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Wiggins drama ending?

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pedaling squares said:
Yes, that Wigan comment was what I was referring to. Wiggins had a fantastic tour, and all credit to him for that. VDV was not able to lead the team due to his prior injury, but gave his all for Wiggins. Wiggins rode very well for Garmin, in turn they have obviously done a lot to help him achieve his potential as a GC rider. This comment did not seem in jest to me, he qualified it by saying how his Tour performance had changed things. "Times have changed... we'll see what happens" doesn't seem like a man eager to honour the final year of his contract. Who knows what occurs behind closed doors, and I agree that Vaughters's comments are designed to make the team look as good as possible if they lose Wiggins. They are probably also meant for the ears of any other top riders whose 2010 plans are not finalized.

"It's a bit like trying to win the Champions League and to win the Champions League you go to Manchester United and I'm probably playing at Wigan at the moment. I'll probably have to make that step to do it," Wiggins told the BBC. He added: "I've had a good time this year at Garmin but times have changed. I don't know, the Tour changed everything for me really so we'll see what happens."

but thats the thing.. that is about the only interview brad has done where he has talked about it.. virtually every other time when questioned he has said nothing..

which if you consider all the reports, the speculation, the articles, brad signing, brad signing on saturday, next week, last week, brad says this, brad says that, he hasnt actually said anything outside of one interview where his sense of humour backfired..


Digger said:
Serious lack of loyalty, but this is pro sport, so anything goes.......

lack of loyalty...?

brad has given one interview where he hinted he wanted to leave garmin..
JV has given one interview where he has said that brad wants to leave garmin..
Db has given several interviews where he has said they would like Brad but he is under contract...

99% of the stories have come from the press.. and 99% of those from the telegraph...

Who is brads loyalty to anyway.. the road team that he has been with for ONE year after stints at high road, cofidis, credit agricole, francais de jeux, mccartney, or the guys that have been there and supported him through the whole of his career... why should brad have any big loyalty to garmin, they brought him in to time trial a bit and possibly get them the TTT win in the tour or the giro.. garmin are his 6th team, he doesnt have any loyalty, but then to be fair no teams have really shown him any support or loyalty, and his track work always came first...

Over the last six years he has been loyal to one person.. DB.. i dont see his loyalty is really changing to be honest if he goes to sky.. DB always has been his boss, always will be his boss..
Nov 17, 2009
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Digger said:
Serious lack of loyalty, but this is pro sport, so anything goes.......

From what I've read, Wiggins has been roped into some really bad contracts (particularly one with CA) where he's been forced to ride for way less then his market value. I have trouble faulting him for wanting to cash in now after a positive turn.

It doesn't seem like he's doing it in a disrespectful or inproper way. He was signed as a TT specialist and has become a TDF top 5 rider. The man should get paid. If Garmin makes a load of money in the process (they'll probably make a significant amount off the exchange of signing and selling Wiggins) I can't see a problem with it from either side.


Mountain Goat said:

DB can't stop talking about Brad...

this must be a done deal, surely...

well no, to be fair, thats the times article where kimmage asked him various things, mostly doping related and DB answered.. brad came up, as did dave millar and others..

may well be a done deal, but its hardly DB going on and on about BW

personally i hope it is a done deal.. but we shall see. if he does go garmin gonna make a nice few quid on it..
Jun 13, 2009
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dimspace said:
lack of loyalty...?

brad has given one interview where he hinted he wanted to leave garmin..
JV has given one interview where he has said that brad wants to leave garmin..
Db has given several interviews where he has said they would like Brad but he is under contract...

99% of the stories have come from the press.. and 99% of those from the telegraph...

Who is brads loyalty to anyway.. the road team that he has been with for ONE year after stints at high road, cofidis, credit agricole, francais de jeux, mccartney, or the guys that have been there and supported him through the whole of his career... why should brad have any big loyalty to garmin, they brought him in to time trial a bit and possibly get them the TTT win in the tour or the giro.. garmin are his 6th team, he doesnt have any loyalty, but then to be fair no teams have really shown him any support or loyalty, and his track work always came first...

