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6 Olympic athletes positive for CERA

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Jasper said:
Guess that rules out Cancellara then.

If the other positive is not a medal winner then that would rule out Canc.

It could be one of the four randomly tested, but it is probably more likely that it would be one of the 4th or 5th place finishers. Those are:

A. Schleck

It won't be Schleck or Evans because they were already tested for CERA at the TdF. It would make no sense that they would start using it after Ricco tested positive for it.

Chances are the positive will be a woman or a track rider.
Mar 16, 2009
It was a dark and stormy night............
some how this story is taking a familiar story line.
Maybe Rebellin is Hamiltons twin. time will tell

Rome - Olympic cycling silver medallist Davide Rebellin has denied doping after Italian media reports said he was one of six athletes tested positive in drug sample retests from the Beijing Games.

'Davide has not done anything. Now we must stay calm in the light of this incredible development,' Rebellin's wife and agent Selina Martinello told Gazzetta dello Sport's website Wednesday.

'We have sent off the request for the analysis of a B sample. We will go on until the end.'

Mar 19, 2009
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Cycling is the Poster-Boy of drug use..... it always has been. It will never go away... it's part of the mindset and culture of not only Cycling but society in general. To think you can get rid of it.... one would be as delusional as those who think "The War on Drugs" is in any way successful.

To those who so profusely judge these athletes who take drugs as bad, evil, immoral etc. and need to be disgraced,humiliated or even violently attacked, are no better than those who they so judge. Look in the mirror. It takes courage from your soul to do so ..... not the kind of ego courage you think it takes a bike rider to ride up or down a mountain.

As long as there is a desire to be better than someone else, there will be corruption. Cycling is corrupt, but they don't want to admit it..... who would. Who would want to admit their sport has been corrupt since it's beginnings? That would take some guts.

The delusion however, continues. It's so human. Our human condition. We're all part of the problem, and the solution.
Mar 12, 2009
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CrueTrue said:
The thing with tests is that you need to be more than 100 % sure that a rider is doped before it counts as a positive test.
You've been listening to too many post match interviews on Match of the Day.

How can you be "more than 100% sure?" That's an even higher standard of proof than you need for a criminal conviction for murder or rape.

My understanding is that the UCI and IOC set the parameters for the tests at a level that wiil stand up in court if challenged, but, as any court case would be a civil rather than a criminal action, the level of proof would be "what it is reasonable to assume." That's less than the "beyond reasonable doubt" needed for criminal convictions, and much less than your suggested "more that 100% sure."
Mar 10, 2009
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lostintime said:
Cycling is the Poster-Boy of drug use..... it always has been. It will never go away... it's part of the mindset and culture of not only Cycling but society in general. To think you can get rid of it.... one would be as delusional as those who think "The War on Drugs" is in any way successful.

To those who so profusely judge these athletes who take drugs as bad, evil, immoral etc. and need to be disgraced,humiliated or even violently attacked, are no better than those who they so judge. Look in the mirror. It takes courage from your soul to do so ..... not the kind of ego courage you think it takes a bike rider to ride up or down a mountain.

As long as there is a desire to be better than someone else, there will be corruption. Cycling is corrupt, but they don't want to admit it..... who would. Who would want to admit their sport has been corrupt since it's beginnings? That would take some guts.

The delusion however, continues. It's so human. Our human condition. We're all part of the problem, and the solution.

Yeah. What he said. Now sit back and smoke a bowl. We'll ride later.


Mar 17, 2009
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Wifey knows best.

krebs303 said:
It was a dark and stormy night............
some how this story is taking a familiar story line.
Maybe Rebellin is Hamiltons twin. time will tell

Rome - Olympic cycling silver medallist Davide Rebellin has denied doping after Italian media reports said he was one of six athletes tested positive in drug sample retests from the Beijing Games.

'Davide has not done anything. Now we must stay calm in the light of this incredible development,' Rebellin's wife and agent Selina Martinello told Gazzetta dello Sport's website Wednesday.

'We have sent off the request for the analysis of a B sample. We will go on until the end.'

Apr 23, 2009
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What's not surprising is that another cyclist has been exposed as a fraud and a cheat. What continues to amaze me is that as these guys keep getting caught RED HANDED they all profess their innocence zealously as if anyone would believe them.

