Sorry Angliru, I don't share your penchant for being so far up BroDeal's ****.
I think you're going loooooooooong with your call of Leipheimer and CDV (a favourite of mine) beating Wiggo - a.k.a. Wigans (stop it my sides are splitting

As I've already asked, who is going to put 20 mins (I can't believe Bro' said that!

) on Wiggins on one of those Pyrenean stages? Other than perhaps Contador and Schleck?
In all earnestnest who else? Wiggo not being Top 10?
As much as their might be a rising support of TeamSKY amongst the British populace, there seems to be an equally sizable sour grapes brigade amongst Americans who just don't get Wiggo's sense of humour and feel losing him.
I really haven't been arsed to spell it out.
The fact that Wiggin's wifes family comes from Wigan is totally lost on you and is the source of much amusement to other Brits on the forum ( sorry to all the others who wanted to keep it going 'til July).
The fact that Lance is the only other serious challenger must really rankle amongst the whiny, anti-champ clique...
( Lays back down on sofa)...