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Max Van Heeswijk (Ex-Us Postal) admits to EPO use.

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thehog said:
Floyd talks about it in the Kimmage interview. The story of flushing blood bags down the toilet had been enamoured over time. Floyd confirmed that they had agreed to taper back their doping because they were crushing everyone and it was starting to look unbelievable.
Then WHAT were the others doing then? Pedaling softly, riding clean?
thehog said:
Unless you know you won't get caught.

Relatively little seems to have come out about that part of the program, has it? I wonder if any of the riders and staff called before grand jury had any decent info on this.
What we do know, seems to be thanks greatly to Lance's urge to sing his own praise with teammates. Bragging about muffled test results. Elaborately showing them how it's done, in person. Taking so many long-term risks.
Aug 13, 2009
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goober said:
Sad part is you probably believe this.

You would have to be living in a cave not to have seen what happened to Betsy, Frankie, LeMond, Anderson, Basson, Walsh, Simeoni, Neil Browne, Landis, Tyler, Prentice Steffen, Levi, etc. etc.

Harassing people who dare to question the myth has been a Wonderboy tactic for well over a decade.

Bill Mitchell, the founder of Cyclingnews was a victim of particually agressive attack by Armstrong and his groupies back in 1999.

After he ran this story about Armstrong testing positive for Corticoids after Stage 1 The harassment began. Sponsors were urged to stop advertising. His employer was called by dozens of groupies. Typical bully stuff.

A few days later he wrote this

In recent days, a number of American readers have written abusive emails to me because I have tried to present the diversity of views about the allegations of doping by Tour leader Lance Armstrong. I have not given my own view on the European press approach. But I do think it is part of a free society to allow all views to be expressed. Then we can (as adults) make up our own minds on the balance of information. That is what freedom is all about. For those who want to censor views because they don't agree with them think about that.
This only increased the harassment. Eventually he had to sell Cyclingnews, his life's passion. He sold it for almost nothing to Gerrard Knapp, who later sold it for $5,000,000 to Future Publishing. In his parting message, which Cyclingnews yanked off the site after yet more complaints from the Groupies, he wrote this.

I also received a lot of antagonism for daring to have an opinion - mostly from US readers. I could not understand why people (only a small minority), who grew up in the so-called land of freedom were so intent on repressing free speech. After all it was your choice to click the link and there was no charge for doing so. But still I received many threatening and nasty E-mails on a regular basis. My employer (the University) was harassed. And lately these nasty types have been trying to encourage my sponsors to stop supporting the site. I guess these types wear white hoods around the place at times too. It made me understand how McCarthyism thrived in the USA. Lucky I live in a free society I thought.
Sep 5, 2009
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Race Radio said:
You would have to be living in a cave not to have seen what happened to Betsy, Frankie, LeMond, Anderson, Basson, Walsh, Simeoni, Neil Browne, Landis, Tyler, Prentice Steffen, Levi, etc. etc.

Harassing people who dare to question the myth has been a Wonderboy tactic for well over a decade.

Bill Mitchell, the founder of Cyclingnews was a victim of particually agressive attack by Armstrong and his groupies back in 1999.

After he ran this story about Armstrong testing positive for Corticoids after Stage 1 The harassment began. Sponsors were urged to stop advertising. His employer was called by dozens of groupies. Typical bully stuff.

A few days later he wrote this

This only increased the harassment. Eventually he had to sell Cyclingnews, his life's passion. He sold it for almost nothing to Gerrard Knapp, who later sold it for $5,000,000 to Future Publishing. In his parting message, which Cyclingnews yanked off the site after yet more complaints from the Groupies, he wrote this.

Just a correction. The ignition point for the harrassment of Bill Mitchell arose from his report about Stage 9 held on July 13, 1999. The corticoids were revealed one week later on July 20 fanning the existing fires.

I can recall being on a forum when US posters were incensed by Bill's report of Stage 9 and had urged on forum (no personal messaging system) to lobby with advertisers to drop CyclingNews.

