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Official "be nice" Lance Armstrong thread

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Jun 30, 2009
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Shotstopper said:
You can't "hypothetically" change one variable and expect all the other occurrances to play out exactly the same as they actually did. If you change one outcome it will create a cascade of changes downstream in time. Armstrong, for example, might have attacked Wiggins more often to gain time on him on Ventoux.

Hey, it wasn't me that stated that the Kazakhs would have a 1-2-3 if AC hadn't dropped the tiring AK on stage 17.
Shotstopper said:
You can't "hypothetically" change one variable and expect all the other occurrances to play out exactly the same as they actually did. If you change one outcome it will create a cascade of changes downstream in time. Armstrong, for example, might have attacked Wiggins more often to gain time on him on Ventoux.

Armstrong? I don't see him attack very much, does anyone else see him do that? I know I am no nobel laureate or anything, but did he attack much this year? I did see him catch the break on stage 3. I wonder if he and Johan communicated that to AC, because ya' know, like Lance says, AC jus ain't two smurt.

How often did he attack bw on the ventoux?
SpeedWay said:
I'll correct it for you - "and it might have been better for all the haters if he would haved stayed home this year,"

And I will for you...it would have been better for all the Lance lovers if he had stayed home this year. It doesn't take a cancer researcher to realize he was physically incapable of overcoming his teammate's superiority. And so you twist, and you parse and you tweet and you h@t*.

But we Love Him, He is the cycling Messiah. Rejoice, the King has Returned!
Golddigger said:
LA has tweeted "there is no I in team", but by his own actions he certainly has shown that there is a "me"

Well you don't have to be a nuclear physicist to figure out what that means. He's trying to tell you with his masterful ability to string 140 characters together at a stretch that his own megalomania is to blame for not winning an 8th tdf, it had nothing to do with not being the best cyclist in the race.

But Lance is the Man! We love you lance! Kick **** in 2010, 2011 and 2012. All your kool aid drinkers gotyobakbro. It's be nice to Lance day, I think we should have one after next year's tour, too!

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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ggusta said:
I thought I shut that thread down. Go look. It's my big forum faux pas, and Bro is RUINING it !!

Truth be told, when i got back from my ride I went to delete my final post...too late ... locked !!:confused:... there my shame will live for all eternity.

I don't necessarily think you closed the thread - I would assume the mods got in and closed the thread to curtail opinions on the subject.
Any comments I made were not directed at any individual, just the subject - imo it seemed that the old thread had dropped to a new low.
ggusta said:
Well you don't have to be a nuclear physicist to figure out what that means. He's trying to tell you with his masterful ability to string 140 characters together at a stretch that his own megalomania is to blame for not winning an 8th tdf, it had nothing to do with not being the best cyclist in the race.

But Lance is the Man! We love you lance! Kick **** in 2010, 2011 and 2012. All your kool aid drinkers gotyobakbro. It's be nice to Lance day, I think we should have one after next year's tour, too!

We love you Lance Armstrong! You are the greatest 38 year old cyclist to ever not win the TdF!!!!! Suck on that Alberto ContadorK!!!! :D:D
Publicus said:
We love you Lance Armstrong! You are the greatest 38 year old cyclist to ever not win the TdF!!!!! Suck on that Alberto ContadorK!!!! :D:D

If any of this strikes you as sarcastic, it is purely unintentional. Please do not shut down the Lance is Awesome thread on my account.

The wrong Astana guy won!
Contradiction, caught out in the wind. He no el smarto. (Lance is way too smart for that and Johan has no obligation to remind AC of the turn) THEN attacking on that big tall mountain, when the boss was just a few seconds behind Rinaldo, What kind of sick selfish teammate denies the cycling messiah the mj? One who is not a professor emeritus! And then dropping Kloden like that with that bistering 30 meter sprint. Kloden would have been on the podium if it wasn't for El Postalaero. Any megalomaniac can tell you that those are what are known as mistakes.

It doesn't take an aerospace physicist to realize that he wasn't being nice to Lance. He would most certainly be unwelcome at the Be Nice to Lance Parade and Tweetfest. Mean old bad old guy. Going up the hill and leaving the Boss behind like that. Why didn't he wait? Nasty, I say! Lance was too much the gentleman to attack. El Jefe does not attack, he is gracefully sheparded up the hill by people who know that there is no I in team. And no chance of a podium finish, either, but cash your check and shut up, Popo!

Lance was just a volunteer. He was a helper. He drew no pay. He just wanted to be part of the fun. He is the Patron Saint of Cycling (with a minor in character assassination)

I think next year, I'll get $20 or 30 million funneled to me through sponsors of my charity and then gracefully decline a 6 figure paycheck and call it generosity. (How many people weren't aware of cancer before Lance? I think the answer would close the thread.)

He made up the beds at the hotel before they left each day and scrubbed the toilets. Ok, there was that one time when he sent his crew out in the last car and left El Contrapositivo to make his own way to the start from the hotel. A simple oversight, it doesn't take a Catholic Nun to know that Lance is too decent a guy to do that on purpose. And if he did, it's only because he is so competitive because that's what competitors do. I am sure Fabian Cancellara treated the Schlecks identically. Next year there will be a competition to see who can torment his own teammate the most. The winner gets a brown jersey.