Over the last six years he has been loyal to one person.. DB.. i dont see his loyalty is really changing to be honest if he goes to sky.. DB always has been his boss, always will be his boss..

So its ok for him to focus on his national track goals, but not ok for the team that actually pays him to give him full support when he's riding for his country and not his team?
I gotta be honest, I think his loyalty is to his nation, so he can hardly complain (or have his fans complain) that his pro teams didn't go all out for him. I can see why he's had to move around so much, given his commitment to his employers.
Aug 12, 2009
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I don't know why anyone would argue Wiggins with dimspace. He has the same mentality that aussiecyclefan94 has with Evans; blind fanboy naivety. The interviews, Brads attitude, Garmins faithfulness. All brought up before. Wiggins is a douchebag. Apparently funny and a good drinker, but a douchebag for anyone who employs him. His behaviour is indicative of a pro bicycle rider, lie, mislead and jump from one boat to the other, stretching the truth as far as one can.

That Brailsford article posted today on this site is the final nail in the coffin. A lot has been said for months now in the clinic about Sky and their ambitions and their willingness to achieve those goals.


"Well, you’ve got to believe in something, otherwise what’s the point? Let’s all pack up and go home. How far was Brad from being on the podium in last year’s Tour [2009]? Not far. Can he improve on that? Who knows? But he certainly has the ability to and, given the right conditions, it could be done."

BS Brailsford, BS. The bold is in line with Wiggins comments about Garmin. Play the 'peloton is clean' or 'almost clean' card and hope the public buys it (most have) and suggest a guy who was dropped by the groupetto in 2006 can podium clean. Podium, but not clean. Hope these slippery b@stards are exposed for the con merchants they are. Wiggins and Brailsford are cut from the same mould.

"All I can say is ... if there is any doubt or suspicion [of doping] on our team, I’ll expose it. And if I get to the point where I think it can’t be done, I’m walking away," said Brailsford.

Won't happen, unless he's the one exposed. Win and play by the team rules boys, or else.

Don't be harsh on dimspace people. We can have the luxury of fantasising from time to time. I say let him have his, as long as he stops reminding us.
Jul 26, 2009
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dimspace said:
i need to make a file with the best of the "sky will do nothing" quotes and hold onto them for the "told you so" day. :D

you do that and ill keep one on all the slimey spanish and italian comments....................:eek:
Mar 12, 2009
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Galic Ho said:
I don't know why anyone would argue Wiggins with dimspace. He has the same mentality that aussiecyclefan94 has with Evans; blind fanboy naivety. The interviews, Brads attitude, Garmins faithfulness. All brought up before. Wiggins is a douchebag. Apparently funny and a good drinker, but a douchebag for anyone who employs him. His behaviour is indicative of a pro bicycle rider, lie, mislead and jump from one boat to the other, stretching the truth as far as one can.

That Brailsford article posted today on this site is the final nail in the coffin. A lot has been said for months now in the clinic about Sky and their ambitions and their willingness to achieve those goals.


BS Brailsford, BS. The bold is in line with Wiggins comments about Garmin. Play the 'peloton is clean' or 'almost clean' card and hope the public buys it (most have) and suggest a guy who was dropped by the groupetto in 2006 can podium clean. Podium, but not clean. Hope these slippery b@stards are exposed for the con merchants they are. Wiggins and Brailsford are cut from the same mould.

Won't happen, unless he's the one exposed. Win and play by the team rules boys, or else.

