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Lance Refuses to give Blood Sample to USADA

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Sep 22, 2009
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Thoughtforfood said:
No, he tweets in 12 year old girl.:)

Good one TFF. Sadly, as a high school teacher, I have had no choice but to become fluent in 12-year-old-girl-ese, which must be why I can understand Lance's tweets.

Actually, I have to edit this as I realised I was exaggerating. I can read it, but am yet to learn to write or speak fluently in this language - unlike Lance.
Angliru said:
I can't think of anything positive to say about Twitter. Is its sole purpose to feed the ego's of those that need it? Who cares what the hell is going on at every moment of someone's life and what the hell makes them think that they are so important that anyone cares? Rant over. I feel better now.:)

Someone else on another thread said it as well as can be said. To paraphrase from memory,

"It's called twitter because moron-er doesn't roll off the tongue as well."
craig1985 said:
His 10 year old apparently has an account, and so does his 4 month old son. And there over 2,000 followers. The first thing I thought of was, WTF?! :confused:

What do kids tweet????

"9 minutes to wapner." 10:51am

"Daddy, has that red tube in his arm again" 12:14 pm

"Lunch time ... I just loves me some boobie.... I hope theis never ends " 12:33 pm

"When Daddy is drunk, he really hates that mexican guy...." 1:14pm
BroDeal said:
Sure it is. We have all sorts of words that don't exist in other English speaking countries. Words like nuculear weapons.

Nucular is headed the way of 'axe' (as in, lemme ax you a question.) Some people are just too sloppy with their diction that the word travels the vernacular underworld and gets adopted as a 'real' word simply from widespread misuse. It's a regular road scholar.

Yes, American English can be called a dialect.


ggusta said:
What do kids tweet????

"9 minutes to wapner." 10:51am

"Daddy, has that red tube in his arm again" 12:14 pm

"Lunch time ... I just loves me some boobie.... I hope theis never ends " 12:33 pm

"When Daddy is drunk, he really hates that mexican guy...." 1:14pm

Comedy GOLD!!!
Jul 14, 2009
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Maybe there is something lost in translation. Armstrong was there and allowed them access to both his arms and they could get a sample ? I think Lance is an egomaniac and twitter is the perfect tool to broadcast all info from the temple of me . Not getting the blood is just plain dumb. Maybe instead of the poorly trained persons they keep sending to test LA they could send a local home health care nurse they get blood from 100 year old arms every time. All this talk of junkie this and that is BS. If you can't get blood from a pro athlete you shouldn't have the job. How it could be Armstrong's fault that the feds send clowns seems a bit of a stretch.


Oct 5, 2009
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Maybe they forgot to bring a syringe. It's not clear what was meant.

What type of doping would someone be doing at this stage of the season in any event?
May 13, 2009
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fatandfast said:
Maybe there is something lost in translation. Armstrong was there and allowed them access to both his arms and they could get a sample ? I think Lance is an egomaniac and twitter is the perfect tool to broadcast all info from the temple of me . Not getting the blood is just plain dumb. Maybe instead of the poorly trained persons they keep sending to test LA they could send a local home health care nurse they get blood from 100 year old arms every time. All this talk of junkie this and that is BS. If you can't get blood from a pro athlete you shouldn't have the job. How it could be Armstrong's fault that the feds send clowns seems a bit of a stretch.

Armstrong is special. He can stop bloodflow on willpower. That's how he starved his cancer. It's also part of Carmichael's celebrated training methods.

So, that's what he was doing to the hapless vampire. Obviously to avoid detection of whatever PEDs he was taking at the time.
Aug 13, 2009
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Sprocket01 said:
Maybe they forgot to bring a syringe. It's not clear what was meant.

What type of doping would someone be doing at this stage of the season in any event?

Now is the time that a rider extracts blood for use in transfusions next season. As the rider is not in heavy training he has the ability to restore his body's blood supply with few issues. This extraction results in a sudden drop in blood volume and a spike in new blood cell production, something that sets off the passport alarms. Riders also often take EPO to enhance the restoration of the extracted cells.

There are plenty of reason for Armstrong to obstruct the test. Based on his past history of test delays and avoidance I think that we can all agree that Armstrong was once again trying to obstruct the testing process. It is the only rational conclusion.
Sep 25, 2009
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off-season is the best time to store some blood for next season. sprakah, ask jaksche, kohl, sinkewitz..

a well planned ooc test has a better chance of catching a cheat who just gave a unit for storage than the same cheat who just re-injected. if lancer is stashing up something, he's doing it now.


Oct 5, 2009
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Race Radio said:
I think that we can all agree that Armstrong was once again trying to obstruct the testing process. It is the only rational conclusion.

I don't see many people agreeing to this. Has a complaint been made?


Oct 5, 2009
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python said:
off-season is the best time to store some blood for next season. sprakah, ask jaksche, kohl, sinkewitz..

a well planned ooc test has a better chance of catching a cheat who just gave a unit for storage than the same cheat who just re-injected. if lancer is stashing up something, he's doing it now.

Seems a bit early in the off season for that. Wouldn't the blood be manky by next July? I'd wait at least until Christmas.
Sep 25, 2009
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Sprocket01 said:
Seems a bit early in the off season for that. Wouldn't the blood be manky by next July? I'd wait at least until Christmas.
no. perfect time. a little epo after that for accelerated regen, another unit for storage right before getting his own back and the tour down under is right upon you.


Oct 5, 2009
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python said:
no. perfect time. a little epo after that for accelerated regen, another unit for storage right before getting his own back and the tour down under is right upon you.

How long will the blood last before it goes off?
Sep 25, 2009
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Sprocket01 said:
How long will the blood last before it goes off?
i thought you are an expert it was mentioned gazillion of times 35 to 40 days... but your hero has the means to put it in the longer storage months and years if required. freezing with liq nitrogen.


Oct 5, 2009
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python said:
i thought you are an expert it was mentioned gazillion of times 35 to 40 days... but your hero has the means to put it in the longer storage months and years if required. freezing with liq nitrogen.

You think I'm an expert? Well thank you. But I don't know everything.

Wouldn't freezing it and then thawing it compromise it somewhat?


Oct 5, 2009
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python said:
i lose interest when you ask stupid questions.

I think that's a very interesting question. I mean, LA was in Paris for a couple of days for the presentation so I suppose you'll claim he did it then, but apart from that he has spent all of his time in the US from what I have seen. If he did do it in the US, it would be extremely risky to send it through the post, surely? Same for other riders.

Do you think all of the top riders dropped blood in Paris last week at the presentation?


Mar 11, 2009
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Time Travel

Lance has mastered time travel - but only in time, not in space.

While in France for the 2009 tour, he traveled back in time to give
blood to 2005 Lance. They were staying in the same Hotel.

2005 Lance and 2009 Lance played some wonderful practical jokes
on Floyd that night in the hotel BTW:)
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