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The 2024 CQ Ranking Manager Thread

Page 48 - Get up to date with the latest news, scores & standings from the Cycling News Community.
Website (https://www.savius.at/CQGame/cqgame.php) didn't update the scores yesterday, made a stupid mistake when I cleaned up the code when putting it online. Proactively commented out a crucial part...

Anyway, fixed now and at least saw that Pogacar's points were updated. Go Googleplex and Amethyst! First race and he got 220 points. Roughly 6% of points he had last year. Now whenever update data is clicked it will update or tell you it was already updated. Will not play around with site for now, when there is more than a weeks data I will check to add something on weekly movers etc.

For instance Googolplex shows his jump in ranks due to Pogacar (can be prettier though!)
Still lack data (as first insert was only on the 29th) so data is not correct yet, however I added a column called weekly change to the main overview. Shows both difference in rank and points versus last week. Albeit, with currently last week being 29th of February instead of 26th of February. However, that will solve itself in three days. :)

Also enabled a forced overwrite of points. In case we know points are updated after insert was done, we can overwrite the data with a new insert. So in case you think site does not reflect latest data, just click that and check again. Had that today as an update ran just after midnight, which did not reflect the results of yesterday yet. Earlier this morning it did so forced the update.

Now I will really stop looking at it for a few days! Was about to go in the rabbit hole to add upcoming races per rider but it was a mess mapping upcoming participations to riders so didnt bother. Unless I can think of a better source for which it can be mapped more easily.
Unlike most of you, I have more riders in Paris-Nice this week! Although more points might also come from my more popular picks in Tirreno.

B. Thomas
Andresen Lund (Still annoyed about this pick, third stage race now, where he waste his race days as lead-out for a fifth stage place of Jakobsen)

del Toro
Not sure how easy it would be to track on the spreadsheet but it would be fun as a side competition to see who is the first in the year to have all their riders score at least 1 point.
Walls didn't make the top twenty in Le Samyn, so it is still open. 4 teams are only waiting for one rider to get off the mark. PCS doesn't have anything soon on the agendas of Walls (for Salvarani) or Hayter (Total Package), so it seems to be down to whether Padun (for Rakim) can get top 8 in a Tirreno-Adriatico stage before Fuglsang does so (for Search) in Paris-Nice. If neither of those happen (not outwith the bounds of possibility) and both finish, guess it's a matter of which race finishes first on Sunday.
There may be teams with two (or more) riders pointless as yet that crack their ducks before Sunday, so this isn't the certain showdown, but it seems to be.
Edit: three of the four teams on 2 pointless riders have Gloag, and the other has both Hayter and Walls whose lack of racing soon is already noted, so anyone other than Search or Rakim seems very unlikely. If Padun and Fuglsang both fail to finish their races, the battle is open again.
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Walls didn't make the top twenty in Le Samyn, so it is still open. 4 teams are only waiting for one rider to get off the mark. PCS doesn't have anything soon on the agendas of Walls (for Salvarani) or Hayter (Total Package), so it seems to be down to whether Padun (for Rakim) can get top 8 in a Tirreno-Adriatico stage before Fuglsang does so (for Search) in Paris-Nice. If neither of those happen (not outwith the bounds of possibility) and both finish, guess it's a matter of which race finishes first on Sunday.
There may be teams with two (or more) riders pointless as yet that crack their ducks before Sunday, so this isn't the certain showdown, but it seems to be.
Edit: three of the four teams on 2 pointless riders have Gloag, and the other has both Hayter and Walls whose lack of racing soon is already noted, so anyone other than Search or Rakim seems very unlikely. If Padun and Fuglsang both fail to finish their races, the battle is open again.

Walls didn't make the top twenty in Le Samyn, so it is still open. 4 teams are only waiting for one rider to get off the mark. PCS doesn't have anything soon on the agendas of Walls (for Salvarani) or Hayter (Total Package), so it seems to be down to whether Padun (for Rakim) can get top 8 in a Tirreno-Adriatico stage before Fuglsang does so (for Search) in Paris-Nice. If neither of those happen (not outwith the bounds of possibility) and both finish, guess it's a matter of which race finishes first on Sunday.
There may be teams with two (or more) riders pointless as yet that crack their ducks before Sunday, so this isn't the certain showdown, but it seems to be.
Edit: three of the four teams on 2 pointless riders have Gloag, and the other has both Hayter and Walls whose lack of racing soon is already noted, so anyone other than Search or Rakim seems very unlikely. If Padun and Fuglsang both fail to finish their races, the battle is open again.
PCS lead me astray: Hayter is riding this week, and has come third, thereby getting off the mark, so Ingsve's challenge is won my @Total Package .
Oops: either PCS momentarily put up Hayter rather than Milan (I'm going for this one) or I misread Vernon as Hayter, so that was wrong (not actually watching, so purely dependent on the results page)

As you were: Padun vs Fuglsang Rakim vs Search
Add my team to those who lean more TA than PN this year. 10 of my 12 most expensive riders are starting (but only 2 of the other 21) in one of the two races so I really need to get something out of the week.