Don't be harsh on dimspace people. We can have the luxury of fantasising from time to time. I say let him have his, as long as he stops reminding us.

i think you'll find your more deluded than dimspace. im not even going to begin to constructively debate with you


Galic Ho said:
I don't know why anyone would argue Wiggins ...blah blah blah blah blah.....as long as he stops reminding us.

ok.. with the exception of the one interview with the bbc, the famous wigan interview, can you please give me examples, links would be great, where brad says he wants to leave garmin, shows a lack of loyalty etc...

not second hand brad says, not other people saying, but examples of where brad has said that he wants to leave garmin and go to sky.. ?

its not me being a fanboy, its me being realistic.. as said before 99% of the whole brad sky thing is stories whipped up by the press, and mainly the telegraph.. a point no-one has yet decided to comment on..
dimspace said:
ok.. with the exception of the one interview with the bbc, the famous wigan interview, can you please give me examples, links would be great, where brad says he wants to leave garmin, shows a lack of loyalty etc...

not second hand brad says, not other people saying, but examples of where brad has said that he wants to leave garmin and go to sky.. ?

its not me being a fanboy, its me being realistic.. as said before 99% of the whole brad sky thing is stories whipped up by the press, and mainly the telegraph.. a point no-one has yet decided to comment on..

If Wiggins intends to stay with Garmin then he could not put an end to all the rumor with one clear statement to the press. He has not done that. Why?


BroDeal said:
If Wiggins intends to stay with Garmin then he could not put an end to all the rumor with one clear statement to the press. He has not done that. Why?

stop answering questions with questions.. :p

im trying to find his "im not going to sky tweet".... :D

however i did find this..

"Why do people on cycling forums never go under their real name? it's always C0ck46 or D1ckpen1s75? funny ain't it?" 11:51 PM Oct 20th from web

Wonder what cycling forum hes talking about..

some of his more notables though
"A huge anti-climax is heading the press's way, such a shame, for the sake of being just not stirring the ****, oh look the Vuelta's on!"
"I'd just like to take this opportunnity to thank the British press!" (sarcasm)
"@cycling weekly, please stop stirring the **** pile, it was a black TEAM GARMIN hoodie, cheers" < that one was in response to him wearing a garmin hoodie at the uk TT's, but cycling weekly (and several others) decided to say it was a plain black one. why wasnt he wearing a garmin one.. he must be going to sky
"Cyclingnews love a good old stir, So there is a chance that I may go to Sky if he"s available says Cyclingnews who seem to know everything."
"My full future plans will be announced in the coming weeks, everything else is merely rhubarb!" < JULY
"I think I'm ****ing the media off for not telling them what they want to hear!"
"Ok,ok. Brad Wiggins is'nt going to Sky. It's official" < 9th july...

and still the press go on and on...
Aug 12, 2009
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stefrees go back and read what has been written in the threads for months now. This is all old news, the inevitable conclusion of previous acts and behaviour. Enjoy wailing in the misery of your UK weather and your F1 messiahs at McClaren who will tear at each others throats. Newsflash genius...Spaniards are a powerhouse in world sport right now. Wiggins cannot beat even the fourth best Spanish GT rider if both turn up on form. Only a Brit would respond the way you did. Nice job you patriotic fanboy. You'll grow up one day. Remember to take baby steps along the way as the maturing has growing pains, ie; when reality hits home. Facts and reality aren't on your side, thats why you don't debate. Any new muppets on the forum want to take a swing?
Aug 12, 2009
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dimspace said:
ok.. with the exception of the one interview with the bbc, the famous wigan interview, can you please give me examples, links would be great, where brad says he wants to leave garmin, shows a lack of loyalty etc...

not second hand brad says, not other people saying, but examples of where brad has said that he wants to leave garmin and go to sky.. ?

its not me being a fanboy, its me being realistic.. as said before 99% of the whole brad sky thing is stories whipped up by the press, and mainly the telegraph.. a point no-one has yet decided to comment on..

dimspace, myself and others have been over this with you a number of times, particularly when Wiggins said something or an article came out referencing his ambitions. There have been about half a dozen and each time you defended him and others pointed out the inconsistencies in his on bike behaviour, his current words and past actions. I'm not going to repeat prior efforts to convince you otherwise because you have had the opportunity to address them at the time and you did your best to dodge the issue. Look at you post history concerning Wiggins and the replies to your statements. As I mentioned, this is a repeating theme.