So STOP PICKING ON THE MESSIAH !!! The zombies are getting gwumpy! We love you Lance, and Radio Shack is going to totally rock in 2010. I am heading down there tomorrow and getting an 8 track tape deck and an equalizer just so I can be closer to the greatest human ever!
ggusta said:
If any of this strikes you as sarcastic, it is purely unintentional. Please do not shut down the Lance is Awesome thread on my account.

The wrong Astana guy won!
Contradiction, caught out in the wind. He no el smarto. (Lance is way too smart for that and Johan has no obligation to advise AC of the wind) THEN attacking on that big tall mountain, when the boss was just a few seconds behind Rinaldo, What kind of sick selfish teammate denies the cycling messiah the mj? One who is not a professor emeritus! And then dropping Kloden like that with that bistering 30 meter sprint. Kloden would have been on the podium if it wasn't for El Postalaero. Any megalomaniac can tell you that those are what are known as mistakes.

It doesn't take an aerospace physicist to realize that he wasn't being nice to Lance. He would most certainly be unwelcome at the Be Nice to Lance Parade and Tweetfest. Mean old bad old guy. Going up the hill and leaving the Boss behind like that. Why didn't he wait? Nasty, I say! Lance was too much the gentleman to attack. El Jefe does not attack, he is gracefully sheparded up the hill by people who know that there is no I in team. And no chance of a podium finish, either, but cash your check and shut up, Popo!

Lance was just a volunteer. He was a helper. He drew no pay. He just wanted to be part of the fun. He is the Patron Saint of Cycling (with a minor in character assassination)

I think next year, I'll get $20 or 30 million funneled to me through sponsors of my charity and then gracefully decline a 6 figure paycheck and call it generosity. (How many people weren't aware of cancer before Lance? I think the answer would close the thread.)

He made up the beds at the hotel before they left each day and scrubbed the toilets. Ok, there was that one time when he sent his crew out in the last car and left El Contrapositivo to make his own way to the start from the hotel. A simple oversight, it doesn't take a Catholic Nun to know that Lance is too decent a guy to do that on purpose. And if he did, it's only because he is so competitive because that's what competitors do. I am sure Fabian Cancellara treated the Schlecks identically. Next year there will be a competition to see who can torment his own teammate the most. The winner gets a brown jersey.

So STOP PICKING ON THE MESSIAH !!! The zombies are getting gwumpy! We love you Lance, and Radio Shack is going to totally rock in 2010. I am heading down there tomorrow and getting an 8 track tape deck and an equalizer just so I can be closer to the greatest human ever!

This f**cking hilarious. :D:D:D
Jul 23, 2009
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elapid said:
Armstrong's results in this TdF were remarkable considering his age, fractured collarbone and time off during retirement. However, IMO, making the Astana infighting public, his twittering, announcing Team Radioshack when he did, and his immaturity in his response to Contador's valid comments during the post-Tour press conference has detracted from his achievements this year. If he had shut his mouth and stopped twittering, then there would be a few more people on this forum being complimentary rather than rightly antagonistic.

Now this is a good post, because it actually offers some opinion about Lance's performance. Noone can argue that the man is a bloody miracle on the bike. I mean, taking 3+ years off and having a season interrupted by injury, then to place 3rd in the hardest and most prestigious race of all? Come on, that is incredible. Now his off-bike performance, what a disappointment. This great veteran athlete, father, and potential political candidate resorting to childish tweeting and silly mind games? I mean really, could you not afford to hire a car for the missus Lance? That's the great dichotomy that drive so many of us crazy with this guy. Love the ability, could sure live without the attitude.
Jun 16, 2009
I'm still trying to work it out, was it the criticisms of Lance's parental skills, or the fact that I brought up "You, Me and Dupree" that got the previous thread closed down.

I still want to know if other people agree with me that Lance was much better in "Dupree" than in "Dodgeball". Worth discussing a lot more than "Tweetwars"...
Jul 27, 2009
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the weird thing about lance is that he turned into the type of person he hated in high school, the rich, popular type that picked on outsiders. the whole twittering thing is so cliquey, just like you would imagine high school kids would do to the kids that didn't fit in.
Jul 29, 2009
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I think Armstrong is the biggest phony of all time. His schpeel about being motivated by the fight against cancer, while on the surface nice, is completely undermined by the fact that he was out campaigning with McCain + Palin last year. (Translation 60 million uninsured Americans is fine with LA so long as he doesn't have to pay a tax hike.) Don't even get me started about what a womanizing, misogynist son of a b this individual is.

