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The revenge of Rasmussen ...

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Netserk said:
You could say the same about many of the US Postal witnesses...

Did we actually learn anything new or revelatory from the USADA investigation other than confirm what most had suspected. This is why I don't get all this shock over Hesdejal, he doped, no ****.

I think Rasmussen provides some interesting details in term's of what he took and how he took it. Perhaps if people could provide more detail on what has been happening over the last 5 years that would be much more insightful.

Oh yeah and stop claiming everyone else was doing it when you have nothing to back those statement's up.
pmcg76 said:
Did we actually learn anything new or revelatory from the USADA investigation other than confirm what most had suspected. This is why I don't get all this shock over Hesdejal, he doped, no ****.

I think Rasmussen provides some interesting details in term's of what he took and how he took it. Perhaps if people could provide more detail on what has been happening over the last 5 years that would be much more insightful.

Oh yeah and stop claiming everyone else was doing it when you have nothing to back those statement's up.

Hesjedal thought he could deliver a GT win without getting exposed. Big deal imo. Of course hes a coward for not telling the truth, which really could help the clean up process.
May 19, 2010
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Hamburgers current doping confession: 1995-2003. Says the managers, etc. knew about his doping on all the teams he rode for.

"We were just part of the system. It was all of us. I have not been riding in a team that did not know what was going on. Did they know it on my former team TVM? At Casino? On Memory Card / Jack & Jones? Yes, they did. Sporting directors, team managers, masseurs, mechanics, doctors, everyone was aware of what happened "

(I don't think the actual interview in BT Weekendavisen is available online)

He also confirms Rasmussens story about Weltz getting EPO from Spain and storing it at Martin Rittsels flat in Luxembourg.


To eurosport.se Hamburger confirms the information in Rasmussen's book. Sports director Johnny Weltz got EPO in Spain, Rittsel then distributed to other CSC riders through Rittsels apartment in Luxembourg. Weltz was annoyed that some riders forgot to pay to Rittsel so Weltz didn't get his money.

- I have not myself been in the apartment, but it was well known that there was doping in the apartment. It was not just Martin Rittsel who used it, there were several other riders on the team, said Bo Hamburger.

... is there any particular reason you know this about Martin Rittsel?

- Yes, because there were a few other riders who did not pay for the doping that were in the apartment. Since I was the team captain Johnny Weltz confronted me with it and meant I should make them pay.
Apr 27, 2010
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Taxus4a said:
He has been inside cycling world and he has a lot of contacts inside, maybe you think like that, and obviously you cant know everything, but you can know a lot.
I know if now people in my town is gettting cocaine, or more than before, or less, and i am not inside that world, but in that past I see things.
He dont believe, and he has any reason to say that, but yes, for sure he only said that what they did would be impossible right now.

If you read the book, Rasmussen tell that on the 2007 TDF team himself, Menchov, Dekker and Boogerd is on the "big" dopingprogram and that the rest gets the small white pills from Dr. Lienders. The where pills that help the body produce testosterone.

In my book that is doping but it could be that Freire didn't see it the same way
Apr 27, 2010
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Samson777 said:
Yeah, it could be. Also since Hamburger already confessed to doping in a book 6 years ago. But was a Zabel kind of confession, so now 6 years later, his ready with the "whole" truth. He said in the danish TV interview( not in the text): http://sporten.tv2.dk/2013-11-08-hamburger-bakker-kyllingen-op-riis-kendte-alt-til-doping
That it would all be public anyway in the anti doping report, so he might as well tell it himself now.

But yes, unless he deliver something else, it will just add to the Riis hunt, which I agree Riis of course deserve, but it is very one sided.

I think we have to explain to all the users of this forum that doesn't read danish newspapers, that one newspaper is on a crusade to harm Bjarne Riis.

The have a clear agenda to write everything bad about Riis and leave everything else out of the articles. Everything is written as harmful to Riis as possibly.

If there is a story with absolutely no connection to doping, they have to mention that Riis doped i 1996 and that his riders Hamilton, Basso and Contador did the same.

I'm not saying that Riis didn't know what was going on in his team. You have to be an idiot not to, but the fun fact is that the only rider to state that Riis help him to dope is Tyler Hamilton.

Everybody else tells about a lot of dodgy TUE's for Cortison but also says Riis never asked them to dope and he also never told them how to get doping.
These riders includes Jaksche, Rasmussen, VandeVelde, Zabriskie, Hamburger and some other that I can't remember the names of right here.
Oct 16, 2010
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Coolair2970 said:
I think we have to explain to all the users of this forum that doesn't read danish newspapers, that one newspaper is on a crusade to harm Bjarne Riis.

The have a clear agenda to write everything bad about Riis and leave everything else out of the articles. Everything is written as harmful to Riis as possibly.

If there is a story with absolutely no connection to doping, they have to mention that Riis doped i 1996 and that his riders Hamilton, Basso and Contador did the same.
a newspaper that doesn't embellish reality is a good newspaper.

I'm not saying that Riis didn't know what was going on in his team. You have to be an idiot not to, but the fun fact is that the only rider to state that Riis help him to dope is Tyler Hamilton.