Also I read the aussie Telegraph not the British one. Don't have a clue what you are on about and don't have the time to scour another papers archives and daily updates to gather info. I'll stick with the Times for credible and mature articles and the Mail for gossip.

Do I care? No, you are more than entitled to defend Wiggins, heck people defend the lowest scum in cycling, which I add Bradley is not. I know I cannot convince you otherwise sitting on a computer in eastern Australia so I won't bother. We can disagree. Mind you I'll agree with most of your other opinions, just not Wiggins. There is a subtle line of respect and diplomacy that he crosses too often. I think it is subconscious and he isn't aware of what he is doing. This isn't a terrible thing, but like the aussie/Evans issue, separating the patriotic vitriol is necessary to come to a balanced (my opinion on how one should think) conclusion.

Do we have to ring this up because we are bored once more? Brailsford wants media attention and I also think he needs to let Garmin know they can afford to lose Brad. What he has been saying is all PR, which in a discrete fashion lets Garmin know they mean business. If you haven't thought Brad joining Sky was inevitable you've been asleep or not paying attention. "British Tour winner by 2014. Wiggins is it for now. End of discussion. He's going, better financially if now rather than a years time as he will be worth less next year after he gets cained by the underperformers from this year. Sure he looks like a douchebag turning on a team who backed him without logical reason but Garmin won't suffer as they have Vande Velde (better rider anyway and less of a tantrum chucker).


Galic Ho said:
dimspace, myself and others have been over this with you a number of times, ......ss of a tantrum chucker).

damn you.. your posts are always so well constructed, and with grammar as well.. :confused:
Aug 12, 2009
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Sorry dude, it is not personal. I know I'll enjoy watching the Wiggins drama next year. He is funny. He'd make a great comedy actor. British comedy is gold! Just remember to not forget to keep tabs on aussiecyclefan94 and all the Cadel comments. One-up-manship, return the bragging in jest once prior words have been shown to be foolish and premature. Extrinsic appearances suggest Sky will be a good home once Brad arrives. To add perspective they won't be any worse than the current mob. They will shake things up a bit. EBH and Loqkvist are good support for a bigger GT rider.

Do you know if the Sky jerseys will be the same as the track team? Red, blue and white with a union jack element? It looks good. Great colours. What I'd have for a team. Of course with a southern cross for added measure on the back.


Galic Ho said:
Do you know if the Sky jerseys will be the same as the track team? Red, blue and white with a union jack element? It looks good. Great colours. What I'd have for a team. Of course with a southern cross for added measure on the back.

depends which track kits you talking about.. the standard british team wear the union jack red white and blue ones and carry sky sponsorship

or the rather lovely HD kit...

ive only seen them referred to as sky sponsored, i really do hope they run a variation on the hd kit though, although how that would look on the road, v the speed and grace of the track i dont know..

you do need the right body for hte hd kit though.. chris hoy wears it very well, and vicky looks amazing, not sure that Juan Antonio Flecha would look so good in it trundling through a muddy cobble section
Jul 2, 2009
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Galic Ho said:
Do you know if the Sky jerseys will be the same as the track team? Red, blue and white with a union jack element? It looks good. Great colours. What I'd have for a team. Of course with a southern cross for added measure on the back.

Apparently not. I can't remember where I read it, but it's rumoured to have a simple classic look to it. With two different versions - a darker one for early season, and a lighter one for the height of summer (a la Cervelo)

This may of course be completely untrue - but I'm sure they'll want to distinguish themselves from the track team, which they have no actual connection to bar the BC link.


Mambo95 said:
This may of course be completely untrue - but I'm sure they'll want to distinguish themselves from the track team, which they have no actual connection to bar the BC link.


same title sponsors
DB is head of both the road team and the track team
they also happen to be using a lot of the gb facililties
the bike suppliers pinarello are also supplying to all gb riders..

there are lots of connections..

but yes, technically they are unconnected..

in the same way that there is a very clear difference between team GB, and Team Sky HD

interesting photo stream here of the guy who did the HD kits.. the effect was fairy lights round a coat hanger.. :eek: