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Wiggins, Clinic respect?

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Re: Re:

Parker said:
Digger said:
Blanco said:
So who was the rat for "jiffy bag"? Sutton? David Millar? Leinders? or Froome himself?

Sutton. Wiggins has confessed in private by the way, Blamed pressures of sky management.
This is utter nonsense.

Sutton has many faults. One of them is utter devotion and loyalty to his athletes. There's no way he would sell them out.

Are your eyes open?

Sutton has been telling any journalist who will listen that he TUEs were applied for to gain an advantage. C’Mon man, don’t totally bot down on us.
Re: Re:

Parker said:
Digger said:
Blanco said:
So who was the rat for "jiffy bag"? Sutton? David Millar? Leinders? or Froome himself?

Sutton. Wiggins has confessed in private by the way, Blamed pressures of sky management.
This is utter nonsense.

Sutton has many faults. One of them is utter devotion and loyalty to his athletes. There's no way he would sell them out.

Really? Ha Ha Ha ask the para cyclists and some of the women who were under him.

Benotti69 said:
WADA (don't laugh) being asked to examine Wiggins TUEs for 2012.

Having a season like Wiggins did in 2012 where he won everything he entered from Paris Nice to Olympics points to a person not needing medicine to keep him normal but to doping.

I fully expect Sir Craig Reedie to find Sir Bradley Wiggins guilty....................................not.

Sport giving comedy a run for its money.

At least it falls within the Statue of Limitations - Though difficult to see it going far.
Jul 5, 2009
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Re: Re:

yaco said:
Benotti69 said:
WADA (don't laugh) being asked to examine Wiggins TUEs for 2012.

Having a season like Wiggins did in 2012 where he won everything he entered from Paris Nice to Olympics points to a person not needing medicine to keep him normal but to doping.

I fully expect Sir Craig Reedie to find Sir Bradley Wiggins guilty....................................not.

Sport giving comedy a run for its money.

At least it falls within the Statue of Limitations - Though difficult to see it going far.

One day I'm going to grab a bunch of clay and build the Statue of Limitations. It'll be someone on their tip toes reaching as hard as they can to get something off a shelf, but coming up several inches short.

John Swanson
Re: Re:

Parker said:
Digger said:
Blanco said:
So who was the rat for "jiffy bag"? Sutton? David Millar? Leinders? or Froome himself?

Sutton. Wiggins has confessed in private by the way, Blamed pressures of sky management.
This is utter nonsense.

Sutton has many faults. One of them is utter devotion and loyalty to his athletes. There's no way he would sell them out.

money is a powerful thing - he had been using it as leverage to get what he wanted for years - also the leak for lizzie's three tests - a final show across the bow after varnish. Believe what you want. He admitted as much in his interview this week.
Oh Johan, you are a funny one.
Mar 7, 2017
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Re: Re:

Even WADA's resident look away now nothing to see here gimp Craig Reedie thinks Sky/Wiggo's TUE blag is dodgy:


“My reaction to this quote from Shane Sutton has to be that I am extremely disappointed at this statement because the TUE system recognises accurate and responsible medical evidence,” Reedie said, according to the Times. "It's designed to help athletes who have illnesses and conditions to be able to take, under proper medical advice, substances which are on the prohibited list to take part in sport. The inference is that the system can be used and that's the worrying thing if someone is seeking to do that."
Re: Re:

thehog said:
rick james said:
Digger said:
rick james said:
Best chums with Wiggins are you know? A made up twitter conversation doesn’t count as facts in the real world

Must hurt to know he doped?
Doesn’t hurt me at all

Well, at least you’re agreeing that he dope, that’s a good start.

isn't it the final goal of The Clinic? having people agree and ADMIT riders are doping?
Re: Re:

pastronef said:
thehog said:
rick james said:
Digger said:
rick james said:
Best chums with Wiggins are you know? A made up twitter conversation doesn’t count as facts in the real world

Must hurt to know he doped?
Doesn’t hurt me at all

Well, at least you’re agreeing that he dope, that’s a good start.

isn't it the final goal of The Clinic? having people agree and ADMIT riders are doping?
Don’t be silly, they don’t want an end goal, they like to laugh at the believers with their heads In the sand
Re: Re:

There seem to be five groupings.

(1) The idealists who approach the issue honestly with the hope that cycling can be made better by grappling with the idea of doping.
(2) The realists who really don't give a damn about doping and enjoy the sport anyway.
(3) The realists who enjoy the whole show, from scenery panorama, to racing, to antidoping drama.
(4) The denialists, who don't want to see how sausage is made.
(5) The self-interested, who know where their bread is buttered and will attack any challenge to that self-interest. Their stance on anti-doping depends entirely upon how it might affect their interests.
Re: Re:

MarkvW said:
There seem to be five groupings.

(1) The idealists who approach the issue honestly with the hope that cycling can be made better by grappling with the idea of doping.
(2) The realists who really don't give a damn about doping and enjoy the sport anyway.
(3) The realists who enjoy the whole show, from scenery panorama, to racing, to antidoping drama.
(4) The denialists, who don't want to see how sausage is made.
(5) The self-interested, who know where their bread is buttered and will attack any challenge to that self-interest. Their stance on anti-doping depends entirely upon how it might affect their interests.

Hello. Decent list.

May I suggest an addendum to #5? ... "Win at all costs.Cognitive rigidity demands it."
May 26, 2010
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Re: Re:

MarkvW said:
There seem to be five groupings.

(1) The idealists who approach the issue honestly with the hope that cycling can be made better by grappling with the idea of doping.
(2) The realists who really don't give a damn about doping and enjoy the sport anyway.
(3) The realists who enjoy the whole show, from scenery panorama, to racing, to antidoping drama.
(4) The denialists, who don't want to see how sausage is made.
(5) The self-interested, who know where their bread is buttered and will attack any challenge to that self-interest. Their stance on anti-doping depends entirely upon how it might affect their interests.

(6) The Bone idle Wankers and *** who know how the sausage is made and call it everytime on all the riders. ;)

Benotti69 said:
UK Sport chair Dame Katherine Grainger is "surprised and disappointed" after former Team Sky and British Cycling coach Shane Sutton said riders legally used banned drugs to "find the gains"

Banned drugs = doping.


Actually it's not legal to apply for a TUE in order to cover the use of PEDs. It's possible though when there's a one man committee Zorzoli who approves. Sutton basically confirmed on national television that they use performance enhancing drugs for marginal gains.
Re: Re:

Rollthedice said:
Benotti69 said:
UK Sport chair Dame Katherine Grainger is "surprised and disappointed" after former Team Sky and British Cycling coach Shane Sutton said riders legally used banned drugs to "find the gains"

Banned drugs = doping.


Actually it's not legal to apply for a TUE in order to cover the use of PEDs. It's possible though when there's a one man committee Zorzoli who approves. Sutton basically confirmed on national television that they use performance enhancing drugs for marginal gains.
Yep, the Sky train rode through that loophole.