 is. Seems implausible.
"Thats just my guess and wether or not most of you are ready to admit that or not thats mostly it." Go spend your life savings playing your Lotto Destiny with guesses like that!
"Remember life is great guys and enjoy it." Life actually is a b*** and then you die. That's why we get high (on EPO and Tramadol). This is probably the most absurd claim you made in your entire statement.