Everybody else tells about a lot of dodgy TUE's for Cortison but also says Riis never asked them to dope and he also never told them how to get doping.
These riders includes Jaksche, Rasmussen, VandeVelde, Zabriskie, Hamburger and some other that I can't remember the names of right here.
i think that's pretty much how most would picture Riis.
Not as proactive as Bruyneel probably, but still a facilitator and fully indulging doping.
Coolair2970 said:
If you read the book, Rasmussen tell that on the 2007 TDF team himself, Menchov, Dekker and Boogerd is on the "big" dopingprogram and that the rest gets the small white pills from Dr. Lienders. The where pills that help the body produce testosterone.

In my book that is doping but it could be that Freire didn't see it the same way

As we have witnessed time and again, dopers don't see their own doping as doping.

Ne Nile is a big river in Egypt, and a standard pro peloton state of being.

There are probably a zillion references for this but, this one works:

Denial is a process involved in drug and alcohol addiction by which the addict pretends or convinces themselves that they do not have a problem when they do, or that their addiction is not causing destruction when it is. Sometimes, an individual may not even be aware that they are in denial, and may genuinely not believe that they have a problem with drugs or alcohol. Denial can also be a completely conscious act to cover up addictive behavior and the results of this behavior. Whatever the case may be, denial is a tell-tale sign that someone is definitely at a crisis point in their addiction. Denial can be so destructive as it often involves lying, refusal to even communicate with others about the problem, rationalizing, and minimizing addiction.

May 26, 2010
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Dazed and Confused said:
I'm equally surprised about the lack of action regarding the Leinders - Zorzoli link up.

Perhaps the rot goes even deeper than first thought (if thats possible).

Why are you surprised? Lance - Hein, Leinders - Zorzoli, Pat - Brailsford etc etc
the sceptic said:
He is russian, so everyone already knew he was doping.

sure, but why not rip a couple of jerseys off his back. Giro 2009 (clean era, lol) result:

1. RUS MENCHOV Denis RAB 86h03'11" 500
2. ITA PELLIZOTTI Franco LIQ 01'59" 375
3. ESP SASTRE CANDIL Carlos CTT 03'46" 315
4. ITA BASSO Ivan LIQ 03'59" 270
5. USA LEIPHEIMER Levi AST 05'28" 245
6. ITA GARZELLI Stefano ASA 08'43" 220
7. AUS ROGERS Michael THR 10'01" 195
8. SLO VALJAVEC Tadej ALM 11'13" 170
9. ITA BRUSEGHIN Marzio LAM 11'28" 155
10. ESP ARROYO DURAN David GCE 12'50" 140

Menchov whacked a pretty serious group of dopers here.
Dazed and Confused said:
sure, but why not rip a couple of jerseys off his back. Giro 2009 (clean era, lol) result:

1. RUS MENCHOV Denis RAB 86h03'11" 500
2. ITA PELLIZOTTI Franco LIQ 01'59" 375
3. ESP SASTRE CANDIL Carlos CTT 03'46" 315
4. ITA BASSO Ivan LIQ 03'59" 270
5. USA LEIPHEIMER Levi AST 05'28" 245
6. ITA GARZELLI Stefano ASA 08'43" 220
7. AUS ROGERS Michael THR 10'01" 195
8. SLO VALJAVEC Tadej ALM 11'13" 170
9. ITA BRUSEGHIN Marzio LAM 11'28" 155
10. ESP ARROYO DURAN David GCE 12'50" 140

Menchov whacked a pretty serious group of dopers here.

2009 is transicional era, and clean era doesnt mean nodody dopes.

2009 is quite dirty, but Sastre and Basso were up there.

There is a racist comment about russian cyclists, I think moderators must do something.

I think anyway Menchov doped sometimes, he was in Padua, but he is a good cyclist
Oct 16, 2010
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Dazed and Confused said:
sure, but why not rip a couple of jerseys off his back. Giro 2009 (clean era, lol) result:

1. RUS MENCHOV Denis RAB 86h03'11" 500
2. ITA PELLIZOTTI Franco LIQ 01'59" 375
3. ESP SASTRE CANDIL Carlos CTT 03'46" 315
4. ITA BASSO Ivan LIQ 03'59" 270
5. USA LEIPHEIMER Levi AST 05'28" 245
6. ITA GARZELLI Stefano ASA 08'43" 220
7. AUS ROGERS Michael THR 10'01" 195
8. SLO VALJAVEC Tadej ALM 11'13" 170
9. ITA BRUSEGHIN Marzio LAM 11'28" 155
10. ESP ARROYO DURAN David GCE 12'50" 140

Menchov whacked a pretty serious group of dopers here.
good reminder.
look how well the biopassport worked in 09.:rolleyes:
people adapt.
Oct 16, 2010
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rasmussen in Dutch newspaper says asking cyclists to adhere to antidoping rules while Pat was in charge was a bit like asking Italians to pay taxes while Berlusconi was president.

one is constantly left wondering how the acclaimed culture change in cycling could ever have come about under Pat's watch...

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