All fine and dandy, Italians and Austrians think of you as culturally "Eastern Europeans", nobody will think of you as western Europeans, nowhere. I can call myself a "Hollywood heathrob" but that does not make me one. Slovenians speak a Slave language, have a Slave population have been culturally joined to the ex-yugoslavian countries.Practically nothing from Slovenia (writers, music, movies, tv, journals, books, cultural institutions, food) is known, admired or adopted or admitted as part of the Western European legacy.
Here is wikipedia Italia, including Slovenia as part of the Balkan Peninsula :
Another Italian encyclopedia, same thing
La più orientale delle tre grandi penisole mediterranee europee. La bagnano i mari: Adriatico, Ionio, Egeo, Mar di Marmara e il Mar Nero. Nella Penisola rientrano l’ex Iugoslavia, la Bulgaria, l’Albania, la Grecia e la Turchia europea. I limiti, specie verso N, risultano alquanto indeterminati e...
Deutsche Wikipedia
Same thing.
You can curse me, you can call me names you can wish me dead but people all over the world will consider you culturally Balkan and "Eastern European" a lot more closer to your Dušans Ante and Miroslav than to Giovanni, Heiko or John. I am sorry to tell you that.