Tirreno Adriatico
TIBERI Antonio
Maybe right answer was both.

- who do you pick: Ayuso or Rodriguez?
- yes
Yes, Rodriguez could still turn out a good pick. He wasn´t good in Gran Camino, but that doesn´t mean that this will also be the case for the rest of the season. Let´s see, what he will show in Paris-Nice.
But not picking Ayuso well, only a big crash combined with a long injury could turn him into a bad pick right now. The other too expensive riders, which I didn´t pick (Uijtdebroeks and Sheffield) I am still confident, that decicion of not picking was right.
But yeah, not having Ayuso will cost us the top placing as of now.
Might be clutching at straws but Ayuso did have that knee issue last year which they never really got to the bottom of as far as I know. It just seemed to be a case of resting rather than fixing something. That was the reason I picked Rodriguez instead. At the rate he's going though Ayuso might not need to do many kms to get a huge score
Yes, Rodriguez could still turn out a good pick. He wasn´t good in Gran Camino, but that doesn´t mean that this will also be the case for the rest of the season. Let´s see, what he will show in Paris-Nice.
But not picking Ayuso well, only a big crash combined with a long injury could turn him into a bad pick right now. The other too expensive riders, which I didn´t pick (Uijtdebroeks and Sheffield) I am still confident, that decicion of not picking was right.
But yeah, not having Ayuso will cost us the top placing as of now.
Uijtebroeks, sure poor TT but he is climbing well. Just going off Gran Camino. The ones who picked him shouldnt be too worried yet imo, if he keeps climbing like that. He should top 10 most stage-races if thats the case.

Sheffield unlucky with crashes and a mechanical in Algarve, at the worst time, but he is showing a good level though and performing.

I dont know what to make of C. Rod yet this season. It could just be a slow build-up, but we will know more after Paris-Nice.
Uijtebroeks, sure poor TT but he is climbing well. Just going off Gran Camino. The ones who picked him shouldnt be too worried yet imo, if he keeps climbing like that. He should top 10 most stage-races if thats the case.

Sheffield unlucky with crashes and a mechanical in Algarve, at the worst time, but he is showing a good level though and performing.

I dont know what to make of C. Rod yet this season. It could just be a slow build-up, but we will know more after Paris-Nice.
Like i said, there is always something going on with Sheffield. He is that type of rider that oozing with potential but never delivers. He has to score at least 1k to be good pick and i am not seeing this anymore
Might be clutching at straws but Ayuso did have that knee issue last year which they never really got to the bottom of as far as I know. It just seemed to be a case of resting rather than fixing something. That was the reason I picked Rodriguez instead. At the rate he's going though Ayuso might not need to do many kms to get a huge score
I recall reading the issue was solved when he started his 2023 season (after a few months of rest). Am I wrong?

Knowing he had an imperfect winter prep last year was the main reason why I picked him this year. It's very hard to be consistently good when you don't build a solid base in winter (and yet he managed to score 1000+ points).
I recall reading the issue was solved when he started his 2023 season (after a few months of rest). Am I wrong?

Knowing he had an imperfect winter prep last year was the main reason why I picked him this year. It's very hard to be consistently good when you don't build a solid base in winter (and yet he managed to score 1000+ points).
What Eyeballs Out says is also part of the reason why I didn't pick him (the other reason is that I've crashed and burned by not picking the obvious expensive guy for two years straight, so if I picked the obvious expensive guy this time, he would definitely have broken his leg in the first race or something. But if he does great this year, I'm kinda stuck in a loop where I need to avoid the obvious expensive guy next year too :sweatsmile: ).

Ayuso's 'treatment' for the heel (I think it was) problem that kept him out was basically just resting, as Eyeballs Out says. And Ayuso did say after the Vuelta that he still wasn't riding pain free, but it was manageable. So I was thinking it might flare up again, especially with a normal season load. But it also might not. And he is looking like even more of a beast than anybody could have expected.
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I recall reading the issue was solved when he started his 2023 season (after a few months of rest). Am I wrong?

Knowing he had an imperfect winter prep last year was the main reason why I picked him this year. It's very hard to be consistently good when you don't build a solid base in winter (and yet he managed to score 1000+ points).
What my main reason of not picking him this season had been his performance at last years vuelta. It was his main goal and he was really without a chance against Vingegaard, Roglic and Kuss. Especially some performances in the high steep mountains didn´t convince me. (Angliru for example)
So could really be the case that because of his winter prep he is now on the next level and that his general level will be higher than last year. Otherwise we didn´t see him in the high mountains this year yet..
Like i said, there is always something going on with Sheffield. He is that type of rider that oozing with potential but never delivers. He has to score at least 1k to be good pick and i am not seeing this anymore
One big score in a stage-race and a podium in a big one-day race... he would almost be half-way there, which he is capable of but easier said than done. Only beginning of March, it is too early to write anyone of unless they are out with a severe injury.