And the scary/sad thing is that he thinks he should one day be president of the U.S. Boy wouldn't that be great, a Prez who talks as much crappolo about the non-US, and is dispised in the global community as much as GWB (Lance's great friend, Yeee Haaa!!).
Jun 15, 2009
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us4ocana said:
I think Armstrong is the biggest phony of all time. His schpeel about being motivated by the fight against cancer, while on the surface nice, is completely undermined by the fact that he was out campaigning with McCain + Palin last year. (Translation 60 million uninsured Americans is fine with LA so long as he doesn't have to pay a tax hike.) Don't even get me started about what a womanizing, misogynist son of a b this individual is.

And the scary/sad thing is that he thinks he should one day be president of the U.S. Boy wouldn't that be great, a Prez who talks as much crappolo about the non-US, and is dispised in the global community as much as GWB (Lance's great friend, Yeee Haaa!!).

1+ You hit the point
Jun 15, 2009
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Publicus said:
We love you Lance Armstrong! You are the greatest 38 year old cyclist to ever not win the TdF!!!!! Suck on that Alberto ContadorK!!!! :D:D

Yeah and suck on you too. Ignorant.

P.S. We do NOT* love Lance the big cheat Armstrong.

* At least the one of us pipo who were born w/a brain. You certainly wasnt:cool:

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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FoxxyBrown1111 said:
Yeah and suck on you too. Ignorant.

P.S. We do NOT* love Lance the big cheat Armstrong.

* At least the one of us pipo who were born w/a brain. You certainly wasnt:cool:

Foxxy - I should point out the 'ignorant' post you describe was full of sarcasm.

You may not have read the opening post here on this 'new' thread but an effort is being made to not insult other forum members.

laura.weislo said:

Keep all discussions about Lance Armstrong in this thread, but please, keep it civil. That means no insulting fellow forumites, no curse words even if you know how to defeat the built-in filters and all keep doping discussions to The Clinic.

The last thread was shut down because certain members could not behave. This time, let's try to be reasonable. OK folks?
May 5, 2009
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us4ocana said:
I think Armstrong is the biggest phony of all time. His schpeel about being motivated by the fight against cancer, while on the surface nice, is completely undermined by the fact that he was out campaigning with McCain + Palin last year. (Translation 60 million uninsured Americans is fine with LA so long as he doesn't have to pay a tax hike.) Don't even get me started about what a womanizing, misogynist son of a b this individual is.

And the scary/sad thing is that he thinks he should one day be president of the U.S. Boy wouldn't that be great, a Prez who talks as much crappolo about the non-US, and is dispised in the global community as much as GWB (Lance's great friend, Yeee Haaa!!).

I'll try to point out the idiocy of this post, without insulting the obvious troll poster.

He did not campaign with anyone or endorse a candidate for President. Plus, no matter who you listen to genius (see, that's a compliment), there's nowhere near 60 million uninsured. The number everyone throws out is 47 million, although that includes many millions who aren't American citizens.

Find me any quote, any link, anything that says he wants to be President. Oh wait, there aren't any.

According to any intelligent person, he never agreed much with President Bush on politics. But, he did lobby him for cancer funding. The same thing he is and will be doing with Obama.
Jul 29, 2009
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The real question is why didn't JB have control over his team? Why did AC do what he did? Perhaps if AC had the support of his team (as LA has had in the past) then IMO he would have road a lot more sensable and not going off and making stupid attacks. There were a lot of guys riding tempo on the team, but I won't concede that they were doing it only for AC. LA should have been riding tempo with them and sacrificing himself. Just like he has made his team mates do for himself in the past. AC road hard and got what he deserved. The rest of them can say anthing they want and it won't get them the yellow jersey.
Jul 7, 2009
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It is possible to express your opinion without insulting others. The cyclingnews forums would be a much better place for Cyclists of all types, opinions, and backgrounds, if the Staff here actually made an effort to moderate those who are obviously interested in nothing else but trolling and insulting others.

Otherwise...things quickly descend to the lowest common denominator and keep away many who truly love this sport. And that's the biggest tragedy of all.
Frenchfried007 said:
The real question is why didn't JB have control over his team? Why did AC do what he did? Perhaps if AC had the support of his team (as LA has had in the past) then IMO he would have road a lot more sensable and not going off and making stupid attacks. There were a lot of guys riding tempo on the team, but I won't concede that they were doing it only for AC. LA should have been riding tempo with them and sacrificing himself. Just like he has made his team mates do for himself in the past. AC road hard and got what he deserved. The rest of them can say anthing they want and it won't get them the yellow jersey.

This post , while wide of the mark gramatically, does manage to hit an important question (which may have been asked and answered many times already) pretty much right on the head. Anybody want to take this one ...again.
Jun 16, 2009
Hugh Januss said:
This post , while wide of the mark gramatically, does manage to hit an important question (which may have been asked and answered many times already) pretty much right on the head. Anybody want to take this one ...again.

My guess is the real reason Contador rode the way he did is that is the way he wants to ride. He may not be content to sit in the wheels and let someone else take the stage win while he waits for Paris, he (shock horror) may actually like to winning stages and may actually enjoy going on the attack.

Contador may actually ride the way he does, not as some grand plan to debunk the Church of Lance, but because he likes racing. And I think that's a good thing that, unfortunately, we don't see enough of any more.