Here is the "offensive" report on Stage 9:

When in doubt - attack! Lance Armstrong took a 6 minute plus lead in the Tour after a dashing win on Stage 9 which finished at the ski station on Sestrières. The first day of mountains and an American with a stranglehold over the Tour. Commentators were expressing - Astonishment, amazement, and admiration. And there were also murmourings among officials and the press - the inevitable suspicion which these days surrounds any exceptional performance. Lance Armstrong provoked all these feelings while demolishing the best climbers in the Tour de France on the last climb to Sestrières.

In less than seven kilometers, the American champion created large gaps. The Swiss rider Alex Zulle was at 31 seconds, Spaniard Fernando Escartin and Italian Ivan Gotti at 1.26, Richard Virenque and a small group at around 2.30. The differences were substantial.

At the beginning of the stage in Le Grand Bornand, everyone was asking whether Lance had it in him to defend his yellow jersey as the climbing started. Nearly 6 hours later after a parcours of 213.5 kms, the questions changed. How does one explain the performance, reminiscent of Bjarne Riis in 1996 - the total domination of the peloton. In a few hundred metres he went away from Escartin and then 6.5 kms to go he passed Zulle and went on to win easily.


PS: If you want to refresh your memory on how this stage 9 aroused suspicion by the journalists for a climber who had no TdF track record of climbing success watch the video of LA's crushing of his rivals at the end of that climb.
Velodude said:
Just a correction. The ignition point for the harrassment of Bill Mitchell arose from his report about Stage 9 held on July 13, 1999. The corticoids were revealed one week later on July 20 fanning the existing fires.

I can recall being on a forum when US posters were incensed by Bill's report of Stage 9 and had urged on forum (no personal messaging system) to lobby with advertisers to drop CyclingNews.

Here is the "offensive" report on Stage 9:

PS: If you want to refresh your memory on how this stage 9 aroused suspicion by the journalists for a climber who had no TdF track record of climbing success watch the video of LA's crushing of his rivals at the end of that climb.

Walsh recounts this stage as he was sitting in the press room that day writing a report on the Tour. He said most of the journalists were shrugging their shoulders, some with their hands in the air and others laughing at just how ridiculous Armstrong’s ride was that day.

I agree with you. You only have to watch it to see how just out of this world it looks. It doesn't take a dope test to know that ride was the work of EPO.
Jun 19, 2009
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thehog said:
Walsh recounts this stage as he was sitting in the press room that day writing a report on the Tour. He said most of the journalists were shrugging their shoulders, some with their hands in the air and others laughing at just how ridiculous Armstrong’s ride was that day.

I agree with you. You only have to watch it to see how just out of this world it looks. It doesn't take a dope test to know that ride was the work of EPO.

I remember just laughing at this ride. There were other, similar type attacks in this Tour and subsequent races that were so suspicious. Didn't the Badger have a comment overheard in one of the follow cars at this Tour completely outing Lance's ride? Of course it was chalked up to Francophile jealousy.
Oldman said:
I remember just laughing at this ride. There were other, similar type attacks in this Tour and subsequent races that were so suspicious. Didn't the Badger have a comment overheard in one of the follow cars at this Tour completely outing Lance's ride? Of course it was chalked up to Francophile jealousy.

Correct. Apparently Jean Marie LeBlanc came into the press room that day after the stage and asked the journalists to be kind!! After the troubles of 98 he said more bad press would kill the Tour & they'd all be out of jobs. That's when they hatched the "tour of redemption" theme. Walsh talks about it in the radio interview. I'll dig up the link.
One of the most glaring hypocrisies about this whole pathetic clown show is how the Lance fanboys yell and scream for "proof" of his doping.

It was right there in front of us. Some people say it started at Sestrieres but it really began before that, during the first time trial of that very same Tour.

All of a sudden he became Indurain wrapped in the American flag.
Jul 12, 2010
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Oldman said:
I remember just laughing at this ride. There were other, similar type attacks in this Tour and subsequent races that were so suspicious. Didn't the Badger have a comment overheard in one of the follow cars at this Tour completely outing Lance's ride? Of course it was chalked up to Francophile jealousy.