Davide - Give it up. NOBODY WILL BELIEVE YOU!! You're done. The B sample will also be positive!! Bring your medal with you to the meeting with the Italian Olympic Committee and immediately retire from the sport.

(and Muzzin is praying to God that Kolobnev is clean)
Apr 24, 2009
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Here We go Again

What gets me is that people act as if something like this a complete surprise. What do you expect when the foxes are guarding the chickens. The recent, former President of the UCI (Verbruggen) was and still is a senior member of the IOC. This is an organisation that was headed by a jackboot fascist and had many former Nazis as members in the 1950's.

Are these the types of people we are relying on to oversee a 'clean' sport?

Many sports, particularly football, are corrupt as hell. Cycling is not much different. A few team managers are former dopers themselves or at least have links to doping connections.

Just compare what happened to former dopers such as Riis, Defaux, Virenqeue, Moreau, Basso, the rest of the former Festina teamto name but a few and compare it to what happened to one rider who was primarilay responsible for the Oeracion Puerto investigation, Jesus Montoya. Last I heard he was working on a building site.
lostintime said:
Cycling is the Poster-Boy of TRYING TO END ATHLETIC ENHANCEMENT THROUGH drug use..... it always has been. It will never go away... it's part of the mindset and culture of not only Cycling but society in general. To think you can get rid of it.... one would be as delusional as those who think "The War on Drugs" is in any way successful.

To those who so profusely judge these athletes who take drugs as bad, evil, immoral etc. and need to be disgraced,humiliated or even violently attacked, are no better than those who they so judge. Look in the mirror. It takes courage from your soul to do so ..... not the kind of ego courage you think it takes a bike rider to ride up or down a mountain.

As long as there is a desire to be better than someone else, there will be corruption. Cycling is corrupt, but they don't want to admit it..... who would. Who would want to admit their sport has been corrupt since it's beginnings? That would take some guts.

The delusion however, continues. It's so human. Our human condition. We're all part of the problem, and the solution.

Fix'd for you! ;)
Mar 10, 2009
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Scenario 1:

We'll get the Musseeuw confession. No, no, no, maybe, yes, yes, because I was old and still hungered for more, yes, and it was actually really easy to come by.

Scenario 2:

The 'Festina' accusation. No, no, no, maybe, yes, yes, we were all supposed to take it. I didn't even know what substances they made me put in my body. I resisted, but then went along...

Scenario 3:

The 'I was the lone ranger' explanation. No, no, no, maybe, yes, yes, I did it, but I can't tell you who provided it to me, because I would destroy the poor doctor's life.

Scenario 4:

He's pulling a 'Floyd Landis'. No, no, no, no, and even though it's confirmed, I say no.

Scenario 5:

Mesci76 said:

Was Schumacher dropped on his head when he was a baby? How could this guy possibly be stupid enough to use CERA after the TdF? With a detection window less than two weeks for CERA, he must have used the junk after Ricco was busted.

Was Schumacher unlucky enough to be randomly tested? Or did the positive come from some sort of other testing that was done at the Olympics?
Apr 29, 2009
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Peleton could hand out rough justice

Surely if two or three clean riders can be found, they could go give these dopers a hiding and intimidate them out of the sport. If I was riding and I knew that there were dopers who could cost me my teams sponsorship it would be a no brainer. But all the time you have former dopers running teams and dopers screaming innocence every time they are caught the sport is on a suicide mission.

Time for the riders to kick out the dopers. Plenty more to catch.
There are some cyclists that make me really disappointed when it comes out that the doped, simply because even a realist/cynic like myself would hope to be decieved in to thinking that this or that guy was "holier" than the rest. Rebellin is one of those cyclists. In the final analysis, though, I'm not surprised because I'm aware of my own self-deception. And I know that holyness doesn't exist, or at least I don't believe in it. Yet the disappointment remains nontheless...
Mar 16, 2009
Cycling could go the way of pro wrestling and become "sports entertainment"
The doping rules are much more lax. and no need to hire writers the scripts couldn't be any better than real life.

Babtista for KOM!
BroDeal said:
Was Schumacher dropped on his head when he was a baby? How could this guy possibly be stupid enough to use CERA after the TdF? With a detection window less than two weeks for CERA, he must have used the junk after Ricco was busted.

Was Schumacher unlucky enough to be randomly tested? Or did the positive come from some sort of other testing that was done at the Olympics?

i don't know! maybe he cut hair and brain together :p