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Apr 28, 2010
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Weening is really p1ssed of by not being included in the tour roster.

Dutch news

He doesn't understand the decision and says that the team has mislead him. He tought he would be a part of the tour roster. With this outcry by him, I would not be surprised if he'll look for another team for next season
Yes he did.
Last year he won the Queen stage of the Tour of Austria over the Großglockner and finished 6th in the Gc
He finished 3rd in the Tour of Murcia and he finished 4th in the Tour of Pologne.

This year he finished 8th in Murcia, 15th in Meditteraneen, 17th in Catalunya and 24th in the Giro.
That's perfectly reasonable for someone with his abilites.
He is not a world beater. Just a strong domestique who can perform in the lower class stage races.