I don't quite understand why everybody thinks this ride was ET like. I mean he beat Zulle by what, 31 seconds? No Pantani, no Ullrich, really poor competition that year. The 1999 vintage Polish could probably big ringed up that mountain with LA.

Did everybody forget what El Pistolero did to during the 2009 tour at Verbier?
Lajeretta4Ever said:
I don't quite understand why everybody thinks this ride was ET like. I mean he beat Zulle by what, 31 seconds? No Pantani, no Ullrich, really poor competition that year. The 1999 vintage Polish could probably big ringed up that mountain with LA.

Did everybody forget what El Pistolero did to during the 2009 tour at Verbier?

I think it's context/back story. Here was a guy who the last time we had seen him had been getting ***** slapped by Frenchmen and crying in the rain.

All of a sudden this guy who used to finish in the bus (when he even made it to the mountains) is suddenly climbing like Pantani and TTing like Mig. All the while, we are being told by the UCI etc that cycling has turned the corner on doping.

Here was a guy who like Riis had pretty much come from no where and was now making everyone else look like amateurs.

Zulle you would expect to be up there - he had a solid GT record, Escartin was a solid TDF top ten rider, likewise Dufaux, Olano, and Virenque.

To put it into perspective. In 1995 Armstrong had finished 1h28 behind Mig. 1h24 behind Zulle, 1h10 behind Escartin, 40 mins behind Dufaux, and from somewhere he has got the ability, an ability he had shown no signs of having before, to out climb and out TT all of those guys and to put not just seconds into them but minutes.

That's why people look at that performance think it was taking the ****.


Mar 11, 2009
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Mrs John Murphy said:
To put it into perspective. In 1995 Armstrong had finished 1h28 behind Mig. 1h24 behind Zulle, 1h10 behind Escartin, 40 mins behind Dufaux, and from somewhere he has got the ability, an ability he had shown no signs of having before, to out climb and out TT all of those guys and to put not just seconds into them but minutes.

That's why people look at that performance think it was taking the ****.

To put things into better perspective - in 1995 Lance was racing for stage wins.
Not the Overall.

When Lance focused (lazer-like I might add) on WINNING the Tour in 1999, he duly kicked Zulle's and Escartin's butts.
Made the victory that much sweeter.
"Take that EPO DopeHeads"
"What goes around comes around"

And comparing career palmares of Lance to Zulle and Escartin is funny.
You guys never fail to entertain harhar.
Tyler'sTwin said:
One thing I don't understand, Lance supposedly had a 54% Hct in -95 (according to a team mate), so why couldn't he climb or TT then?

The difference between having Ferrari managing your programme and not. Plus, it wasn't just EPO in the lunchbags either.

Armstrong was without a doubt the product of Ferrari and without Ferrari he would have been where he had previously been.

Plus the other thing that has to be factored in is how much Pantani getting kicked from the Giro might have made the likes of Zulle, Escartin etc dial back their doping.

Maybe someone can work out the power estimates for that climb.
Polish said:
To put things into better perspective - in 1995 Lance was racing for stage wins.
Not the Overall.

When Lance focused (lazer-like I might add) on WINNING the Tour in 1999, he duly kicked Zulle's and Escartin's butts.
Made the victory that much sweeter.
"Take that EPO DopeHeads"
"What goes around comes around"

And comparing career palmares of Lance to Zulle and Escartin is funny.
You guys never fail to entertain harhar.

It's amazing. Cancer is the real PED here. I wouldn't be surprised if U23's around the world are using sub-dermal tumor implants to improve their climbing and TT'ing ability.

edit: Come to think of it, maybe THAT is the real scandal that is LA and Livestrong. All this "awareness" and "hope" is merely an attempt to monopolize the greatness that cancer bring out in a buffalo-backed, donkey of a rider.
Jul 22, 2009
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thehog said:
Floyd talks about it in the Kimmage interview. The story of flushing blood bags down the toilet had been enamoured over time. Floyd confirmed that they had agreed to taper back their doping because they were crushing everyone and it was starting to look unbelievable.
Is that the year Lance passed Ullrich in the prologue?